Sony Move

So the unveiling makes it official now.Here comes the Sony Move motion controller.

Personally,I think it's kind of a desperate attempt for Sony to snag more customers,and ultimately I think it will fail.I love my PS3,but I really don't like this at all.

I've never played the Wii before so I have no clue how fun or dull motion controls can be for games. Because of this, my opinion on Sony Move and Natal is neutral right now. I'm a graphics whore and more of a hardcore gamer so thats why I never got into Wii. That said, maybe the graphics that ps3 can pump out in combo with these motion controls will make the "motion experience" more appealing then all the crap on nintendo.

Is your opinion on Xbox Natal the same as Sony Move then Mr Zell??? Same basic concepts being applied to that as well....


what the fuck you lookin at?
The wii is shit. Impossible to control perfectly. I was bored after 1 game of bowling and I was trashed.

I'm happy with a regular controller. Natal was cool for the possibility of utilizing 3-d but that'll never come to pass. So fuck it and fuck this sony shit.
If Natal/Sony Move is anything like the wii, the novelty of motion controls are going to wear off within a few weeks. I dont own a wii and 2 weeks after it came out I was already bored with it from playing it a few times at friends houses. So basically once the whole novelty of motion controls wears off you're just gonna be left with some mediocre games. I cant really see hardcore or even casual gamers that only play madden/halo/etc. buying something like natal or move, IMO, it only applies to kids or casual/party gamers and those people already have the wii, I doubt they will buy a 2nd or 3rd console so Natal/Move will most likely fail.
The wii is shit. Impossible to control perfectly. I was bored after 1 game of bowling and I was trashed.

I'm happy with a regular controller. Natal was cool for the possibility of utilizing 3-d but that'll never come to pass. So fuck it and fuck this sony shit.

If Natal/Sony Move is anything like the wii, the novelty of motion controls are going to wear off within a few weeks. I dont own a wii and 2 weeks after it came out I was already bored with it from playing it a few times at friends houses. So basically once the whole novelty of motion controls wears off you're just gonna be left with some mediocre games. I cant really see hardcore or even casual gamers that only play madden/halo/etc. buying something like natal or move, IMO, it only applies to kids or casual/party gamers and those people already have the wii, I doubt they will buy a 2nd or 3rd console so Natal/Move will most likely fail.

I agree with you guys but there's a big difference between controlling a hardcore game with motion controls and a casual one. I hate to right it off cause I hear that SOCOM 4 US navy seals will use Sony move. Its an apples to oranges comparison between a military war game and Wii bowling or another one of nintendos lame ass games.

That said, I will try to give it a shot since the difference in game style between both companys cant even be compared.
Is your opinion on Xbox Natal the same as Sony Move then Mr Zell??? Same basic concepts being applied to that as well....

Yes,it's the same.

I just think that they are too little too late to jump on that bandwagon.
The Wii was fun for me for like one day and I never messed with it again. Nintendo went this way to try and stay afloat. It apeals more for seniors and children. Sony and Microsoft is just trying to cash in. I am just simply not interested in their versions.
The Wii is great for casual gamers, little kids, older folks enjoy it enough. I am digging the new motion controller thing, and after playing Heavy Rain all that action is all I need.
Sony's core market is gamers. Nintendo's is casual gamers. A casual gamer won't blow the kind of money a PS3 costs and that's not including the controller and games you'll need. This will fail.
I don't like that every company is shifting to the motion controls lately. I play video games to relax, not to jump around my living room like an idiot. Sure its fun for a while, but it gets old very quickly.
I don't like that every company is shifting to the motion controls lately. I play video games to relax, not to jump around my living room like an idiot. Sure its fun for a while, but it gets old very quickly.

agree i don't like physical games as well.

i normally don't like motion controls but some MOVE games like sorcery are MOVE exclusive and is a very interesting game and looks to be hardcore.

and we can sit down and play it

Anyone here get the Move yet?

i am thinking of getting the mOVE 320gb bundle,if i do buy it i will leave my impressions

i have played it though as my friend got it and i also played on stores,the games i liked

Heavy Rain

Sports champions(don't believe anyone who says its just a copy of wii sports,it is really different.when you play it you feel like you are really controlling what you are doing.)

RUSE(the best controlling RTS you will get on consoles)

Resident Evil 5


Judging by the early sales estimates, I don't think so.


what does that have to do with people here getting it?
nobody asked about maths or the chance of people having it here

dumb? -posting maths and chances,shows who is dumb

I have absolutely no idea what in the green fuck you are trying to say there, aside from butchering the word math twice. Was there anything other than nonsense there?
I have absolutely no idea what in the green fuck you are trying to say there, aside from butchering the word math twice. Was there anything other than nonsense there?

yeah it might sound nonsense to you when you don't what agree and go out with your own theory
yeah it might sound nonsense to you when you don't what agree and go out with your own theory

My own theory? What the fuck are you talking about? Oh! You mean my "crazy theory" whereby fewer sales means a lower chance of people having it? Oh yeah, you mean reality. Not such a big fan, huh? At least this time, you put a coherent sentence together, I've got to hand you that.