1) Not many like the way moore is doing his movies maybe you do as well as other people but a lot of people don't. they find that disruptive and going far beyond the limits
If you´d open your eyes you´d realize that the limits aren´t being set by Moore. The limits of propaganda, of lies and half-truths, of rethorical speeches and polemics have long been crossed. Just the people who only see what they want to see fail to understand.
2) I know what is going on in Irak for a long time.30 years of saddam have left horrible consequences
Hell yeah! The consequences are, that people in a free country aren´t allowed to be against their government anymore. Resembles Saddam somehow doesn´t it.
3) No why must someone attack Bush? Isn't that too easy? None attacked clinton when he was a president kinda weak excuse isn't it.The methods taht Moore uses are more than questionable, you can't deny that. Michael Moore's books are based on hatred and hate of the us government as well as the hate of the nra despite he is a member.He doesn't like his country that much.Conclusion he fails by acting like this.
So... according to your logic, someone who doesn´t follow the government like a blind sheep can not be a patriot? Ever thought of the idea that he wrote all this crap BECAUSE he likes his country? The Land of the Free you know... this silly image that the United States used to have in the movies and stuff?
And why attack Bush? Well... it wasn´t Clinton who started the war was it? It wasn´t the Clinton administration who lied to the UN was it?
4) I never liked Mr Moore as compared to you.
I do?
Just because I´m defending someone´s right to have an opinion makes me a Fanboy? In case you still don´t see it: I don´t care about Moore. But I DO care about treating political opponents like dissidents and the idea of an untouchable government. Because regardless whether you like it or not, THIS is what´s making our civilization and our ideals worth fighting for. If you want a bunch of lemmings gladly going to war and singing the songs their grand leader is singing, then you´ve still not arrived in the 20th century. Our families have died to create the world and no, I`m NOT willing to let those ideas go without a fight.
5) here is where i reproached you to put words in my mouth by saying this:
"Welcome to the wonderful world of euphemisms. Killing the jews was described as "ethnical cleansing". Doesn´t change a goddamn thing though.Violence is violence, no matter what term you´re hiding behind." when i told you that i was frank and straightforward
Yes. And when you´re using "frank" and "straightforward" as synonyms for your acceptance of violence, then you´re using euphemisms. Plain and simple.
7) it is better not to speak a false thing when you don't know something about a person.
Wise words, dude, wise words. Do you know me? Or Michael Moore? Pot Kettle anyone?
8)I hate Mr Moore methods and not many people like them except you and some moore fans.
As I said, I`m not a Moore fan. I`m just a fan of democracy and I hate dictators and obtruded thinking... and violence.