Search results

  1. Sab

    What's on your TV or desktop (your wallpaper)

    A touched up version of this work of art.
  2. Sab

    Do you pay for porn?

    Sure. No problem. I've been a member at several sites. Some of them are well worth the money, just check the preview and read a few reviews. I've been a member at Sapphic and Sandra Shine for quite a while now. Money well spent.
  3. Sab

    Best Pussy / Pussy you'd like to eat

    Re: Perfect Pussy pics Really nice pic. And yes, Giovanni is excellent too, although I like her boobies best.
  4. Sab

    Half-Naked Dancing Anime Chick

    Strangely lifelike.
  5. Sab

    What's on your TV or desktop (your wallpaper)

    Re: Learning Photoshop... Oh, hah. Good eye. Thats actually the video that went with the shoot where that picture came from originally.
  6. Sab

    What's on your TV or desktop (your wallpaper)

    Learning Photoshop... So I'm learning photoshop. Figured out some cool tricks, and the result is my new desktop.
  7. Sab

    Anti-Virus Software

    Norton and Mcafee(sp?) are fine, and they tend to score highly in studies and benchmark tests, however, be advised that they eat a lot more system resources than they really ought to (especially Norton). Is you system running slow? Are you running Norton? Disable it for a while and see how that...
  8. Sab

    I want porn, but have no credit card! (and I'm on a Mac :O )

    I don't understand what you mean when you ask if it will play in Mac format. My current laptop is a Mac, and I can play any video I could on Windows. Just make sure you have flip4mac installed. In fact, its really nice to keep your porn on a mac, b/c iPhoto & iTunes do such a great job of...
  9. Sab

    Sapphic Erotica (rated: 9.2)

    Re: Sapphic Erotica (rated: 8.2) Been a member for nearly a month now. I've been extremely satisfied so far. Content is really top-notch, and its updated several times a week. You'll never get through all of it in a month (or several for that matter). The support team is really fast and...
  10. Sab

    What's on your TV or desktop (your wallpaper)

    I'm seeing a trend here. Most of your wallpapers are cars, which surprises me on this board. I kind of expected the majority to prefer various erotic works on your desktop. Do you just have people looking at your screen that may be sensitive to erotica? I actually keep two, an erotic pic, and...
  11. Sab

    What's on your TV or desktop (your wallpaper)

    Guess its time for a change of scenery. Heres my new one.
  12. Sab

    What's on your TV or desktop (your wallpaper)

    That dolls pretty cool!
  13. Sab

    What's on your TV or desktop (your wallpaper)

    Heres my current mac desktop. Pic is grainy, but it still looks pretty slick.
  14. Sab

    Great Lesbian Pics / The Best Lesbian pic of all time / Post your best lesbian pics here!

    Take a quick look at these, particularly the last one.
  15. Sab

    "Award Winning Sex Scenes" Anybody seen this DVD?

    Bingo, thats it! Thankee sir.
  16. Sab

    "Award Winning Sex Scenes" Anybody seen this DVD?

    So I'm enjoying this month, and they have a feature that allows you to view full-length DVDs. The one I'm watching right now is called "Award Winning Sex Scenes." As the name implies, its pretty cool. It has all sorts bb, gg, etc. scenes, and they are filmed and performed...
  17. Sab

    Using transparency watch films and work.

    I've been doing a little experiment with that. I queued a playlist of all my lesbian porn and have been working for the past week with the player on shuffle. I just told myself "do not turn this off no matter what." For the first few days, it was completely distracting, but now I'm used to it...
  18. Sab

    Life in Jail for Porn?

    The guy's system was probably compromised by a 'bad' porn site. Crackers like to build trojans into files that you may download off a non-reputable porn site. Just be smart.. dont run executables if they come from porn sites, and with porn, stick with a good site. Freeones, labatidora...
  19. Sab

    What's on your TV or desktop (your wallpaper)

    Re: What's on your desktop "Exterminate!"
  20. Sab

    Using transparency watch films and work.

