There are a few reasons that I personally don't think I could ever like it (at least from a TV broadcast standpoint):
1.) Not enough scoring usually. A game that can end in a tie after 90 minutes of play can be a bit frustrating.
2.) The perspective can get boring to watch. Overhead view makes...
Little kids on bikes that turn in front of your car without looking back; forcing you to slam your brakes. Happened twice to me last week, I swear kids are getting dumber these days.
The campaign trailer is really underwhelming compared to the Halo 2 and 3 trailers I think. I know the game will be good and I'm definitely buying on day one, but I was hoping to get really amped by the trailer.
Don't give up hope, just live every day like it was your last. Plenty of people have beaten the odds and modern treatment, though inconsistent, improves all the time. Hope all turns out well for you.
I have ONLY negative repped people that come here with the soul purpose of trying to spam controversy. You know, the people that get like 100 posts in an hour with no substance and such.