Why such lethal dosages of sodium ?


Why is it that pre prepped foods contain so much salt ? Has anybody ever been able to figure this out, I mean, a 75% less sodium content across the board would be more than enough salt.

I make mention of this because I bought a bag of potato chips last week for the first time in ages and it was so salty tasting, I basically chucked it in the large circular file. :pukey:
I've found this salty overdrive to be the case with many other foods as well, the chips were just one example.

I have no article to accompany this post, I just tossing it out there.

Are they trying to kill us prematurely, those nasty multi national corporate execs ? :updown: :spin:

Agree or Dis ? Too salty or just right ?
Wow... Salt is all over deal with it hha

There are some who say that the Codex Alimentarius Commission (Standardisation of food im/exports) is nothing but a huge conspiracy to make citiziens sick instead of keeping ´em healthy. Check infowars.com. Maybe that wasn´t what you looking for when you started this thread, sorry. I know I´m a psycho. :D


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
They're trying to addict you, ASAP. Salt.. fat.. sugar.. caffeine.. taken in regular, consistent doses.. it addicts. Kids want sugar, teens want caffeine, adults want fat, and seniors want salt. That's just a generalization.. but it's true that what we love.. is bad for us. No longer do we have to oversalt the meat to keep it fresher.. longer. We have fridges. But eh.. the salt level has just gone up. Some might have a tongue for it but if you'll look around you'll find a 'LOW SODIUM!' label on many foods. The label wouldnt exist if people werent getting tired of the rising salt levels.
Simple... it's an easy way to make cheap food taste good. Same principle as corn syrup and MSG. If they didn't fill food with these additives, we would be able to tell what it actually is: a soy-based processed foodlike product that looks like dog food and tastes like sawdust.


what the fuck you lookin at?
eh I always add salt to food anyway so whatever!
that's why it is important to drink as much beer as you can, to dilute the salt.:thumbsup:
It's probably for the same reason they load up kids cereal with sugar. It's a cheap way for them to add flavor that too many people seem to like more than they should.


Closed Account
That's why I TRY to cook everything fresh, and only add my own Kosher salt or sea salt. I do like the flavor, but the shit has gotten way out of hand. A can/box of broth is close to brine :puke:
Salt is connected with high blood pressure but a survey by the British Medical Association some years ago found that when the people in their sample reduced salt intake no detectable drop in blood pressure could be detected.
If your kidneys are in good working order the salt balance in your body will be maintained, you'll just feel thirstier and drink a little more to flush it out.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Because sodium is a preservative and salt is considered a "flavor enhancer" as a general rule. In fact, MSG (monosodium glutamate) is a horrible food additive that is widely used in packaged foods, restaurants and is even sold as an over-the-counter flavor enhancer under the name "Accent":


Foods with high levels of salt will stay fresher longer and the salt masks food that would otherwise taste bland. It's an excellent reason to stay away from processed foods in general.

Salt sucks. You get more than all the sodium you need even if you try your best to avoid salt altogether.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Why is it that pre prepped foods contain so much salt ? Has anybody ever been able to figure this out, I mean, a 75% less sodium content across the board would be more than enough salt.

I make mention of this because I bought a bag of potato chips last week for the first time in ages and it was so salty tasting, I basically chucked it in the large circular file. :pukey:
I've found this salty overdrive to be the case with many other foods as well, the chips were just one example.

I have no article to accompany this post, I just tossing it out there.

Are they trying to kill us prematurely, those nasty multi national corporate execs ? :updown: :spin:

Agree or Dis ? Too salty or just right ?

In processed food, salt is actually hardly ever used for seasoning. It's a hardcore preservative and gives food a longer shelf life. It also helps decrease moisture, which helps to prevent certain foodborne illnesses from entering the food.

Let's put it this way...

Everything you eat from a can or a bag is almost always going to contain a lot of gross shit that you don't want it to. Even the can of Chef Boy-are-deeze-raviolis-gross that I'm eating right now.
mmmmmmmm salt.....

*runs to grab some fritos*
It is mainly used for flavoring and persevatives. Those chips wont stay fresh for 4 months on the shelf by themsevles