Porn is actually a pretty amaizing thing. Think about it, if and when any other form of entertainment does what porn does, it doesn't make it. I.E., cloning itself, repeating itself, nothing fresh, ect. For example, gameshows. Deal or no Deal was good, but then they cloned it with 1 vs 100 and Identity. Or American Idol, cloned several times and such. This form of entertainment looses it's appeal after you seen it quite a bit.
Not porn though. You can see the same senerio over and over and never get tired of it. How many whores have you watched getting facials or their tits blasted with cum? How many sluts have you seen sucking dicks or doing ass to mouth?
Weither its a massive gang bang or a girl geeting her ass pounded in doggie style, you never get board seeing it again and again.
The only other type of entertainment that enjoys this type of longevity is sports.
Hurray for porn!
now excuse me, I got a dvd to watch for the 200th time:nanner:
Not porn though. You can see the same senerio over and over and never get tired of it. How many whores have you watched getting facials or their tits blasted with cum? How many sluts have you seen sucking dicks or doing ass to mouth?
Weither its a massive gang bang or a girl geeting her ass pounded in doggie style, you never get board seeing it again and again.
The only other type of entertainment that enjoys this type of longevity is sports.
Hurray for porn!
now excuse me, I got a dvd to watch for the 200th time:nanner: