Do Bill O'Reilly And Sean Hannity Dislike Each Other?

I've always been curious about this. People who don't know much about them tend to see them as the same thing. In reality, they see things very differently. Both are Conservative minded but Hannity is way more to the right and more of a shill to all things Republican. O'Reilly calls out the far right as kooks just like the far left. Talk radio often goes after O'Reilly too.

At the Fox News Channel, I rarely hear O'Reilly and Hannity even mention the other one's name on each other's show even though Greta and Beck are mentioned often. Always seemed like somewhat of an icy relationship between those two.
I've always been curious about this. People who don't know much about them tend to see them as the same thing. In reality, they see things very differently. Both are Conservative minded but Hannity is way more to the right and more of a shill to all things Republican. O'Reilly calls out the far right as kooks just like the far left. Talk radio often goes after O'Reilly too.

At the Fox News Channel, I rarely hear O'Reilly and Hannity even mention the other one's name on each other's show even though Greta and Beck are mentioned often. Always seemed like somewhat of an icy relationship between those two.

O'Reilly's not a conservative. He's a loud mouth populist. If you ever listen to him, he's wishy washy about a lot of shit and has no problem with government over-regulating or even seizing some industries.

I remember reading that there's no love lost between the two, but never heard of any open animosity. Hannity has taken shots at Beck though. On his radio show. They're online somewhere. And O'Reilly and Beck work together I think...some queer tour show thing.



They have a duel at high noon.
They shoot each other dead and Glen Beck happens to walk right between them as the fire at each other.
Both falling pistols go off and the bullets ricochet and hit Nancy Grace and Sarah Palin having lesbian sex in the corner.
Rush Limbaugh dies from shock at seeing two dead lesbians again .

...hopefully that doesn't happen
I do seem to recall seeing something about some indifference between the two, but nothing more than that.
I don't think they like each other, but i think it's more to do with egos and being top dog at Fox news than politics.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
There is only one way for the two of them to resolve this and I am talking about Thunderdome! Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls dying time is here!
I haven't watched Fox News in quite a while. I will every once in a while listen to Hannity's radio program. I usually watch Fox News if I know Boortz is going to be in a segment.

As for a whole O'Reilly, Hannity feud, who knows and who cares? Just because they are on the same station and political side doesn't mean they are buddies that hang out and all that crap.