Does This Strike You As Irresponsible?

This song "Pumped Up Kicks" by the band Foster The People has seemingly become a big hit recently and is being played all over the radio. The song has reached #3 on the Canadian and US Billboard "Hot 100" lists, and has apparently received a good deal of critical acclaim.

My question is this: Why the hell are we applauding this piece of shit song that glamorizes a young boy shooting his classmates dead? Does no one listen to anything anymore? After the huge outcry from Columbine and the efforts on certain sides of the political aisle to curb/restrict gun ownership, etc. why is no one saying anything about the irresponsible nature in which this song is being promoted? God forbid a boob ever show up on basic cable, that would be the end of the world. But a song about school-aged kids killing their classmates? "Yeah, that sounds like a hit, we should play the shit out of this jam." :facepalm:

I can hardly find any online articles that even begin to address the fact that a song about children killing other children (presumably in a school setting?) is being plastered wall to wall across the airwaves?

I actually heard a kid at Jack In The Box the other night singing the lyrics to this song, he looked all of 12 years old, and his (what I'm assuming was his) mother was just standing there, dumb as could be, trying to decide what combo meal to stuff her fat face with, completely ignoring the fact that her child is singing a song who's lyrics include "you'd better outrun my gun... (and) you'd better run faster than my bullet." Does this trend not confound anyone else?

Look at the fucking lyrics to this song:
Robert's got a quick hand.
He's looking 'round the room, he won't tell you his plan.
He's got a rolled cigarette, hanging out his mouth he's a cowboy kid.
Yeah, he found a six shooter gun.
In his dad's closet
with a box of fun things, I don't even know what.
But he's coming for you, yeah, he's coming for you.

All the other kids with the pumped up kicks, you'd better run, better run, outrun my gun.
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks, you'd better run, better run, faster than my bullet.

Daddy works a long day.
He's coming home late, yeah, he's coming home late.
And he's bringing me a surprise.
His dinner's in the kitchen and it's packed in ice.

I've waited for a long time.
Yet the slide of my hand is now a quick pulled trigger,
I reason with my cigarette,
And say your hair's on fire, you must have lost your wits, yeah.

All the other kids with the pumped up kicks, you'd better run, better run, outrun my gun.
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks, you'd better run, better run, faster than my bullet.

Run, run, run, run, ru- ru- ru- run, run, run, ru- ru- ru- run, run, run, ru- ru- ru- run, ru- run, run, run, run.

All the other kids with the pumped up kicks, you'd better run, better run, outrun my gun.
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks, you'd better run, better run, faster than my bullet.

Since 2000 there have been more than 65! school shootings in the United States alone, with more than 110 victims, and we're allowing this piece of garbage song to be played 4,000 (a bit of an overestimate, but still...) times a day on any given radio station? How does this make any sense? Of all the bullshit things people in this country get uppity about, we're allowing what has become a pretty significant and all to common occurrence in our schools to be glamorized?

I just don't get it, at all.



Special Operations FOX-HOUND
It doesn't even got a good beat.
It's sad and depressing however, talk of these type seems to be socially accepted. When a child actually shoots another child then this song will be held responsible, but untill that happens people just listen in and dont pay attention. Music and Media have a huge influence on how kids grow up, just need the parents and the actual singers to realise this. I blame the singers far more than i blame the parents and the kids tho.....


Re: Does This Strike You As Irresponsible?

At the very best it's irresponsible, but don't worry, it's only art. :facepalm:

Seriously, it's no wonder why western cultured couples are opting not to have children these days with shit like this looming around.

It's sad and depressing however, talk of these type seems to be socially accepted.
that and they become desensitized and jaded.
When a child actually shoots another child then this song will be held responsible
The media will blame the artists for a day and the guns forever... imagine that, blaming inanimate objects!!
I think the bigger problem is living in a nation that glamourises guns to the extent they are no longer seen as weapons designed to kill which is their primary function


My Penis Is Dancing!
Pearl Jam did it many years earlier...and a lot better.

I think both Pearl Jam and Foster the People were going for the same effect - both of the song writers' attempts to get inside the heads of psychos, as well as raising awareness to responsible gun ownership. However, the popish beats used in Pumped Up Kicks makes Foster's less successful, IMHO, as Vedder's was quite a bit darker.
Then again, bouncy songs about death have worked in the past.

Unfortunately, I think most of this post simply proves that I am getting too fucking old and turning into one of those angry old men yelling at kids to turn down the damn music.
Now if you will excuse me, those damn kids are on my lawn again.
I agree with you on the point that people need to listen to the lyrics. Every person I have talked to about the song has no idea what it is about, and they say they love the song.

It is an upbeat song with a very dark message. There are a lot of songs about terrible things that have happened, that doesn't mean they are bad songs. I love the song for the fact that it is so dark, but has a great upbeat fell. I think that is a great twist.
I'm not too surprised. Kids all the time are allowed to play violent video games, stay out late, and watch and listen to whatever they want. Parenting these days is atrocious. But nudity, God forbid anyone see the natural human body.


It's just a song.

just add chemically unbalanced single parented youngster + a day of deep dark depression + some bong hits + a few swigs of Martin Remy + a friend's father's handgun + a venue....

...and to think that a song could spawn such horror. :eek:


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
God damn it Plump Rump! You hurt my ears by post that video, I had to listen to it because I've never even heard of that shit that passes for music.
But reading over the description, it sounds like it's about that boy who shot the younger Gay boy in class in front of everyone, because he thought he was being sexually advanced upon, and just got acquitted for committing murder.

Now these douches come along and murder music, fitting.
I don't give a fuck, I love this song. Foster The People is a really good band, don't let that one song keep you from listening to their album, they make some good music.

It's a pretty crappy song. I think it's just as bad there are parents out there that mindlessly let their kids listen to or watch whatever they want without paying attention to what's happening.