what the fuck you lookin at?
Parents of gamers, on the other hand, showed poor performance this year, getting an "Incomplete" grade. The NIMF points out that many parents don't pay enough attention to the ratings and don't use the parental control features of game consoles.
I would put this in the games section, but I consider this to be news worthy! It's about fuckin time "the powers that be" started recognizing that it's solely the parents fault for their kids playing violent video games.
I'm so sick of people whining and bitching about how violent video games are. All the while, these same people don't make any effort to stop their kids from getting a hold of said games.
Only thing I don't understand is why isn't GTAIV on the highlighted list? That series is the main offender for getting parents all up in arms about sex, drugs, and violence in video games in the first place...