Back To The Future remake???????

This is a shitty idea. It won't be Bieber in it, it'll be Zac Efron.


Hiliary 2020
Remakes = Crap
With all that money floating around, they can't come up with something original?

i agree 100%
the only good remake i ever saw was dawn of the dead 2004 and night of the living dead 1990.

but as long as people go and see the damn things they will continue to re make them.
there are so many people in the world today that hollywood can't lose.
theyre gonna make money whether the movie's good or terrible.

and if they rape back to the future i will be disgusted.
ohh wow great another crap remake like nightmare on elm street or the karate kid which as we are on the subject is getting a follow up to it more shit karate kid
If they remake Lancelot Link that'll be it for me, I'll never watch TV again


Special Operations FOX-HOUND


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Hey you, get your damn hands off of...this remake!