Obviously has a Harvard MBA.
Purchase that candy bar and share it with as many people as you want.
Neither them nor you will get to consume the FULL product.
Hershey misses out on zero money.
If your buddy wants a WHOLE candy bar, he has PAY for it.
Let's say file sharing worked the same...
Re: Who has the prettiest pussy?
HEY!!! No fair!
I saw this thread and was going to post the same answer!
(we actually had a chat about this! lol)
Okay, technically a different Briana but same name! lol
I'll say BrianaLeeOnline / Nicole Graves
Life also becomes much easier when you fully realize that government is a completely faulty institution and you cannot rely on them for anything.
You must make your own way.
Listen....life definitely gets MUCH easier when you accept the reality that there is one set of rules for us and a different set of rules for them.
Always has been, always will be.
Funny how no one wants "socialism" yet everyone wants everything to be equal! lol!
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread
(from this post: http://board.freeones.com/showthread.php?465228-the-Official-Nikki-Nova-thread&p=6427752&viewfull=1#post6427752 )
Love the graphic!
Who designed it? Do they have a website?
This is nothing.
Japanese scientists have created a cow which produces human breast milk.
They have it backwards.
The women of the world need to produce cow milk.
Just imagine, 2 billion pairs of tits needing to be milked every day!!! :boobies:
Wife knows I'm hot for her sister...has known from the very beginning.
She's good with it...but only because she doesn't know I hit it.
And I only half-hit it! lol!
It was insane.
You know those times when you just can't really comprehend how awesome a moment is...that was one of them.
It was a "only" a hot tub hand/blowjob...but with 10 years of frustration built up!!
POW! Right in the kisser! ha!
They are fun and worth it!
I have one of the v1.0 models and she is still as tight and smooth as the day I broke her in! lol!
Bonus fun when wife plays with her too ;)
Okay, enough of that.