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  1. Ashleigh

    Skin Between Pussy and Anus

    I used to work with a guy who's last name was Choda. He even had a Choda liscence plate. Just sayin.:dunno:
  2. Ashleigh

    Gift idea for stressed out girl.

    DAY AT THE SPA! DAY AT THE SPA! DAY AT THE SPA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, when I get majorly stressed out (and it happens often) I just wanna be at the spa letting other people take care of me. And along with that, buy her a nice bottle of wine and some really comfy pj's to go home with. :)
  3. Ashleigh

    what would you do if your son was GAY?

    As long as I raised a son who was respectful, hardworking and caring...I wouldn't care what he chose to do with his life!
  4. Ashleigh

    Why such lethal dosages of sodium ?

    mmmmmmmm salt..... *runs to grab some fritos*
  5. Ashleigh

    Let´s Talk About People Who Fuck With Animals!

    for realz. *barfs*
  6. Ashleigh

    blowjob delema

    If she doesn't even want to kiss you then I'd say she's got some beef with you or being intimate with you. If it was JUST the sex she wasn't doing, I'd say "yeah she likely is self conscious, or uncomfortable with intercourse, or maybe even afraid of getting preggo" but...since you said she...
  7. Ashleigh

    Favorite childhood candy?

    Gummi worms!!!!
  8. Ashleigh

    hehe yes, I saw it, thank you!! As for what I charge for shows, it all depends on if you want...

    hehe yes, I saw it, thank you!! As for what I charge for shows, it all depends on if you want to see nude, or non nude teaser stuff. Prices range from 3.99 a minute up to 9.99 a minute for hardcore chats.
  9. Ashleigh

    Ashleighcwh Fan Thread

    aww sorry to disappoint hehe.
  10. Ashleigh

    Ashleighcwh Fan Thread

    lol...its pronounced the same as Ashley. Not difficult! Oh and thats fine, I don't need a bf anyways. My hubby isn't into sharing :P
  11. Ashleigh

    Ashleighcwh Fan Thread

    hehe I'll see what I can do. What are the rules on posting stuff here? Vids/pics etc?
  12. Ashleigh

    Ashleighcwh Fan Thread

    hahaha :D
  13. Ashleigh

    Chimpanzee attacks woman.

    That 911 tape was absolutely horrifying. Big monkeys like that scare the shit out of me anyways but man....I could not imagine watching that. I agree, wild animals that belong in the wild should not for any reason be kept as pets. Its just not safe.
  14. Ashleigh

    Your favorite Beers!

    Alexander Keiths!
  15. Ashleigh

    favourite Snacks

    Tater chips, its so bad for me but I am so addicted to salt.
  16. Ashleigh

    Ashleighcwh Fan Thread

    Awww I just saw this! Thanks so much, you're too sweet <3 For you: and a big dorky kiss from mee. hehe
  17. Ashleigh

    aww thanks hehe, glad you enjoyed the vids hehe. Of course I'll still be there in April! I don't...

    aww thanks hehe, glad you enjoyed the vids hehe. Of course I'll still be there in April! I don't plan on leaving that site for a loooong time, way too much fun!
  18. Ashleigh

    yeah if you subscribe you get alot of the vids/pics/memberchats of girls...or you can take the...

    yeah if you subscribe you get alot of the vids/pics/memberchats of girls...or you can take the money and buy private or vip shows off diff chats pretty much. Diff aspects to teh site but yeah..all good fun. Hope you find vids! Try googling Ashleigh Foundry vid, or Ashleigh CWH...
  19. Ashleigh

    Boo :(

    why thank you ! :)
  20. Ashleigh

    thats no probs babe, totally understand with the economy sucking balls as much as it does lol...

    thats no probs babe, totally understand with the economy sucking balls as much as it does lol. But as for pics...I have no idea. I mean there are probably pics all over the web, so try using google to find stuff...there are teaser vids of me too out there.
  21. Ashleigh

    Dunno man, can't really help ya. I'd post pics but again...don't want to get flamed. On a site...

    Dunno man, can't really help ya. I'd post pics but again...don't want to get flamed. On a site like this you'd think guys'd appreciate pics for free but appears not on this site>?
  22. Ashleigh

    Ask a canadian person...

    shot as in needle? I dunno, we all have to get some form of booster shots before school I think...*shrugs* I dunno, I was too young to remember and I don't have children of my own so I have no idea lol.
  23. Ashleigh

    Your favorite fruit

    hmmm I think peaches, kiwi and raspberries!
  24. Ashleigh

    Just the vday ones, and some in the members section of the forum, not sure if you have access...

    Just the vday ones, and some in the members section of the forum, not sure if you have access. Otherwise, you can check out my gallery over at CamWithHer or just google "Ashleigh cwh" to see if you find any pics lol. I have no idea whats out there haha. I tend to not post alot of pics here...
  25. Ashleigh

    Ask a canadian person...

