When you guys walk your dog, do you let them kill other living creatures?

Reason I am bringing this up because there are times when I am walking my Dog (Golden Retriever), and sometimes he tries to kill things such as lizards, frogs, mice, etc. It's animal instincts, but i feed my dog well, so I don't take any joy in him killing other living creatures.

So here is what happened last week. I was taking my dog for a walk around the Ravine near our house. It was a nice day and pretty dry outside. So what I usually do is let my dog loose of his leech to roll around the grass and stuff. But after I took off his leech my dog was a couple feet away from me and I noticed he was fixated on something, so I looked to the ground and noticed a toad. At this moment I say my dog starting to move his head to pick the toad up with his mouth, but then I screamed "NOOOOOO!!!!" and cupped my hand over the toad and my dog ended up biting my fingers pretty hard. I could tell he looked a bit sad after, but I did not hit him or anything. I then checked on the toad and it was okay, so I ended up taking it to the pond nearby and let it down near the water but not in it since I wasen't sure it was okay in water or not?

How about you guys? I'm sorry if what I did seems pansy like or whatever, but I am an animal lover. It doesn't matter if it's a reptile or dog or cat. They all still feel pain and I don't believe should be hurt or eaten in situations that are not necessary. If stray dog's so that in the wild, then that is fine. But I feed my Dog well, and I'm not gonna let that happen. My hand isn't even that hurt, but if it was I would not of regretted what I did.

That's funny. Honestly, I bet the toad gave the toad STD: warts.

Honestly, if you beat your dog like you beat your wife and kids, your dog wouldn't be so out of hand trying to bite you and stuff. Really now, you're the master, the dog is the pet. Take control! Have the same mentality with your wife and kids and life will go smooth.
You haven't seen anything until you have seen the murderous beasts that are household cats. I have seen those little bastards kill anything from bugs to birds to snakes to other cats.
I then checked on the toad and it was okay, so I ended up taking it to the pond nearby and let it down near the water but not in it since I wasen't sure it was okay in water or not?

You are aware of the fact that toads are amphibians, right?

Anyway, yeah it was cool what you did. When I had a cat and it'd see a bug or whatever, I'd try to catch and release it before the cat had her fun with it.
I think my cat's trying to kill me, does that count?

I mean, to say "I think" is a bit of an understatement really in the light of recent events where he's actually told me directly that he wants me dead sooner rather than later and that he's going feed off of my sexy, supple corpse for at least three months until I'm found by some fumbling, babbling moron (or my father to be more specific) and the police. He's even gone so far as to say that he's going to eat my face first as some sort of token gesture to show his appreciation for all I've done for him over the years - which when you think about it is quite nice.

At this point I obviously become very sceptical, because having awoke several times to the sounds of my own screams on the floor of my kitchen with my pants down in a puddle of my own piss and shit not knowing how I got there or indeed how I got myself in this position I find his there staring attentively at me, saying or doing nothing.

What does this mean?

My obvious question is this am I deluding myself here? Is the threat of my cat sitting on my face while I'm asleep, tripping me down the stairs or drowning me in its own piss just a self made illusion by my own subconscious in order to keep me locked up in this room for months on end away from the fears I have of the outside world; living off of what nourishment an assortment of insects and dust have within them and drinking my own urine? If so, how is the cat speaking to me? Why does he sound like Roger Moore? And if I get the chance should I attempt to off him first before he can get to me or should I just jump out of the window now and leave him here alone to his own devices?

So many questions so little time.

Shhh! He's scratching at the door, right NOW! Be cool people, be cool....


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
My dog is dead you inconsiderate asshole. :mad:
I think my cat's trying to kill me, does that count?

I mean, to say "I think" is a bit of an understatement really in the light of recent events where he's actually told me directly that he wants me dead sooner rather than later and that he's going feed off of my sexy, supple corpse for at least three months until I'm found by some fumbling, babbling moron (or my father to be more specific) and the police. He's even gone so far as to say that he's going to eat my face first as some sort of token gesture to show his appreciation for all I've done for him over the years - which when you think about it is quite nice.

At this point I obviously become very sceptical, because having awoke several times to the sounds of my own screams on the floor of my kitchen with my pants down in a puddle of my own piss and shit not knowing how I got there or indeed how I got myself in this position I find his there staring attentively at me, saying or doing nothing.

What does this mean?

My obvious question is this am I deluding myself here? Is the threat of my cat sitting on my face while I'm asleep, tripping me down the stairs or drowning me in its own piss just a self made illusion by my own subconscious in order to keep me locked up in this room for months on end away from the fears I have of the outside world; living off of what nourishment an assortment of insects and dust have within them and drinking my own urine? If so, how is the cat speaking to me? Why does he sound like Roger Moore? And if I get the chance should I attempt to off him first before he can get to me or should I just jump out of the window now and leave him here alone to his own devices?

So many questions so little time.

Shhh! He's scratching at the door, right NOW! Be cool people, be cool....

:rofl: :rofl2: :rofl: :rofl2: :rofl: :rofl2:


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I let my human kill other humans.
Heck, sometimes when I walk myself I have to resist the urge, like when I'm moving around inside a shopping center. ;)
Whenever I take L3ggy for a walk (I normally end up carrying the fat lazy bastard) I have to stop him trying to have sex with all the other male dogs/wolves. I turn my back for one second and he's at it again, I'm at my wits end and don't know what to do :dunno:
My mutt chases them, but the squirrels and rabbits just laugh at him. Crows, seagulls and any other flying creatures let him get within 10 yards then fly off and land a few yards away and so it goes on. He hasn't figured out why he can't fly and can't climb trees! He's coming up to 8 and yet he still tries. He chases cats, but if the cat stands it's ground he'll chicken out!
He's as scared of spiders and other creepy-crawlies as I am, so he's of no practical use there!
The only thing that I know off that he's eaten was only what I can assume was a grass snake, a dead grass snake, which he swallowed whole! He wouldn't let me near it, but he swallowed it nonetheless. It's funny though, he'll eat dry, stale bread that people chuck out for the birds, (don't feed them bread it is of no use to them and only stops them looking for proper food) yet when I give him a slice of fresh, crusty bread he won't even look at it!!!
I have trained him to kill and eat drug dealers, though he doesn't like the aftertaste much, he much prefers babies and small children, though he can't eat a whole one!
Cats can be vile creatures at times, they torture and maim before killing their victims and not always for food, just for sport, vile, vile, vile.


█▀█▀█ █ &#9608
If I don't et him quench his blood thirst he'll eat my face while I'm sleeping.
My mutt chases them, but the squirrels and rabbits just laugh at him. Crows, seagulls and any other flying creatures let him get within 10 yards then fly off and land a few yards away and so it goes on. He hasn't figured out why he can't fly and can't climb trees! He's coming up to 8 and yet he still tries. He chases cats, but if the cat stands it's ground he'll chicken out!
He's as scared of spiders and other creepy-crawlies as I am, so he's of no practical use there!
The only thing that I know off that he's eaten was only what I can assume was a grass snake, a dead grass snake, which he swallowed whole! He wouldn't let me near it, but he swallowed it nonetheless. It's funny though, he'll eat dry, stale bread that people chuck out for the birds, (don't feed them bread it is of no use to them and only stops them looking for proper food) yet when I give him a slice of fresh, crusty bread he won't even look at it!!!
I have trained him to kill and eat drug dealers, though he doesn't like the aftertaste much, he much prefers babies and small children, though he can't eat a whole one!
Cats can be vile creatures at times, they torture and maim before killing their victims and not always for food, just for sport, vile, vile, vile.
(aside) why do you always use this font/colour/size?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
So he can annoy you!