whats with the comic thing?

I don't know what is up with having lots of comic threads myself but I would love to see pornstars in hot superhero outfit...lol


somewhere there is a thread with a pornstar dressed as supergirl try a search
Big Lu , cheers on the old kung fu flicks :bowdown:

Those are the shit


I collect comics and you could say that alot of the things I'm into is kinda nerdish but I'm no nerd. I also like sports I love american football. I love Rock music and I'm not a cowering dweeb like you guys say comic collectors are. I use to be a damn good baseball player. I got hooked on comics when I was young. It was a good way of learning how to read. I dont know what it's like in europe but here all sorts of people read comics. Ive seen business men in comic shops and Ive seen soccer moms running comic shops so it's not a socially unacceptable thing here. Plus if you keep them in good condition they can be worth quite a lot in the future. Im also obsessive compulsive so I have a problem with collecting things.
I'm in Sweden, Europe, and I buy and read comics, so I don't think it's a strictly American thing. I do also read books, science magazines, news papers and so on. I love watching films, so I have a big movie collection. I have a bicycle I sometimes cycle in the forest with, I do also swim once in awhile. Music I have playing almost 24 hours a day, even when I sleep, I've never liked when it's completely silent around me, I want a little noise. I'm also politically active. If all these things make me a nerd, then I'm quilty, but then maybe the definition of a nerd is a little too vague? ;)


It's good to be the king...
I was going to start a comic strip thread, but did a search instead....

I used to collect comics until a few years ago. Having read some comments on this thread, it appears to me that comics has (and will always) been afflicted with a "geek/nerd" image. Yet comics (like Superman, Spider-Man and Batman) and Graphic Novels (like Watchmen and Sin City) have inspired Hollywood to create some great movies. I find it strange that reading comics are derided as geeky, yet watching said comic strip on the silver screen isn't.

I suppose comics will only get more interest if they were as follows:

om3ga said:
I was going to start a comic strip thread, but did a search instead....

I used to collect comics until a few years ago. Having read some comments on this thread, it appears to me that comics has (and will always) been afflicted with a "geek/nerd" image. Yet comics (like Superman, Spider-Man and Batman) and Graphic Novels (like Watchmen and Sin City) have inspired Hollywood to create some great movies. I find it strange that reading comics are derided as geeky, yet watching said comic strip on the silver screen isn't.

I suppose comics will only get more interest if they were as follows:


Interesting- the notion of something being dorky or not. I think a lot of things are dorky that people do if you really think about it. I mean, I don't think it's any less dorky that someone reads comic books, or knows everything about particular comic book characters, than it is to know every mother-lovin' stat for every player on a sports team for the last ten years.

I haven't read comic books for a long time, but I can still see the appeal to them that anything entertaining has- whether it's music, sports, whatever.

Have there been more comic book people here lately, or something? :hatsoff:
