Beavis and Butthead preview.


knows petras secret: she farted.
beavis sounds a little different. also.. i wonder if they are gonna show videos during the show. i hope not. if they do, it should be old shit. god, i cant sit through todays fucking music videos. awful.

Will E Worm

Can Beavis do this again? :Flame:



Pucker Up Butter Cup.
I'll definately watch it, this show was a childhood fav, you definately got dumber watching it but good stuff ;)


For the EMPEROR!!
beavis sounds a little different. also.. i wonder if they are gonna show videos during the show. i hope not. if they do, it should be old shit. god, i cant sit through todays fucking music videos. awful.

Yeah, I noticed that too.

I'm hoping it'll be good, but will have to wait and see.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I never really got see Beavis and Butthead the last time, maybe I'll get to do it this time.


Hiliary 2020
I am the proud owner of every episode, uncut just as each episode was originally aired.
nothing missing.
took a lot of research and searching, but I got it.
I'd like to make a set with no videos, I have the editing program but thats just so much work.
oh shit! this is awesome dude! i remember staying up and trying to watch Beavis and Butthead when i was a kid! my older bro would sometimes cover for me so i could see it haha. he even named his pet rat Beavis, but only cause my parents wouldnt let him name it butthead


knows petras secret: she farted.
Awesome. I had no idea it was coming back. Probably cuz I normally wouldn't touch MTV with a ten-foot pole.

same. i avoid mtv like the plague myself. and, since i now have no tv service, ill get around to watching it when its not on mtv.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
You mean we may actually see one of those "music videos" they used to play on MTV with the return of Beavis and Butthead.