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  1. YumiYumi_1988

    What are you listening to right now?

    Pete Rock & CL Smooth - Lots of Lovin'
  2. YumiYumi_1988

    twitt with freeones pornstars

  3. YumiYumi_1988

    Rapper faces 30 years in prison

    Hopefully this will lead to less of his god awful fake rap music.
  4. YumiYumi_1988

    NBA Commish "Plantation Overseer"

    "Try not to laugh when someone says these are the world’s greatest athletes, despite a paucity of blacks that makes the Winter Games look like a GOP convention," Gumbel said. Here's an idea. What if Blacks actually made a conscious effort to actually participate in winter sports. Then...
  5. YumiYumi_1988

    NFL '11 Season Thread

    I'm still in shock people actually think Christian Ponder is a future franchise QB. Meanwhile a guy like Colt McCoy falls to the 3rd round. Go figure.
  6. YumiYumi_1988

    LeBron James is the best basketball player in the world...

    I personally have a handful of qualms with the list. That said, at least they got the top 2 right. LeBron and Dwight are the two best, in whichever order you choose. They are the two players that completely change how the opposing team plays. Btw Blake Griffin at 10 and Eric Gordon at 39 is...
  7. YumiYumi_1988

    Gene Simmons and Shannon Tweed=

    Me likey.
  8. YumiYumi_1988

    Why do we drink?

    I drink cuz it makes everything funner.
  9. YumiYumi_1988

    Hotties of ESPN.

    Niki Noto
  10. YumiYumi_1988

    Who is in your dream sports team out of players who have played for the team?

    I like Barcelona and Deportivo, but since Barcelona is too easy, I'll do Depor: Daniel Aranzubia Manuel Pablo - Fabricio Coloccini - Alberto Lopo - Joan Capdevila Mauro Silva Fran Gonzalez - Juan Carlos Valeron - Joan Verdu - Albert Luque Diego Tristan Manager: Javier Irureta
  11. YumiYumi_1988

    NFL '11 Season Thread

  12. YumiYumi_1988

    What pisses you off?

    Bad parenting.
  13. YumiYumi_1988

    Win a Date with Briana Lee Contest!!

    Well, come back next year. You're about a month too late.
  14. YumiYumi_1988

    Horrific footage shows girl, 2, run over TWICE as people ignore her lying in the road

    Re: Horrific footage shows girl, 2, run over TWICE as people ignore her lying in the Humanity fail. That's terrible. Btw what is the child doing out there in the first place? Where the hell is her parents? Parenting fail.
  15. YumiYumi_1988

    UK Man Survives Off Roadkill For 30 Years

    ....And Chicago. Btw lemme say this about Ohio. Smog and pollution are what separates the borders of Ohio and Kentucky. You instantly know you've reached Ohio just by looking in the sky.
  16. YumiYumi_1988


    I commend you for your restraint.
  17. YumiYumi_1988

    Beavis and Butthead preview.

    Awesome. I had no idea it was coming back. Probably cuz I normally wouldn't touch MTV with a ten-foot pole.
  18. YumiYumi_1988

    Family Feud Has X-Rated Moment

    I agree, of course anyone who finds this shocking and controversial is a dope. But at the same time, it's a family show and has a corresponding rating. Or else the rating for this particular episode should've been bumped to PG13 or whatever the hell they label TV ratings. That said, I found...
  19. YumiYumi_1988

    Briana Lee First Girl/Girl Shoot

    No complaints
  20. YumiYumi_1988

    Ok peoples, I grievance with some of you

    That ain't Spanish, that's Mexican.
  21. YumiYumi_1988

    NFL '11 Season Thread

    HAHAHAHAHA awesome avatar Diva San Diego @ New York Jets Chicago @ Tampa Bay (Bold prediction: Bears will finish ahead of the Lions in the North) Seattle @ Cleveland Atlanta @ Detroit (Could be the start of an unraveling for the Lions) Denver @ Miami (Despite a terrible game by Tebow)...
  22. YumiYumi_1988

    2011/2012 NCAA Football Thread

    If Wisconsin wins out, and no SEC team is undefeated, they have no worries. Stanford has a horrible schedule, but beating Oregon alone may be enough to sway voters. Clemson and Boise State are damned due to their crappy conferences. Clemson's schedule is gravy from here on out. Clemson...
  23. YumiYumi_1988

    NFL '11 Season Thread

    Jason Campbell out for the year. Son of a bitch. Just when things are on the upswing for the Raiders. Hopefully Palmer or Garrard are on deck.
  24. YumiYumi_1988

    2011/2012 NCAA Football Thread

    I went 13-3. The real top ten: 1 - LSU 2 - Alabama 3 - Oklahoma 4 - Wisconsin 5 - Okie State 6 - Stanford 7 - Boise State 8 - Clemson 9 - Oregon 10 - Arkansas Looks like LSU-Alabama and Oklahoma-Ok State could effectively serve as national semifinals.
  25. YumiYumi_1988

    When has it been hardest to support your team?

    My answer was supporting Florida Gators football in the early late 90s and early 00s, but for different reasons. I was young, and all I knew was the Gators dominating the SEC. So whenever we lost, particularly against trashy ass Tennessee, it would really, really upset me to the point it...
  26. YumiYumi_1988

    NFL '11 Season Thread

    It's a decent pick up, but our real problem is pass defense. And Curry is terrible in coverage.
  27. YumiYumi_1988

    2011/2012 NCAA Football Thread

    These Gators look worse than last year's. Six points against Auburn's sorry ass defense? And ASU got fucked against Oregon, that (non-)fumble call completely changed the game. And Trent Richardson is a beast. When he goes to the NFL, he will instantly be the 2nd best RB in the league after...
  28. YumiYumi_1988

    2011/2012 NCAA Football Thread

    Pretty much agree with everything you said
  29. YumiYumi_1988

    Weakest teams to win championships?

    Um, I said nothing about those teams, since that was 20 years before I walked the Earth. So, I don't appreciate being called names unjustly, so why don't you pay more attention next time, tard ass.
  30. YumiYumi_1988

    What are you listening to right now?

    A Tribe Called Quest -- Check the Rhime
  31. YumiYumi_1988

    What are you listening to right now?

    EPMD - Strictly Business
  32. YumiYumi_1988

    Weakest teams to win championships?

    2005 Pittsburgh Steelers (Lol both their RBs, Staley and Bettis, were ridiculously slow and fat) 2006 St. Louis Cardinals (Most years they'da missed the playoffs by at least 5 games) 2007 New York Giants (Not only were they underwhelming, but they prevented one of the single greatest football...
  33. YumiYumi_1988

    What is your favourite band/artist from your particular country?

    Does Puerto Rico count as part of the US? If not, Lords of the Underground.
  34. YumiYumi_1988

    Do you get sleepy after sex?

    I'm pretty sure, as gsb has pointed, that sex or any other form of "release" makes you tired and aids in sleep.
  35. YumiYumi_1988

    Look at the Beautiful colours and Landscapes

    Here's what I know about Scotland: Rangers can suck my dick. That is all.
  36. YumiYumi_1988

    Most Overrated Restaurants

    Tim Horton's serves cockroaches apparently.
  37. YumiYumi_1988

    The 2011 MLB Thread

    Champions find a way to win the close ones. Texas has won all three.
  38. YumiYumi_1988

    NFL '11 Season Thread

    Easy, Dolphins. Indy has actually looked decent as of late, and they still have some good players. And you have to think the Rams will find a way to accidently beat the Seahawks or Cardinals in their own division. But Miami, I'm not sure what they have going for them. No one knows who their...
  39. YumiYumi_1988

    How to get chicks when you aren't rich and don't have a big wang

    I've always considered confidence and being engaging as the two most important things. Well, that and not looking like total shit.
  40. YumiYumi_1988

    Actors/Actresses you despise.

    Tyler Perry. Who the fuck are you that you need to put your name on all your movies? Plus all his shit sucks. Not funny one bit. I can't see white people nor black people liking that shit.
  41. YumiYumi_1988

    The End Is Nigh

    I think it's possible that women, feeling like they had more to overcome as females (whether this were true or not), have been more motivated to change things and make their lives better. With this in mind, I think it's very possible it comes full circle, and the trend reverses, with men...
  42. YumiYumi_1988

    Which do you prefer?

    Average I guess. Natural.
  43. YumiYumi_1988

    What are you listening to right now?

    Lords of the Underground - What I'm After
  44. YumiYumi_1988

    Vinyl Anyone?

    I like to think I am old school. I've resisted using a MP3 or Ipod, in fact I don't know what the fuck is the difference. I actually buy CDs, which apparently is not as widespread anymore as I thought. I like to listen to them in my car, but my friends keep telling me they make some kind of...
  45. YumiYumi_1988

    What pisses you off?

    People who are stupid and can't do menial things like simple math, spell, or punctuate.
  46. YumiYumi_1988

    Biggest irrational fear?

    If only you coulda seen my face when I first saw that......
  47. YumiYumi_1988

    Does This Strike You As Irresponsible?

    I'm not too surprised. Kids all the time are allowed to play violent video games, stay out late, and watch and listen to whatever they want. Parenting these days is atrocious. But nudity, God forbid anyone see the natural human body.
  48. YumiYumi_1988

    Biggest irrational fear?

  49. YumiYumi_1988

    American football question?

    It has nothing to do with the sport, it's the country. In the USA we list the home team second because it is The Away Team at The Home Team. Even in soccer, we list the home team second. Meanwhile, basketball games in Europe I believe list the home team first, while in the USA it's the away...
  50. YumiYumi_1988

    What are you listening to right now?

    EPMD - It's Going Down