Search results

  1. darthsnake

    Which motion controlled console catches your eye?

    agree everything has its limitations not just ninty the camera tracking is eyetoy things so kinect is copying sony,sony is copying ninty but they also tried move-like tracking before.well just ninty not copying at the moment
  2. darthsnake

    Bad Company 2 - 3D Vision problem

    you should have a compatible monitor to support 3D 3D glasses Nvidia 3D supported graphic card nvidia 3d driver this is for normal 3D for 3D vision you will need some things different from the above mentioned accesories 3D vision glasses 3D vision driver and you need to have the...
  3. darthsnake

    Favorite Video Game Franchise?

    they are all great franshises but GOW,gears,L4D are not that old franchises and its alrite if they they aren't listed i'm not saying that they aren't good and don't deserve to be there,just that they need some more time and then they can be listed with FF,MGS,Mario,zelda,etc
  4. darthsnake

    Need for Speed Shift

    NFS Shift is a good game but i still don't like the way EA doesn't stop milking NFS GT5 is coming November 2nd,it is the big one
  5. darthsnake


    why not there are not many contenders this year Mass Effect 2 can win it but games which release at the start of the year are very much forgotten by the end of the year SMG2 can win it,it got many perfect scores and GT5 OFFCOURSE the only other game was LBP2 but got delayed.that would...
  6. darthsnake

    HELLO,WHO IS the girl in ur sig?

    HELLO,WHO IS the girl in ur sig?
  7. darthsnake

    Favorite Video Game Franchise?

    TRULLY AGREE how can halo be on the list and not MGS
  8. darthsnake

    You're Australia's Top Model! Opps, You're Not

    i would be very concerned if i was her,as my job will be in jeopardy
  9. darthsnake

    Sony Move

    thats why you shud admit ur problem,you really need to recover
  10. darthsnake

    Sony Move

    happy where i am,you might wanna come out of fantasy land of urs
  11. darthsnake

    Ico and Shadow of the Colossus HD CONFIRMED!!!

    it sold badly WW barely crossed 1m great games but niche category but they will get to north america as the word of mouth is so great now and also they are looking to build their HD classic library
  12. darthsnake

    Nintendo 3DS priced and dated

    a little high price,US and europe price should be around 250.
  13. darthsnake

    Sony Move

    SIMPLE answer we aren't discussing the chance of people having it,just if anybody got it.go get urself the 2nd grade logic
  14. darthsnake

    Mother 'robs bank on her way to collect children from school'

    or was going to gift her children something expensive when they leave from school i hated going to school and always was excited when i would return what would i do,and with a bag full of cash,you can do alot of things;)
  15. darthsnake

    Bad-ass Monkeys in PS3 "Asura's Wrath"

    really need something different,this looks like just another hack and slash game
  16. darthsnake

    Dmc 5 (dante!!!)

  17. darthsnake

    Sony Move

    just leave it the guy just asked a simple question,if you had bought then you reply or thinking of buying it then too you can reply posting reply on sales and chances of people buying isn't really needed i'm not saying don't discuss,you got full right to do that but to take the early sales...
  18. darthsnake

    Mother 'robs bank on her way to collect children from school'

    she just got paid for picking her children from school
  19. darthsnake

    Win an iPad full of porn from Evil Angel, Tera Patrick, Peter North and more!

    Re: >>> Win an iPad full of porn from Evil Angel, Tera Patrick, Peter North and more! the fight is going to be nasty for this one
  20. darthsnake

    Emergency Bra

    now thats a good use i would love to use it to smell the shhh(you know what)
  21. darthsnake

    *The Daily Draw! Enter to win a chance to win a FREE 1 month pass!*

    will the winner be announced in this thread of the other one?
  22. darthsnake

    Sony Move

    yeah it might sound nonsense to you when you don't what agree and go out with your own theory
  23. darthsnake

    Facebook CEO: Live A Little

    HE DOESN'T HAVE $6.9billion to his name its share is just valued at that much and even that is just an estimate but the way its going and if he continues the hard work then he will be be worth alot more
  24. darthsnake


  25. darthsnake

    thanks yours is greta too,who is the girl in it,atletta ocean?

    thanks yours is greta too,who is the girl in it,atletta ocean?
  26. darthsnake

    PS3 controller explained

    i wish they don't and most of the fanbase wishes the same they could release a standalone bigger one but the main one should remain the same the controller was to change with PS3 but now that 3 generations have passed and DS has become as one of the main qualities of Playstation experience,i...
  27. darthsnake

