Little Red Wagon Repairman
I've always been curious about this. People who don't know much about them tend to see them as the same thing. In reality, they see things very differently. Both are Conservative minded but Hannity is way more to the right and more of a shill to all things Republican. O'Reilly calls out the far right as kooks just like the far left. Talk radio often goes after O'Reilly too.
At the Fox News Channel, I rarely hear O'Reilly and Hannity even mention the other one's name on each other's show even though Greta and Beck are mentioned often. Always seemed like somewhat of an icy relationship between those two.
At the Fox News Channel, I rarely hear O'Reilly and Hannity even mention the other one's name on each other's show even though Greta and Beck are mentioned often. Always seemed like somewhat of an icy relationship between those two.