Tainted Chinese Baby Milk Powder Causes Baby Girls to Grow Breasts

Health authorities in China have ordered an investigation into claims that a batch of powdered baby milk has caused children as young as four months old to grow breasts. [...] Declaring its products "safe", the company said the media reports were inaccurate and misleading and that its milk had passed all government tests for hormone dosage.


I know that busty Asians are in demand, but this is just freaky! :eek:

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
They're secretly encouraging this. Busty Chinese women are the last phase of their plan for global domination. We've been warned...


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
They're secretly encouraging this. Busty Chinese women are the last phase of their plan for global domination. We've been warned...

Busty Chinese Women, this is a great peril...that I want to be a part of, please let me handle this peril, I really want to handle this peril!
Sounds like a product that would sell very well here in the states :)


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
That is nuts. Damn Commies!:mad:


Postal Paranoiac
Yeah. That guy with the big tits in that earlier thread probably drank that stuff in hopes that it would reverse his freakish mantit problem. Instead, it made his guyboobs grow into heroic proportions. Now his tits have seperated from their somewhat male host and are roaming the countryside, spraying unsuspecting travelers with breast milk, while Woody Allen pursues them.
Let that be a lesson to the Chinese, never buy baby milk powder from a discount "Biological Weapons Facility/Baby Milk Factory" in Iraq, that's been bombed by the U.S. Air Force.....:D
Busty Chinese Women, this is a great peril...that I want to be a part of, please let me handle this peril, I really want to handle this peril!

In eighteen years of course.

As your FO lawyer I had to clarify on my client's behalf.

Besides... better than lead poisoning. Right? Anybody? Right?

Yeah.... you know I went there. :cool:

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Sounds like a product that would sell very well here in the states :)

Word! I bet you could take a kilo of this stuff to SoCal and sell it for more than what a kilo of coke would bring. Hell, I bet you could make a mint in Orange County alone.

Say... just for informational and research purposes, who would a fellow need to contact to get a few pounds of this stuff? :shy:
Word! I bet you could take a kilo of this stuff to SoCal and sell it for more than what a kilo of coke would bring. Hell, I bet you could make a mint in Orange County alone.

Say... just for informational and research purposes, who would a fellow need to contact to get a few pounds of this stuff? :shy:

I actually know people in China. I could probably get a hold of this stuff as a international parcel for milk. Last I knew the whole national security thing wasn't worried about milk. Just bottled water and soap products. :1orglaugh

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I actually know people in China. I could probably get a hold of this stuff as a international parcel for milk. Last I knew the whole national security thing wasn't worried about milk. Just bottled water and soap products. :1orglaugh

So we got a plan here?

Whimsy and Rey C. - somewhere in southern China:

No matter if it's heroin, Chinese baby milk or hash... you got to carry weapons cause you always carry cash.