    Sony Move

    nobody asked about maths or the chance of people having it here dumb? -posting maths and chances,shows who is dumb
  28. darthsnake

    Sony Move

    agree i don't like physical games as well. i normally don't like motion controls but some MOVE games like sorcery are MOVE exclusive and is a very interesting game and looks to be hardcore. and we can sit down and play it i am thinking of getting the mOVE 320gb bundle,if i do buy it i will...
  29. darthsnake

    hello,who is the girl your avatar?

    hello,who is the girl your avatar?
  30. darthsnake

    Name this Swinging whore

    i already know the right one,that how i got the link to that page
  31. darthsnake

    Name this Swinging whore

    i am looking for the girl with straighten hair on the left in the blow pic more pics here
  32. darthsnake

    Glad I am not this guy's kid

    there are alot of people like him it can also be political cause he is promoting and taking the backing of some video game hating parents and other people i wouldn't be surprised if he says this to the people but goes home and plays xbox with his kids
  33. darthsnake

    Metal Gear Solid: Rising - Official Trailer with first gameplay

    we haven't seen gameplay fully yet although lightning bolt action was there to distinguish it from the real MGS games
  34. darthsnake

    >>> What would you do to win an iPad full of porn?

    i would fuck her even without an ipad
  35. darthsnake

    Metal Gear Solid 5?

    Sony they don't milk their games,they give ample time for their games to be perfect and very detailed Blizzard they give ample time as well.things have changed after they decided to split SC2 into 3 parts but i wouldn't blame them alot as bobby kotick leads the company after their merger...
  36. darthsnake

    Gift ideas for the Freeones shop..

    deck of cards is already there
  37. darthsnake

    Which motion controlled console catches your eye?

    virtual reality and neural interface would be the ultimate experience that takes player literally inside the game
  38. darthsnake

    Which motion controlled console catches your eye?

    i agree that wii got ninty back big time but the way that guy was saying that Move and kinect are failure even before ewe have seen much released on them,is complete bullshit about eyetoy not being so famous,i think it is because it was not the main feature of PS2 unlike Wii an there were alot...
  39. darthsnake

    Which motion controlled console catches your eye?

    like wii took the motion control idea from eyetoy give it a rest,Move has just been released and kinect hasn't even released they will atleast have some good third party games kinect has the most problem with a small rooms and you have to stand up to play it
  40. darthsnake


  41. darthsnake


  42. darthsnake

    Wrong amount of Freeones points

    I already asked her last month,she told me it would be done soon because of some points calculation problems but its been a long time since then so i just made a thread to keep it out there and the upcoming Freeones giveaway might have raffle and then i might need those points
  43. darthsnake

    Which motion controlled console catches your eye?

    i don't like motion controls but the games themselves Wii: New Super Mario Bros. Wii Zelda Skyward Sword Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 Donkey Kong Country Returns Kirby Epic Yarn Dragon Quest 10 Move: Sorcery Killzone 3 Resident Evil 5 Echochrome 2 Tiger Woods 2011 The Fight Little Big Planet 2 Ruse...
  44. darthsnake

    Metal Gear Solid 5?

    i was actually meaning the same to who i commented to and you just commented on what we knew already
  45. darthsnake

    hello who is the girl in ur avatar?

    hello who is the girl in ur avatar?
  46. darthsnake

    Metal Gear Solid 5?

    nobody doubts that he is one few elite game makers
  47. darthsnake

    Metal Gear Solid 5?

    he is actually working on ZOE3 atm and another unannounced game
  48. darthsnake

    Metal Gear Solid 5?

    Metal Gear Solid 5 won't come untill next gen as there is already another Metal Gear coming this generation. why?? Kojima isn't making Rising Kojima wants to do other games but Kojima and Metal Gear Franchise is Konami's biggest weapon and so they keep pushing him to make Konami and MS...
  49. darthsnake

    Incredible British babe

    yeah megan fox and Barbara Mori look(below) come close in the eyes and eybrows section but there are not the same Barbara mori vvvvvvv [Please Note: the attachment in this post has been deleted by moderator GregCentauro] [Read more about the board rules: here]
  50. darthsnake

    Incredible British babe

    to some extent