    Using transparency effects in Linux (using Beryl), I have found a wonderful way to enjoy films and porn without cutting in on your productivity. I simply queued a video and maximized it. Then, I went ahead and opened other programs, and set the transparency as desired. Now, I can...
  21. Sab

    Sandra Shine

    On Sandra Shine's Website... So I've been a member at Sandra Shine's site for about a month now. Having had the chance to absorb most of the material, I have to pass along a serious recommendation. Of course, we all know Sandra Shine as the quintessential lesbian pornstar, and for fans of...
  22. Sab

    Thoughts on porn

    I guess your right. I can watch Sandra Shine lick pussy anytime, any day. Theres just something fascinating about it. I dunno. Speaking of which, I think I'm going to watch one of my favorite movies. Shall I watch something by Sandra Shine, or Star Wars?
  23. Sab

    What's on your TV or desktop (your wallpaper)

    Re: What's on your desktop I think the nightime wins. Double checking... Oh yeah, nightime wins hands down. ;) She is Taylor J. Morgan. I was JUST looking at that picture a minute ago from some set. I can't find it again for the life of me! Pretty boobies :)
  24. Sab

    What's on your TV or desktop (your wallpaper)

    Re: What's on your desktop Yeah, this is ubuntu linux. As far as linuxes go, its pretty easy. If you are computer savvy, and like to tinker around, you should give it a try. Linux is a free operating system, and most of the software on it is free as well. Its all based on the Open Source...
  25. Sab

    What's on your TV or desktop (your wallpaper)

    Re: What's on your desktop Gnome on Ubuntu Linux with gDesklets, and a real cutie-pie for wallpaper! EDIT
  26. Sab

    Best Blowjob Pics

    Re: Best Blowjob pics?? Taylor J. Morgan: God isn't she beautiful?
  27. Sab

    Describe your favourite pussy...

    I really like Zdenka Podkapova's.
  28. Sab

    A Girl's Guide to 21st Century Sex [vid]

    Apparently this is a show that publically airs in the U.K. on channel 5. I was shocked at the explicit nature of the content. Its actually really interesting, and you'll likely learn a lot. Watch the bit about the doggy-style position. They have a cam mounted inside the girl's vagina during...
  29. Sab

    omg! what a lovely tight blonde

    Exceptionally pretty.
  30. Sab

    Describe your favourite pussy...

    Hey thats nice.
  31. Sab

    Lora Craft - AKA: Lohra, Lora, Lora C, Lora Craft, Gigi, Ivy Camille, Petra, Stacy

    Re: Lora Craft!!!!!!! Oh of course. In fact, I went ahead and bought your lesbian video with Mya Diamond. I really like it, must've watched it 6 times over now. When I am not so stretched for cash I'll likely buy a membership, I'ld love to see the rest. For now the previews will have to...
  32. Sab

    Well would ya look at that (Sapphic Lesbians)

    Take a look at these pics and tell me these aren't some of the most beautiful images you've seen all month.
  33. Sab

    Lora Craft - AKA: Lohra, Lora, Lora C, Lora Craft, Gigi, Ivy Camille, Petra, Stacy

    Guys, its worth your while to check it out. Here's my response to her thread in the videos forum. Found some galleries. Enjoy. (hardcore)...
  34. Sab

    Lora Craft - AKA: Lohra, Lora, Lora C, Lora Craft, Gigi, Ivy Camille, Petra, Stacy

    Re: Lora Craft!!!!!!! Never heard of her, but I googled and found this: Based on the site, this girl is quite a piece of work: A+ Go to the videos page and watch the previews. Actually, make sure you watch all of them... and if you blinked or something, go back and...
  35. Sab

    Low angle frontal pics.

    I particularly enjoy pics and videos from this angle. Post em' if ya got em'.
  36. Sab

    Pretty Lesbian Gallery

    Gallery And just look at this pic :thumbsup:
  37. Sab

    Nice pic (drinking cum)
  38. Sab

    Looking for a good lesbian wallpaper (samples included)

    Its time for me to change my wallpaper, and I've decided to go with lesbians. Not just any lesbians mind you, I want juicy lesbians. I'm looking for a nice image of a woman licking another's pussy, but here is the catch: that pussy must be ripe and juicy. Think of that lesbian restaurant scene...
  39. Sab

    SMOKING HOT!! Hardcore lesbian sex! Long video too!!

    Only three comments!? That was simply one of the most incredible scenes ever! I love the way the blonde meticulously devours that brunettes pussy from around 3:00-5:00. That glass dildo at around 9:00 is lovely too.