Search results

  1. Sab

    Know a Porn star Personal?

    Nope, I recognized and talked to a few at an electronics convention some years back though.
  2. Sab

    What the most embarrassing/weirdest place you wanked?

    Portable Potty.
  3. Sab

    What do you do on the internet?

    Check email. Check for updates on paysites. Download new videos (porn) Play on facebook. Read blogs. Read news. See whats new on DeviantArt Check favorite freesites (porn) Visit all my forums throughout the day. Thats about it.
  4. Sab

    Favorite Female Vocalists

    Nina Simone. Just listen to "I Put a Spell on You" Etta James Tori Amos ... One of these things is not like the other...
  5. Sab

    Sex Fest

    Aren't there a bunch of erotic shows and onstage sex things in parts of Europe?
  6. Sab

    What is wrong with porn?

    I dislike seeing women disrespected in porn: insults, over-forceful men, etc. I suppose any outright objectification of women bothers me. Its hard to describe. I like softcore, hardcore, and sometimes its even beautiful to see scenes that are outright filthy as hell, but I ask for some degree of...
  7. Sab

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

  8. Sab

    Pubic Hair making a comeback?

    Hope not, I prefer very little or no hair at all. It looks better, and nothing gets in the way when you're down there doing your thing.
  9. Sab

    Girls Who Only Do Solo A Waste

    I don't know Mariah. Although I love to see more, I'm happy to see whatever the solo girls choose to show me. In fact, sometimes the solo masturbation scenes can be HOT. I don't think its neccessarily a waste, just a different career choice. Besides, we can always hope to see more in the future...
  10. Sab

    Actual Pic / Video that made you cum today?

    Re: Who made you cum today? I don't know, but thats awesome right there!
  11. Sab

    Does your significant other know you have a freeones account?

    No. Its no secret, just don't see a point in opening a discussion.
  12. Sab

    where you get porn

    I used to be a member there before the 3-site deal. Awesome content! Especially her "egyptian love" video.
  13. Sab

    where you get porn

    All three. I do keep my eye on a couple free porn blogs on the daily, and I generally buy the newest Andrew Blake ASAP from the store. Otherwise, I keep one of my favorite paysites on a 180 day membership and I subscribe to a new monthly site every other month or so.
  14. Sab

    Best Pussy / Pussy you'd like to eat

    Re: Which pornstars have the prettiest pussy? Yeah, Tawny Roberts is a great choice. Same for Monica Sweethart.
  15. Sab

    what do u do to imitate blowjob?

    I don't.
  16. Sab

    Applying for Jobs

    You mentioned you were going to school. I suggest you consider a job that will earn you experience in your field. For example, a future doctor would do well working in a hospital or as a pharmacist's assistant. A business major might consider a sales position and strive to achieve some sort of...
  17. Sab

    Models & Porn

    Now that may be true, but there are plenty that got in the business because they wanted to be there. Sasha Grey is a wonderful example. Here's a girl with looks that kill and a face that is to die for, and yet she left her family and came to CA to make porn. She does intense, hardcore, and...
  18. Sab

    Back from the avn show in vegas...fell in love with monica sweetheart (pic)

    If you don't mind my asking, what sort of work do you do?
  19. Sab

    lesbian closeups

    Seriously Bibo, that is the coolest. Leafman, I love the first pic in this thread too.
  20. Sab

    How many times have you watched your favorite porn scene?

    I tend to have scenes on loop on the big screen during my day to day work, so like, 40+? I don't know. I guess that doesn't count since I rarely 'watch' it, its more like a decoration. There is this one scene I edited together from OnlyCuties that I've watched in full at least 10 times now.
  21. Sab

    I (Taryn Thomas) Returning to Porn in 2009

    I'm glad you let me know Taryn! I'll cancel right away and sign up for your actual site as soon as it is available. Be sure to let us know, I can't wait to see your new work.
  22. Sab

    I (Taryn Thomas) Returning to Porn in 2009

    I don't know, it was one of the samples linked to on the freeones page for Taryn.
  23. Sab

    I (Taryn Thomas) Returning to Porn in 2009 I wasn't familiar with your earlier work, so I joined your website. You look great, and your videos are fabulous! Based on the random vids I saw on your Freeones links, you are a great performer. Looks like your an exceedingly dirty...
  24. Sab

    Best Pussy / Pussy you'd like to eat

    Re: Who has the prettiest pussy? Dude, I've been meaning to buy that dvd forever!
  25. Sab

    I (Taryn Thomas) Returning to Porn in 2009

    Thats wonderful Taryn. Enjoy it and I hope you do well!
  26. Sab

    Models & Porn

    Lets not forget that some women in porn are there because they want to be in porn. I have no illusions that porn is all glam and glitter, but for some it is a rewarding and self fulfilling career in its own right. Imagine the feeling of delivering joy and beauty to the world or the ego trip of...
  27. Sab

    Sasha Grey's ass

    Yeah, she is mind numbingly gorgeous. I'm not in to the super-hard stuff she does, but she is something else. I managed to see her in House Pets by Andrew Blake. She delivered. Wonder if she has done any more soft/art porn.
  28. Sab

    Will you look at porn on Christmas Day?

