You know, there's a reason that us Americans and China broke away from you Communist bastards....
I can't think of one right now because I'm drunk off my ass but I'm sure it had something to do with The Spice Girls.
Remember that time Obama killed a fly on television and PETA got all butt hurt?
We should gather up all the bugs around our houses and go donate them to a PETA workers house...they would thank us for it.
Huh....I'm a fan of Brooke but I didn't recognize her here. I guess because I'm used to seeing her with shorter blackish hair. Thanks for the help guys.
This thread is so totally not gay because potters clearly put a picture of a fully clothed woman in between some pics of a bunch of naked black guys.
Also, I hope that the weenies in my hot hot dogs for the 4th of July are as big as those dudes' schlongs. :yummie:
I'm here all week...
I hear that sometimes they crawl up your nose when you're sleeping and lay eggs in your brain. Once the eggs hatch it's all over.
Goodnight everybody. :wave2:
Something about John Morrison predicted that Bill Clinton had sex with a dead KKK member named Angel and Whimsy, Bloodshot Scott, Facetious, Facial King, Hot Mega and Titsrock are all going to have an orgy with eachother once they find out. :dunno:
And something about Team Edward and Team Jacob...
Well.....the main question I have on my mind is how the fuck did 3 black guys fit inside a toilet?!? I can imagine 1 of them being able to do it, but 3?!? They must be some kind of contortionists.
But to answer your scenario, Samantha probably had to go potty after a long hard day of woking at...
Pfft....glad I'm one of the select few. :tongue:
There's only one clear way to solve this dispute, and that is to challenge her to a mud wrestling match in the Pit-O-Doom. I'm sure Roald would be willing to spare some of his time to referee it. Actually, screw Roald....I could probably squeeze...
The Sham Wow is pretty awesome though.
Now that I' have a Sham Wow, I don't ever need to use paper towels anymore. I use my Sham Wow to wash my dishes, wipe up the counter, blow my nose, and even to pleasure myself.
Thanks Sham Wow! :thumbsup:
Who would it be?
Mine would be Jaleel White:
Of course I would keep him in full Urkel gear. I have a fantasy of dressing myself up as Princess Di and tying Jaleel up in his own suspenders and having my way with him...
I would get the one on the left to clean my house, I would get the one in the middle to mow my lawn, and I would get the one on the right to make me a sammitch.
I consider mrtrebus my primary question answerer.
I ask him things like how long should I microwave this pizza and should I wear my blue Super Mario t-shirt or my red Steve Urkel t-shirt today?
What kind of benefits will I receive if I switch over to your thread as my primary question...