Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' coming back to German shops

Are you pro or contra 'Main Kampf' being back in the stores?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 46.4%
  • No

    Votes: 3 10.7%
  • I don't give a shit

    Votes: 12 42.9%

  • Total voters


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Good I hope he does a book signing at Barnes and Nobles and the gays can glitter bomb him.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
The poll is confusing, so I wasn't sure how to answer. But to me, it's just a book. Anyone who has a deep interest in 20th Century world events should read it, IMO. I think that the books written by all of the people (good and bad) who influenced and shaped our world should be read.

As for kids, if I had a kid, I think I would be less bothered by him reading Mein Kampf (or Marx's Das Kapital) than if he was sitting around all day playing Worlds of Warcraft or some violent video game. As his father, it would be up to me to teach him right from wrong. Only if I failed would he start wearing black SS patches on his arm and torching synagogues after reading Mein Kampf.


This thread has become a Monty Python skit. Who could possibly argue that giving a 12 year old girl a copy of "Mein Kampf" is a good idea?

It's a stupid idea. If she want's to buy the book, it's her allowance. That book is not illustrating anything important, on any level.
This thread has become a Monty Python skit. Who could possibly argue that giving a 12 year old girl a copy of "Mein Kampf" is a good idea?

It's a stupid idea. If she want's to buy the book, it's her allowance. That book is not illustrating anything important, on any level.

It's just a book, what are people so scared of? Censorship is never the answer, the answer is education, only ignorant people are scared of information and different points of view.

Why shouldn't we explore all sides of every issue? I would rather it was required reading by everyone. I would rather have people who are able to understand both sides to an argument, rather than mindless drones who repeat the one sided story they have been told without any thinking what so ever.

Let's face it most people never think for themselves. They are told by their teachers that Hitler was evil, and they never give it another thought in their life other than what they were told.

We have a real problem with people almost unable to think for themselves, hence the popularity of news entertainment media, where viewers are told exactly what to think about an issue, what opinion they should have.

I wouldnt care if half the people that read the book turned into NeoNazis, at least those people that became NeoNazis are thinking for themselves more than the sheep who think exactly what they are told to think by the media and the establishment.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
This thread has become a Monty Python skit. Who could possibly argue that giving a 12 year old girl a copy of "Mein Kampf" is a good idea?

It's a stupid idea. If she want's to buy the book, it's her allowance. That book is not illustrating anything important, on any level.

No one has said that it would be a good idea. But the question is, why would it be a bad idea, assuming the 12 year old girl had an interest in WWII or the years preceding it? Would it be any worse than her reading Caesar's Commentaries on the Gallic War? While there now might be a tasty salad named after him, Gaius Julius Caesar was not exactly a warm & cuddly fellow. For those who haven't read Mein Kampf (or at least passages), it's not a how-to book on luring Jews onto a train or the best ways to put them into giant gas ovens. It's just a book, that happens to have been written by a truly evil person at a certain stage of his life, who happened to share the same views as a great many other men and women of that time (and not just Germans... think Charles Lindbergh, Henry Ford and other "great" Americans). Don't give it more power than it deserves.

Other than people being socially trained to react in a certain fashion when the name "Hitler" is mentioned, I sincerely don't see what the big deal about this book is. :dunno: As I consider him to be a manufacturing genius, I greatly admire Henry Ford. But at the same time, I take into account the articles he posted in The Dearborn Independent, as well as the paper publishing The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. In fact, Henry Ford is actually mentioned in Mein Kampf.

IMO, no more emotional harm or trauma would be done to a 12 year old from reading Mein Kampf than from reading Uncle Tom's Cabin or a great many other works which portray disturbing periods in history.
This thread has become a Monty Python skit. Who could possibly argue that giving a 12 year old girl a copy of "Mein Kampf" is a good idea?

It's a stupid idea. If she want's to buy the book, it's her allowance. That book is not illustrating anything important, on any level.

So you think our children shoud be kept stupid and sort of brainwashed with all the things being told to them in school, only seen from one side of the story. Or, do you want to raise and educate your child in such a way, that it can have the abbility to think for itself, make up it's own mind about historical facts, and about good or bad.
Just by reading a book, written by the one, always described as the big bad guy, the child will not become a neo-nazi, and after all there is still something as parental responsibilty.
Thing is, or at least that's how I see it, why are there so many documentaries and so many books about Hitler and his ideas written by other people and are people not allowed to read the actual version coming from the mans hand himself?
You shouldn't be allowed to censor history.

You try to and we're doomed to repeat the cycles of stupidity over and over through a lack of knowledge of the past mistakes. People should have a right to know about all of history. Not just select things that some people want us to know about. I have no problem with the book being re-released. You'll always get some idiots taking things to heart no matter what it is. So it's of no use to blame this or that when it's the people to blame not the item.

At least that's my take on it anyway.
Should we also ban the bible?
Cuz that has some crazy ass murderous to-do shit in it too!
Bring it back. History is knowledge. We can all learn from our past.
Most people are too dumb to learn let alone learn from history.
I think we should just accept ^that^ fact.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
I'm for it on the basis that we have to acknowledge our mistakes in order to learn from them. That's why Auschwitz is open to the public after all, right?
Does someone want to burn it?
Neither did Corporal Hitler.

As a matter of fact he did, even about the Jews. He knew the importance of the Jews for his THird Reich. He needed them for their labour, their money and their business contacts.

It occurs to me that so few people know what they are talking about if it comes to Hitler and his ideas, while there are a dozens of very high quality series about the man and his ideas. Or is this something that only interests Europeans, or people that have been invaded by Hitlers army? :dunno:
I mean, in Belgium Hitler is a hot issue, ever since Germany lost the war, the BBC made great series about the man with historical correct information. If you discuss this matter on a European forum, I've got dozens of people interacting who know what they are talking about, who read books about Hitler and his ideas, who saw the series I talked about earlier, while on this forum no one seems to know in detail what the phenomenon Hitler was about... Very weird...

Terry Sleeper

Closed Account
Oh, Christ - not another self-appointed Hitler "expert"!

After that patronising dirbble, my correspondence on this "issue" is most definitely closed.