What Did You Eat For Thanksgiving?...

Lets see...

I had some frozen pizza for lunch.

Then a little bit later on I hate two frozen Pretzels. After that I ate half a bag of chips.

As it got dark out I had a piece of pumpkin pie with cool whip on it then decieded to eat a few dinner rolls with butter.

For desert I toped it off with a few cookie and a glass of milk.

That was my thanksgiving "day" meal. :D


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
I had a Subway Sandwich...but then I headed to the American Book Store and stocked up on bargain books (in english, yay!) for 20% off during their Thanksgiving Sale.

Will E Worm

Turkey, potatoes, stove top, corn, ham, pumpkin pie. flylicker

Are you ready? I had...

A can of Chef Boyardee Ravioli and a red plastic cup full of Sprite.

What did you have? Did it make you want to hang yourself, like my meal did? :dunno:

You could have cooked. You're a chef. :rolleyes:

At least go to the grocery store and buy a Thanksgiving meal.
The store in my area had one for $29.95.
Are you ready? I had...

A can of Chef Boyardee Ravioli and a red plastic cup full of Sprite.

What did you have? Did it make you want to hang yourself, like my meal did? :dunno:

LMAO... How did I even know?

Aww cheffy poo, I'll make you some sexy thanksgiving yum yum to make up for what You Missed out on... (hugs)

I had turkey and the most mazing stuffing, sweet potatoes and turnip on the planet. Along with the most gorgeous pumpkin pie known to man. Oh, and all this was last month during Canada's thanksgiving.
in germany we dont celebrate thanksgiving so i eated normal a "döner kebab" :D germans know this one ;)
Lets see...

I had some frozen pizza for lunch.

Then a little bit later on I hate two frozen Pretzels. After that I ate half a bag of chips.

As it got dark out I had a piece of pumpkin pie with cool whip on it then decieded to eat a few dinner rolls with butter.

For desert I toped it off with a few cookie and a glass of milk.

That was my thanksgiving "day" meal. :D

Holy shit, Magnet!
You should change your user ID to Heart_Attack_Waiting_To_Happen :1orglaugh
I had pozole and roasted ham for Thanksgiving.


A good samwich with a coffee.

But hey, we don't celebrate Thanksgiving over here :D

Sure you do, isn't it in the early days of October ? No ? :dunno:
Hmmm . . "over here" ? . . . oh, yeah, right-o, at your homestead, you mean ?
Got it. ;)