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  1. Starman

    Word Association

    You, as in more than one...
  2. Starman

    Word Association

  3. Starman

    Word Association

    Skinny ("Skinny Puppy" is a band name, and please don't make word associations on your own words. Instead of doing double posts, can't you people just wait for someone else to answer? You know who you are...)
  4. Starman

    Word Association

  5. Starman

    Word Association

  6. Starman

    Word Association

  7. Starman

    Word Association

  8. Starman

    Word Association

  9. Starman

    Word Association

  10. Starman

    Word Association

  11. Starman

    Michael Moore

    I did not say that all Socialists are democrats, I said that there are many parties that have "democracy" or "socialist" in the name, but not really are that. For example China's full name is "The People's Republic of China", but it's not a Republic, it's a Communistic dictatorship. The Nazis in...
  12. Starman

    The Greatest Lie Ever Told!

    All porn women in the biz had to do a job interview and a practical work skill evaluation test with me first. ;)
  13. Starman

    Michael Moore

    Nazis came NOT from the socialists. There are many parties that have "democrat" or "socialist" in the name, but are nothing of those things... :mad: Nationalism/Facism/Nazism are all derrived from the Conservatism. I'm not saying that all Conservatives are these things, but they're not so...
  14. Starman

    Michael Moore

    Yes, they have. You just do not care to search and compare. ;) :tongue:
  15. Starman

    Word Association

  16. Starman

    Michael Moore

    Hey Georges, you're forgetting about the Hitler, Goerring and Goebbels of the Republicans. Bush, Cheney and take your pick. Condaleesa Rice maybe? (Not really sure how to spell her name, just how to pronounce it.) ;) *LOL*
  17. Starman

    Word Association

    Dalmation (the dog breed with all those black spots on their white fur)
  18. Starman

    Word Association

  19. Starman

    Word Association

  20. Starman

    Michael Moore

    Well, I guess I should make a little more serious answer too. Sorry, couldn't help myself earlier. ;) I agree with what you're saying. We have that thing that if you have under a certain income you do not have to pay any taxes. So it's only those above a certain income that gets taxed. And a...
  21. Starman

    Michael Moore

    Yes, I agree, but it sounds better as I said it. Then they complain less when we take their money. ;) *LOL* :D
  22. Starman

    Word Association

  23. Starman

    Flexible Girls

    You have to re-upload it again. Your picture host has begun to delete pics after 30 days.
  24. Starman

    Word Association

  25. Starman

    Michael Moore

    Which are your reason(s)? :)
  26. Starman

    Michael Moore

    Sorry Sanchez, but I just want to be sure about this. You're only against having just Hillary as a president, not against having a female president, right? :confused:
  27. Starman

    Michael Moore

    Funny! ;) Thanks Ranger, this was amusing no matter which politics one support. :)
  28. Starman

    Michael Moore

    They want to lower the taxes mostly of principles. The only things they want the state to provide are things like police and military. Everything else they want people to pay for from their own pockets. Well, as USA has the lowest federal and state in the world (in percentage of the GNP), the...
  29. Starman

    Worst films you have seen

    I liked it, and League of Extraordinary Gentlemen too... :)
  30. Starman

    Michael Moore

    The Socialdemocrats, in co-operation with the Enviromental party and the Left party (former Communists, now having the Socialdemocratic ideology instead.), wants to have the taxes to remain the same, or when needed raise them, to be able to finance schools, hospitals, and elderly care. The...
  31. Starman

    Michael Moore

    Like? It's not a matter of liking or not, it's just different opinions about how to do it between the Socialdemocrats and the Liberals/Conservatives (the co-operate against us.) here in Sweden. They think lowering the taxes solves every problem in the world. Some of those politicians are very...
  32. Starman

    Word Association

  33. Starman

    Michael Moore

    Well, I guess the only thing we can argue about is economics, taxes and capitalism. Other than that there are not much differences... ;)
  34. Starman

    Word Association

    Recent... (There actually was a jail-break here in Sweden recently. I heard it on the radio news today.)
  35. Starman

    Michael Moore

    Is a Socialist just as good to argue with, or is it only the Conservatives you want to argue with? ;) *LOL* :rolleyes:
  36. Starman

    Michael Moore

    Georges, or someone else... This is a little confusing, I must have missed it in the news or something... Have I missed something here? Has Bin Ladin been in USA, since he became an enemy to USA?
  37. Starman

    Word Association

  38. Starman

    Word Association

  39. Starman

    Word Association

  40. Starman

    Word Association

    Discworld... ;) The L-Space Web - A Terry Pratchett / Discworld Web Site
  41. Starman

    Michael Moore

    With the risk of opening a can of worms I have to admit that I'm not Liberal, neither am I Conservative, I am a Socialist. ;) Check my post on the Liberal or Conservative thread for more info.
  42. Starman

    Liberal vs. Conservative

    Heheheh! With the risk of opening a can of worms I have to admit that I'm not Liberal, neither am I Conservative, I am a Socialist. ;) Of the sub-branches of Socialism, I belong to the Social Democracy branch. Of Socialists, there are three kinds, Anarchists, Communists and Social Democrats...
  43. Starman

    Michael Moore

    Who really started the shit? There was already quite a lot of shit before Michael Moore came and complained about it. The whole human history is full of shit, but if no one ever complains, have we really learned anything from it? If these people in NRA, in politics and other places never are...
  44. Starman

    favourite horror movie and killer!

    I like Bad Taste too. Have you seen Braindead? That is another Peter Jackson film and it's also good I think. :) And to all of you who likes horror films about zombies, Braindead by Peter Jackson is also a zombie film. ;)
  45. Starman

    Word Association

  46. Starman

    whats with the comic thing?

    I'm in Sweden, Europe, and I buy and read comics, so I don't think it's a strictly American thing. I do also read books, science magazines, news papers and so on. I love watching films, so I have a big movie collection. I have a bicycle I sometimes cycle in the forest with, I do also swim once...
  47. Starman

    Michael Moore

    I've never liked USA's big funding to the defense. Why not use that money to finance schools, hospitals, elderly care, libraries and such? Do USA really really need such a big army with so many bombs and other weapons? I've read that Bush has started, or wants to start, to build more nukes. You...
  48. Starman

    Word Association

  49. Starman

    Michael Moore

    I'm sorry Georges, I consider you as a friend, but I would have to jump in between if that beating ever would occur. He has the right of free speech, among other freedoms, and I would sacrifice my life for anyone's right to express them, even if I didn't agree with his/her opinions. Plus I think...
  50. Starman

    Word Association
