I want porn, but have no credit card! (and I'm on a Mac :O )

I don't have a credit card right now, and going to an adult video store is not an option. DVD's are too time-wasting, and 30 seconds clips suck.

I want to download some stuff from Assparade or BangBus, or anything with Riley Mason in it really bad. But the best I can do right now is a gift credit card (the kind you buy at grocery stores). Will that work on a site like BangBros? I only want like a trial account, so I can download a couple of videos and then have them for a while.

Also, would they play in mac formats? Mpegs, or Quicktime?:glugglug:


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Quicktime can play mpegs, as far as I can recall. Has been able to for a good long while. And I'm sure they're trying for the all-in-one media player bullsh!z that every last company is trying to do these days. dangit.. I remember when Realplayer was for realplaying and quicktime was for frickin' quicktime! Now it's one half of iTunes and bloated like a windows product.
I don't have a credit card right now, and going to an adult video store is not an option. DVD's are too time-wasting, and 30 seconds clips suck.

I want to download some stuff from Assparade or BangBus, or anything with Riley Mason in it really bad. But the best I can do right now is a gift credit card (the kind you buy at grocery stores). Will that work on a site like BangBros? I only want like a trial account, so I can download a couple of videos and then have them for a while.

Also, would they play in mac formats? Mpegs, or Quicktime?:glugglug:

Well, to join most of the adult pay sites, you don't have to have a credit card, they do offer a checking account and phone option. All the larger sites usually have that option.

If you select trial memberships, remember they usually rebill at full price after the trial period has ended, so just be aware of that.

I have no idea if they would play in mac formats because I don't have a mac. Most sites do have a range of viewing options for every system though.

Hope this helps:thumbsup:


Have you thought about going to the XXX section at you local video store?

or, you could use your parents credit card


LOL I'm sure that would go down REAL well:thumbsup:

a lot of the companies disguise there name on the credit card statement. S all that you got to do is play dumb and lie to your parents. Parents are not as smart as they are made out to be
I don't understand what you mean when you ask if it will play in Mac format. My current laptop is a Mac, and I can play any video I could on Windows. Just make sure you have flip4mac installed.

In fact, its really nice to keep your porn on a mac, b/c iPhoto & iTunes do such a great job of organizing it. Furthermore, the remote with FrontRow make it more convenient than ever to watch a flick. Now that the AppleTV is out, you can even stream that to your big-screen tv. Really not bad at all.
a lot of the companies disguise there name on the credit card statement. S all that you got to do is play dumb and lie to your parents. Parents are not as smart as they are made out to be

I remember one time during my teen years we got billed for some porn on pay per view, and my parents were all pissed at me, and I was even more pissed because it wasn't me. I was like, damnit, if i'm gonna get in trouble for ordering some porn on pay per view, at least I should have gotten to watch it!
i ran into this very problem...then i turned 18...

I agree. Gotta give him credit for trying.

Hey! If you need something like this --- do a search on google. There are lots of websites that have what you need.