Listen Americans! Happy 4th of July! in piece of ass?

But of course.

Yeah, I didn’t start drinking until after we lit of the fireworks, but I made a beer run at about 8 and it was obvious that people had be “celebrating” before they got on the road. And I fucking hate that shit! I’ve never once drove after I had even a single drink…yet because of all these assholes, I’ve been pulled over well over a dozen times. And since 5-0 knows I carry when they run my plates, they make me step out and do my Jesus pose at any random checkpoint.

At least you got to hit the links, man. Now tell me more about your dripping wet t-shirt….and types s-l-o-w-l-y.

I grew up across a park from my muni so I always hopped on as a kid and I know quite a few who work there so they let me play for free. Literally, when I took my shirt off I could ring out the water. The summers up here are so opressive. It's the best weather to get to the beach though and see what are IMNSHO the most beautiful women in the country and probably the world. Lots of Scandinavian, Germanic and Irish mixes. :hatsoff:
Rock out with your cock out!!!! Drunk since Friday and and still goin strong;) and thanks to the Brits for making all this possible.. cheerio and what not:)

I was wasted pretty much all last week after I turned in a final in a course. Soooo, as a consequence I had to spend our country's day sober and full on meat products. :(
But of course.

I grew up across a park from my muni so I always hopped on as a kid and I know quite a few who work there so they let me play for free. Literally, when I took my shirt off I could ring out the water. The summers up here are so opressive. It's the best weather to get to the beach though and see what are IMNSHO the most beautiful women in the country and probably the world. Lots of Scandinavian, Germanic and Irish mixes. :hatsoff:

Yeah, I'm such a gun whore, when I saw "piece" I thought, "Oh sweet, it's time to talk to Scott about firearms." That's why I made sure.

I was kidding about the sweat stories, but that does sound brutal. Here it was muggy and brutal, but I spent most of the holiday on the computer finishing up some reports. So I escaped the worst. But your Sunday seems to trump mine by a long shot. In all directions.

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
Gettin late here on the east side boys. Everybody stay safe, thanks, and goodnight.:hatsoff:
Unfortunately, I can. So until I own my own acres, it looks like bottle rockets and Roman Candles will have to make due.

You need to get some land, son. I go to my uncle's and all you hear is gunfire on his 20 something acres around him. We also get shoot his off as well without interference. :hatsoff:
You need to get some land, son. I go to my uncle's and all you hear is gunfire on his 20 something acres around him. We also get shoot his off as well without interference. :hatsoff:

I'll be checking my inbox for the formal invitation. I come with my own ammo, you know. My collection's nearly all Glocks, ARs and AKs, but I've yet to hear any complaints! :1orglaugh
I celebrated the birth of my nation by blowing up a small portion of it. As well as a part of my hand.

But don't worry. I still have 7 fingers for next year.

I did actually burn my hand though setting the damned things off.
I'll be checking my inbox for the formal invitation. I come with my own ammo, you know. My collection's nearly all Glocks, ARs and AKs, but I've yet to hear any complaints! :1orglaugh

He did have an M-4 but sold it. Mostly standard 12 Gauge and some 9 millies now. You have to wear orange out on their property though because of all the poaching.

I'd love to fire a Kalashnikov. Hear they have a pretty big recoil so they spray unlike a standard M16 also because of their larger Gauge.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
It is my sincerest desire that this become our new national anthem. Happy Independence Day!

You know, there's a reason that us Americans and China broke away from you Communist bastards....

I can't think of one right now because I'm drunk off my ass but I'm sure it had something to do with The Spice Girls.

Isn't one of the spice girls American now?
He did have an M-4 but sold it. Mostly standard 12 gauge and some 9 millies now. You have to wear orange out on their property though because of all the poaching.

I'd love to fire a Kalashnikov. Hear they have a pretty big recoil so they spray unlike a standard M16 also because of their larger gauge.

I never got to a handle a fully automatic AK, but the semi-autos are fun to handle. Recoil's mild...just a slight thump on the shoulder.