Sony Move

My own theory? What the fuck are you talking about? Oh! You mean my "crazy theory" whereby fewer sales means a lower chance of people having it? Oh yeah, you mean reality. Not such a big fan, huh? At least this time, you put a coherent sentence together, I've got to hand you that.

just leave it

the guy just asked a simple question,if you had bought then you reply or thinking of buying it then too you can reply

posting reply on sales and chances of people buying isn't really needed

i'm not saying don't discuss,you got full right to do that but to take the early sales estimate and saying not many people got it for a simple question,you are living in your own world
just leave it

the guy just asked a simple question,if you had bought then you reply or thinking of buying it then too you can reply

posting reply on sales and chances of people buying isn't really needed

i'm not saying don't discuss,you got full right to do that but to take the early sales estimate and saying not many people got it for a simple question,you are living in your own world

Are you still rambling?

I have no idea what the fuck you are trying to say, but again, I'll leave it as plainly as I can: If something doesn't sell well, then fewer people fucking have it. The fewer of the general public that have it, the smaller the chance anyone here has it. This is seriously about 2nd grade logic.

Any other illogical objections?
Didn't think so.
Judging by the early sales estimates, I don't think so.

agree i don't like physical games as well.

i normally don't like motion controls but some MOVE games like sorcery are MOVE exclusive and is a very interesting game and looks to be hardcore.

and we can sit down and play it

i am thinking of getting the mOVE 320gb bundle,if i do buy it i will leave my impressions

i have played it though as my friend got it and i also played on stores,the games i liked

Heavy Rain

Sports champions(don't believe anyone who says its just a copy of wii sports,it is really different.when you play it you feel like you are really controlling what you are doing.)

RUSE(the best controlling RTS you will get on consoles)

Resident Evil 5



what does that have to do with people here getting it?

It's basic fucking math. Fewer of said peripheral sold = smaller chance anyone here has it. I really don't know how to dumb it down any more. Savvy?

nobody asked about maths or the chance of people having it here

dumb? -posting maths and chances,shows who is dumb

I have absolutely no idea what in the green fuck you are trying to say there, aside from butchering the word math twice. Was there anything other than nonsense there?

yeah it might sound nonsense to you when you don't what agree and go out with your own theory

My own theory? What the fuck are you talking about? Oh! You mean my "crazy theory" whereby fewer sales means a lower chance of people having it? Oh yeah, you mean reality. Not such a big fan, huh? At least this time, you put a coherent sentence together, I've got to hand you that.

just leave it

the guy just asked a simple question,if you had bought then you reply or thinking of buying it then too you can reply

posting reply on sales and chances of people buying isn't really needed

i'm not saying don't discuss,you got full right to do that but to take the early sales estimate and saying not many people got it for a simple question,you are living in your own world

Are you still rambling?

I have no idea what the fuck you are trying to say, but again, I'll leave it as plainly as I can: If something doesn't sell well, then fewer people fucking have it. The fewer of the general public that have it, the smaller the chance anyone here has it. This is seriously about 2nd grade logic.

Any other illogical objections?
Didn't think so.

So, I'll take it that no one here has gotten it :1orglaugh

Sorry I asked haha
Are you still rambling?

I have no idea what the fuck you are trying to say, but again, I'll leave it as plainly as I can: If something doesn't sell well, then fewer people fucking have it. The fewer of the general public that have it, the smaller the chance anyone here has it. This is seriously about 2nd grade logic.

Any other illogical objections?
Didn't think so.

SIMPLE answer

we aren't discussing the chance of people having it,just if anybody got it.go get urself the 2nd grade logic
SIMPLE answer

And the idiocy continues!

we aren't discussing the chance of people having it,just if anybody got it.go get urself the 2nd grade logic

Anyone here get the Move yet?


Honestly, when you get tired of digging yourself a hole, you let us know. :thumbsup: