The Sister

I recently had an interesting experience with the wife's younger sister.
Long story short, there's about 10+ years of sexual tension between us which all came to a head (literally and figuratively!) while on vacation.

Anyone have any (TRUE) tales of the sister?

(is there already a thread on this???)

Poor wife of yours...
If she gave a blowjob to my brother in a hot tub?

I'd probably get over it.....after I doubled up on the mouthwash for a week or two! lol
I had this ex GF about 6 years ago who had a younger sister and she was like just turned 18 man was she supeyrb! She was a frisky lil one, always teasing like flashing her tits and one time even her ass, I saw a hint of snatch as she bent over to moon me! Lil bitch, I wanted to rape her but knew it would eventually happen on its own, anyways one day I just got outta work and went to take a piss, when I walked in the bathroom she was taking a bath in fishnets, playing with herself!!! Needless to say that was a sticky situation :D
Partially that, but more to save myself the awkward sexual tension that would end up taking place at every family gathering or function for the rest of my wedded life.

There's already been sexual tension between us for the last 10 years!
None of it awkward at all.
Ummmm....swapping wife for sister?? lol!

I'd definitely recommend it, not so sure she would! lol

(oops! read that as 'swapping' instead of 'swinging'...see where my mind is at!)