Why do we drink?

Me personally, I don't like the taste of alcohol yet I still continue to drink it. Alcohol isn't exactly the best tasting beverage, I can name ten other beverages that taste better than beer or hard liquor. I've never taken a shot of Tequila and proclaimed that it was the tastiest drink I've ever had. I guess I just drink because I have to, just something that you do. Anybody feel the same way?


Me personally, I don't like the taste of alcohol yet I still continue to drink it. Alcohol isn't exactly the best tasting beverage, I can name ten other beverages that taste better than beer or hard liquor. I've never taken a shot of Tequila and proclaimed that it was the tastiest drink I've ever had. I guess I just drink because I have to, just something that you do. Anybody feel the same way?

People drink to self-medicate anxiety. If you find that alcohol relaxes you then you are unrelaxed when you are not drinking, and will feel compelled to drink.

Why don't we drink?

Because we don't have anxiety.

Though you can still have anxiety, but realize that alcohol doesn't make it go away for very long and is basically a futile approach to stress so you don't bother drinking it.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Because that keg isn't gonna empty itself.
Alcohol doesn't taste good!?!? Gin and Tonics my friend... G&T

I just drink because it does feel good and relaxes me. Lately I just have a couple and don't get completely hammered making a fool of myself like I use to


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt

Much love for Jimmie boy. ;)

But, on topic...I think it wasn't until I was 25 or 26 that I stopped drinking to get drunk. These days, if I drink, I drink what I enjoy drinking.

I really, really, really want to take 2 weeks and go through the UK cider tasting. :D


I gave it up.

You didn't!!!!!!!

You did? :surprise:

Is it thus far as tough of a road to hoe as you anticipated?
So how many days clean and sober? Hurry, hurry! You shouldn't have to think about it, you should know the count like you know the day is light! :nono:

So, any hotties in the AA meetings? :boobies: ;)