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  1. sporty_carr

    I was fisted and it felt great.

    I hear you can get cootie warts on your hand by doing that sort of thing.
  2. sporty_carr

    Dylan Ryder: Hot or not?

    .....and PETA and mrtrebus' quest to find his quack like a duck porno.
  3. sporty_carr

    Listen Americans! Happy 4th of July!

    You know, there's a reason that us Americans and China broke away from you Communist bastards.... I can't think of one right now because I'm drunk off my ass but I'm sure it had something to do with The Spice Girls.
  4. sporty_carr

    Anyone else Hate P.E.T.A.?

    Remember that time Obama killed a fly on television and PETA got all butt hurt? We should gather up all the bugs around our houses and go donate them to a PETA workers house...they would thank us for it.
  5. sporty_carr

    Rate your life !

  6. sporty_carr

    How Do You Like Your Steak?

    medium rare
  7. sporty_carr

    Hot college girl type from Massage Creep video...

    Huh....I'm a fan of Brooke but I didn't recognize her here. I guess because I'm used to seeing her with shorter blackish hair. Thanks for the help guys.
  8. sporty_carr

    3 black guy`s and Samantha

    This thread is so totally not gay because potters clearly put a picture of a fully clothed woman in between some pics of a bunch of naked black guys. Also, I hope that the weenies in my hot hot dogs for the 4th of July are as big as those dudes' schlongs. :yummie: I'm here all week...
  9. sporty_carr

    best metal song

    YyQDr4ZBvAA opyVdN8GZtc td-v6vG2Xhs fS5A56SEbP0 E0E0ynyIUsg tsLkL8DTHeg .....rock out with your cock out! :banger:
  10. sporty_carr

    So I Walk Into my Basement Bathroom and Find 4 of These Varmint on Wall

    I hear that sometimes they crawl up your nose when you're sleeping and lay eggs in your brain. Once the eggs hatch it's all over. Goodnight everybody. :wave2:
  11. sporty_carr

    Hot college girl type from Massage Creep video...

    Can anyone tell me who she is?
  12. sporty_carr

    Morrison was right, death really does make angels of us all

    Team Jacob! Team Jacob! Team Jacob! :mad:
  13. sporty_carr

    Morrison was right, death really does make angels of us all

    Something about John Morrison predicted that Bill Clinton had sex with a dead KKK member named Angel and Whimsy, Bloodshot Scott, Facetious, Facial King, Hot Mega and Titsrock are all going to have an orgy with eachother once they find out. :dunno: And something about Team Edward and Team Jacob...
  14. sporty_carr

    Someone @ work complained about me...

  15. sporty_carr

    Someone @ work complained about me...

    Pssssssssttttt!!!! Booth, members are asking you life altering questions in your other thread.
  16. sporty_carr

    Do dreams mean anything?

    "1,2, Freddy's comin for you, 3,4, better lock the door, 5,6, grab your crucifix, 7,8, better stay up late, 9,10, never sleep again........"
  17. sporty_carr

    Ask me (Boothbabe) any question you want...

    If Rosie O' Donnell offered you a million dollars, would you sleep with her?
  18. sporty_carr

    Ever wanted to know about the sex lives of truck drivers?

    They should have just given me the $550 grand. I'd have taken them out back, kicked em in the nuts and we could have called it a day.
  19. sporty_carr

    Ask me (Boothbabe) any question you want...

    Why are you neglecting this thread? Is it because you're too busy teasing your co-workers at work by wearing short skirts?
  20. sporty_carr

    Do you ever hit your wife and kids?

    You didn't torture them first? Pffft........pansy.
  21. sporty_carr

    Someone @ work complained about me...

    So did they tell you to go home and change or to just not wear it again?
  22. sporty_carr

    Yes, that is always of interest. :D Thanks for the rep, kind sir. :hatsoff:

    Yes, that is always of interest. :D Thanks for the rep, kind sir. :hatsoff:
  23. sporty_carr

    Freeones Appreciation

    Is that going to help how much our votes weigh in the next Miss Freeones contest? If so, I bet I can out-essence you before then, motherfucker!
  24. sporty_carr

    3 black guy`s and Samantha

    Well.....the main question I have on my mind is how the fuck did 3 black guys fit inside a toilet?!? I can imagine 1 of them being able to do it, but 3?!? They must be some kind of contortionists. But to answer your scenario, Samantha probably had to go potty after a long hard day of woking at...
  25. sporty_carr

    Someone @ work complained about me...

