Metal Gear Solid 5?

Today during a stage show, Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima briefly mentioned MGS5. "Maybe, I'll do 5," said the game designer.

Kojima then joked that he had to quit working at Konami. Kojima was being glib, and this isn't officially confirmation of a new Metal Gear Solid (or that certainly not that he is leaving Konami) by any means. He was just being lighthearted.

This isn't the first we've heard of MGS5. Moreover, it has previously been revealed that Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker was intended to be MGS5. Also, this isn't the first time he's mentioned MGS5 — he was thinking about it in May 2008.

Time after time it seems like Kojima has been vocal about moving on. While finishing up Metal Gear Solid 4, Kojima repeatedly said he was moving on from the series and hoped that younger members of his staff could take the reigns.

At last year's TGS, Kojima told Kotaku, "If you write that 'Kojima-san doesn't have to make Metal Gear any more' every day on Kotaku, and write to the CEO of Konami and tell him that, then it might be easier for me to make non-Metal Gear games."

We have been remiss. Apologies. Kojima-san doesn't have to make Metal Gear anymore. He can make Snatcher or Zone of the Enders or anything else.

As we previously pointed out, it's not like the Metal Gear games Kojima is making are bad or anything. On the contrary. However, surely, the man has other stories he'd like to tell, other worlds he'd like to explore.

I hope they don't milk this franchise into video game prostitution just to make a quick buck off a trustworthy title. :(


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I agree with Dr. Bonez.
I am just afraid the game will become nothing but a contrived plot of verbal story line then action every fifteen minutes between hour long cut scenes.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
That's how Kojima tells the story.
I know that. Thing is I'd hate to see this title to go the way as Resident Evil for example. Just a title to sell to the masses.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I think that Kojima will never let that happen, but if it does, then I have lost faith in games.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
the game should just be snake moving around through a cardboard box the entire time.
Metal Gear Solid 5 won't come untill next gen as there is already another Metal Gear coming this generation.

He should take a rest and think all about it, because I am unsure what will happen with Rising


Kojima isn't making Rising

I know that. Thing is I'd hate to see this title to go the way as Resident Evil for example. Just a title to sell to the masses.

Kojima wants to do other games but Kojima and Metal Gear Franchise is Konami's biggest weapon and so they keep pushing him to make

Rising will be released for 360, so I believe anything can happen

Konami and MS are the cause for that,Kojima is doing other things


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
If Kojima makes another MGS, I'm sure it is going to be an awesome game...


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I just hope for the next MGS that it isn't 90% cutscenes and 10% actual gameplay. That was my biggest complaint about the 4th one. I was bored out of my mind a majority of the time during MGS4. I loved the story in the first one, it was realistic and the longest one was at the end and it wasn't outrageously complex. Every character you encountered in MGS4 was so overly dramatic that I'm surprised they hadn't killed themselves when they were teenagers


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
And they weren't as well developed as the MGS1 ones & their deaths weren't sad, except Naomi's