    Milk in bags is just stupid to me, Timmie Ho's is overrated and was only good in the 90's and sales tax is different in every province. Its 13% in Ontario....averages 12-15 I think though.
  26. Ashleigh

    Ask a canadian person...

    I am definitely Canadian. Ontario born and raised...but I'm moving to the Maritimes next week! and MDG dude, are you kidding? BLech.
  27. Ashleigh

    Ask a canadian person...

    I drive alot. I'll drive two to three hours just to go to a certain store...but it really depends on where you live. In places like Saskatchewan and Alberta, there's only a handful of cities, and the rest is open plains so if you live anywhere outside a city you kinda have to drive to get...
  28. Ashleigh

    What's your Cereal for the Morning?

    haha wow, I literally meant brown sugar as in the sugar...not this chick. Although I'm sure she'd make a lovely breakfast companion. :)
  29. Ashleigh

    What's your Cereal for the Morning?

    Fuck cereal. Where's the bacon option? But if I had to pick a fav'd be some granola with berries...or Oatmeal with apples and brown sugar.
  30. Ashleigh

    What Do You Think Of Farmers?

    I like farmers who have organic farms. In fact I like them alot. Organic meat ftw. *thumbs up*
  31. Ashleigh

    Could you handle being famous?

    I'd be fine with ppl knowing my business and such...but I would not be ok with paparazzi, or strange stalker men tryin to like break into my house or some scary shite lol
  32. Ashleigh

    Boo :(

    haha dude I just posted new pics on Valentines! :tongue::tongue: I've been here you just aren't lookin hard enough :rolleyes: and holy thread bump batman!
  33. Ashleigh

    do you shower every day?

    I shower and have two + bubble baths every single day. I feel disgusting if I don't.
  34. Ashleigh

    circumcised or uncircumcised ?

    Most women are used to cut guys here in North America, but just talking amongst my closest GFs, we all agree that the best sex we've had was with uncut guys. I dunno. It makes me sad that alot of men look down on other men for not being cut, like its gross or something. Its the equivalent of a...
  35. Ashleigh

    circumcised or uncircumcised ?

    I prefer uncircumcised. :D And most NORTH AMERICAN men are circumcised, but most European men aren't. So its all regional. Oh, sure its easier to clean a cut penor, but if you're any guy worth sleeping with, you'll know how to shower and clean your junk regardless of whether you're cut or not :)
  36. Ashleigh

    I'm a camgirl on and on :)

    I'm a camgirl on and on :)
  37. Ashleigh

    what was the worst pain you've ever felt?

    Two cysts on my ovaries ruptured. Wasn't fun. :/
  38. Ashleigh

    I'm from Ontario canada, but am moving to Nova scotia next week! :D And thanks babe ;)

    I'm from Ontario canada, but am moving to Nova scotia next week! :D And thanks babe ;)
  39. Ashleigh

    hehe I just uploaded some pics for Valentines day :P

    hehe I just uploaded some pics for Valentines day :P
  40. Ashleigh

    My girlfriend broke up with me because I was...too nice???

    Please don't change who you are just to score chicks. Too many guys THINK they have to be a bad boy to get laid...not true at all. Theres always girls who love nice guys and spend their lives looking and waiting for one to come along! I'm one of them! Nice guys FTW.
  41. Ashleigh

    Girlfriend never wants to have sex anymore!

    Trust me, that won't work. It'll just piss her off and then she'll stop cooking for him too! lol
  42. Ashleigh

    Girlfriend never wants to have sex anymore!

    K I'm gonna give a female perspective here, hope it helps or makes sense. First off...can you pinpoint the reason why her libido is so low? I mean its pretty clear here that she's not witholding sex because she doesn't love you - obviously she does if you say that your relationship is...
  43. Ashleigh

    Happy Valentines day boys and girls!!! <3

    you guys have superbowl sunday, and we get Valentines day. At least you're pretty much guaranteed sex if you suceed on us girls can hope for on Superbowl sunday is "hon can you get me another beer kthx" lol. Hope everyones having a good day so far. :)
  44. Ashleigh

    Biggest Tits picture competition..

    ......I don't understand how it is physically possible to insert an implant that fucking big. Disgusting.
  45. Ashleigh

    What to do when you fall in love with an "easy" girl?

    If her past bugs you that much, just don't date her?? If she's as "easy" as you say, she likely won't want to be in a committed relationship anyways so problem solved.
  46. Ashleigh

    Happy Valentines day boys and girls!!! <3

    oooooh excellent!!! :D
  47. Ashleigh

    Happy Valentines day boys and girls!!! <3

    haha that works too :D tell her to post some of her own so I can seee :P
  48. Ashleigh

    Happy Valentines day boys and girls!!! <3

    awwwww :)
  49. Ashleigh

    Happy Valentines day boys and girls!!! <3

    sounds like everyones gonna be here! lol Actually I'll probably be doing the same lol.
  50. Ashleigh

    Happy Valentines day boys and girls!!! <3

    What do you guys have planned for Valentines day?