    Pfft....glad I'm one of the select few. :tongue: There's only one clear way to solve this dispute, and that is to challenge her to a mud wrestling match in the Pit-O-Doom. I'm sure Roald would be willing to spare some of his time to referee it. Actually, screw Roald....I could probably squeeze...
  26. sporty_carr

    Dicks are such a turn-on!

    Most of the members here are dicks but I don't really think that it turns me on. What was the question again? :dunno:
  27. sporty_carr

    If you could turn one person into your sex slave?

    Now, now.....don't be greedy. :nono: Think of all the people in Ethiopia that don't have sex slaves.
  28. sporty_carr

    Would you bang Helen Mirren?

    My age limit is 62. Sorry....I have standards.
  29. sporty_carr

    Do Bill O'Reilly And Sean Hannity Dislike Each Other?

    I wonder how much Fox News girl ass they both get. know they do.
  30. sporty_carr

    And now... The Greatest Scream Queens!

    Michelle Bauer or Tiffany Shepis for me.
  31. sporty_carr

    Constantine 2 Sequel?

    I'd watch it.
  32. sporty_carr

    I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S BEEN A YEAR ALREADY. I miss you, Billy Mays.

    The Sham Wow is pretty awesome though. Now that I' have a Sham Wow, I don't ever need to use paper towels anymore. I use my Sham Wow to wash my dishes, wipe up the counter, blow my nose, and even to pleasure myself. Thanks Sham Wow! :thumbsup:
  33. sporty_carr

    If you could turn one person into your sex slave?

    Who would it be? Mine would be Jaleel White: Of course I would keep him in full Urkel gear. I have a fantasy of dressing myself up as Princess Di and tying Jaleel up in his own suspenders and having my way with him...
  34. sporty_carr

    If you could turn one person into a porn star?

    I think a better idea would have been, "If you could turn one person into a sex slave?" Hmmmmmm.........
  35. sporty_carr

    Indispensable Species

    The dodo clones.
  36. sporty_carr

    Singer murdered after denying he was dead

    Actually, Jake the Snake is still alive (I think).....I just figured he was probably chillin on the island with the others. :dunno:
  37. sporty_carr

    Was it necessary? Rebeca Linares new tits

    Anything less than a 38YYY is too small.
  38. sporty_carr

    Singer murdered after denying he was dead

    Is Eddie Guerrero there too?..........What about The Big Boss Man, and Jake the Snake Roberts?
  39. sporty_carr

    Female pornstars sluts or prostitutes?

    Oh Snap! :1orglaugh
  40. sporty_carr

    >>> Miss FreeOnes 2011 Question

    That's a pretty good idea. So.......BlueBalls, who's Miss Freeones going to be next year?
  41. sporty_carr

    3 very sexy girl. With small, big and GIGANTIC boobs

    I would get the one on the left to clean my house, I would get the one in the middle to mow my lawn, and I would get the one on the right to make me a sammitch.
  42. sporty_carr

    Here is a refreshing pornstar interview for you guys

    Finally! A woman that admits she's full of shit! I bet she saves a lot on her grocery bill.
  43. sporty_carr

    how many players will be stabbed in south africa?

    Wait....can I change my answer? Only 14.
  44. sporty_carr

    how many players will be stabbed in south africa?

    I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt and say only 12.
  45. sporty_carr

    What ever happened to boobs like these?

    Maybe not, but if you squint a little Obama's ears look pretty similar.
  46. sporty_carr

    Twilight finale split into two movies

    Sucks to be my best friend. His wife drags him to those. :1orglaugh
  47. sporty_carr

    Ask me (Boothbabe) any question you want...

    I consider mrtrebus my primary question answerer. I ask him things like how long should I microwave this pizza and should I wear my blue Super Mario t-shirt or my red Steve Urkel t-shirt today? What kind of benefits will I receive if I switch over to your thread as my primary question...
  48. sporty_carr

    Van Der Sloot Reportedly Wanted for Murder it makes sense. I was all thinking... the dude from Dawson's Creek killed somebody?