    I try to watch porn every day, so like, of course.
  29. Sab

    So my membership expired. Where to spend my money?

    Looking at NikkiBenz now. Shes a hottie, and theres some hardcore, which is nice. They got any HD? (I just got a new LCD tv :P)
  30. Sab

    So my membership expired. Where to spend my money?

    lol They only offer 180 day plans. I renewed four times.
  31. Sab

    So my membership expired. Where to spend my money?

    OK, I've been a member of Sapphic Erotica for two years. Today my 180 day membership plan expired. As much as I love the content, I was thinking it might be worth my while to view something new. Any suggestions? I was kind of eyeballing welivetoghether, LSGModels looked appealing as well...
  32. Sab

    Sapphic Erotica (rated: 9.2)

    Re: Sapphic Erotica (rated: 8.2) Just an update, Sapphic still rocks. Been a member for a year and a half and the quality keeps going up. Now they've got high-def videos, and flash streaming video (think youtube). I'm commenting to suggest all of you guys who join go look up "Gianna" and...
  33. Sab

    **Porn Dierectors**, Who The Best!!!!

    Andrew Blake Michael Ninn
  34. Sab

    Hey Im trying to find hottest girl to shoot with!!! Tell me who!

    wow, you're just hotter than hell. i'm going to go look up a few more pix.
  35. Sab

    Twistys (rated: 9.8)

    Re: Twistys (rated: 9.5) About a year ago I was a member of Twistys, but really didn't have the time give it a chance. I wasn't impressed and canceled. At the suggestion of a friend who thought I was out of my mind, I rejoined and I've changed my mind. Incredible site. The shear quantity of...
  36. Sab

    PORN: Styles, Trends & Value

    Pornography and erotica are timeless, and it predates 'blue movie's by thousands of years. Many ancient cultures have explored the realm of sexual depictions, from the Greeks to the Romans, all the way to today's society. What changes is the manner it which it is presented and received from time...
  37. Sab

    Actual Pic / Video that made you cum today?

    Re: Who made you cum today? Nothing today, but damn if this chick in Pinups2 spanking Dita Von Teese isn't hot as hell. Got to pace myself tho. Haven't even checked sapphic for updates.
  38. Sab

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    V for Vendetta. Super cool!
  39. Sab

    What does a pussy taste like? and a dick? and cum?

    Pussy? Really hard to describe. It changes based on recency of shower, amount of wetness, and time of month. In general, its like a weak spice. Its really an aquired taste, I think. Used to not like it, but curiosity got the better of me too much. After dipping my fingers in her pussy and...
  40. Sab

    Apple or PC ?

    I use both, but I do prefer my Apple for work and play (unless I want to play a game).
  41. Sab

    How much porn on your computer?

    Very little. Generally the only erotica on my pc are the current desktop backgrounds I'm using along with any photo's i'm toying with in Photoshop. The only movies I have are a few Andrew Blake DVD's. I download and scan through videos on-demand from SapphicErotica every other day to keep...
  42. Sab

    what you look at when watching porn.

    Shot composition, lighting, and set design. Everything else is gravy.
  43. Sab

    Creative 69.. or 96.. or something like that edit: so apparently this site is banned. Was pretty nifty though :p
  44. Sab

    Would you like to lick a pussy?

    depends on how it tastes on the given day and what the hair factor is. If its good, then of course. With some imagination you can spend the afternoon down there man.
  45. Sab

    How do you organize your porn?

    Re: How do you sort your porn? A good point. I never quite liked that either.
  46. Sab

    How would you react...

    obligatory "hay guise i would ask for a discount lolol" Seriously though, it wouldn't change the relationship at all. There might be some concern as to whether or not the friend was happy doing this. If she is, then rock on! Oh, and be supportive (you know, like become a client REGARDLESS of a...
  47. Sab

    How do you organize your porn?

    Re: How do you sort your porn? Wouldn't it be easier just to use the ole' iTunes/iPhoto combo on a Mac? I like to make albums for specific models and photographers that I like, and store it all in iPhoto. That way I get to take advantage of all the cool browsing and slideshow features...
  48. Sab

    So, anybody seen Andrew Blake's new one?

    Just got X2 today. Watching it now. Its filmed very much in the style of X, kinda shock-cut with varying camera filters and a fair amount of pseudo-bondage scenes. Loved the contempt chapter, and so far origin of the universe looks incredible. What you guys think?