
New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Obama is the biggest fuck up, socialist in history!!!!! Only welfare, losers will vote for this fuckin loser communist, socialist, bastard!!!!

Nice rage you've got going there. Tell me, champ, if Obama is everything you say how is that the most liberal republican in recent memory has locked up the GOP nomination? Surely the far-right could have fielded a candidate that's less liberal than Obama.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Sam, I gotta hand it to you, your reasonaed and well thought-out arguments have won me over; Obama is a Socialist. Now please explain to me what a Socialist is, what a Socialist does, wether being a Socialist is good or bad and how a Socialist differs from the following:
1: Marxist.
2: Communist.
3: Trotskyist.
4: Leninist.
5: Arsefist.
6: Maoist.
7: Capitalist.
8: Cuntfist.
9: Humanist.
10: Egoist.
11: Fascist.
12: Taoist.


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Obama is the biggest fuck up, socialist in history!!!!! Only welfare, losers will vote for this fuckin loser communist, socialist, bastard!!!!
Nice rage you've got going there. Tell me, champ, if Obama is everything you say how is that the most liberal republican in recent memory has locked up the GOP nomination? Surely the far-right could have fielded a candidate that's less liberal than Obama.
He might be using satire. I can never tell with posts like those.
I am very unhappy with him for a few reasons only one for now when he took office 3.5 years ago gas was $1.85 a gal now i am paying over $4.25 gal


Official Checked Star Member
Bush can send young Americans to die in an unnecessary war to die, Sam is ok with that. Obama wants to make the playing field level and he gets his panties in a knot.

Is it just me .... or have we not been sending them to die the last four years , as well ???? Level playing field ... oh yeah , you mean continue to give handouts to those that don't even need it or make an effort to work for it and then jack up taxes on those that do work when about 50% of america doesn't even pay taxes ?? Makes perfect sense to me :)
I always find it amusing the mental peasents that assume Obama supporters are poor or uneducated....When nothing can be further from the truth...Obama is better educated than any republican presidential candidate in recent history...and his supporters respond to intelligent discourse not mundane thoughtless rhetoric.

Obama became president because Bush, the incompetant moron, screwed America's economy up so bad, it was on the brink of financial collapse. Wallstreet was in ruins because of all the de-regulation that the Bush regime did within the banking industry and other financial institutions, that had wall-street on the brink of collapse.

President Obama's policies and hard-work have been righting the ship ever-since..and he has, and continues to do a good job. Even despite the relentless racist hate he has had to endure since day one of the job.

I also find it funny the folks who think they somehow relate to Republican ideology because they may have saved up a few paychecks...maybe even to the point of being a millionaire....But the Republican agenda is to create tax breaks for, and further enrichen, by any means necessary, the wealthiest 1%...That doesn't include ANYBODY who posts on this board.... garaunteed...

If you do your research you'll see that the top 1% own 99% of the countries wealth....that is a whole different universe of wealth....So why would anybody, in their right mind, not in that super-minority, argue for that groups further enrichment....especially when they want to destroy public education, social-security and other public institutions in the process.

It's sad to see people so confused and turned-around by racist rhetoric that they beligerently argue and fight against thier own self -interest...but when I observe how mean and hateful some of them are...then I don't feel so bad when they end up getting screwed by their own greed and hate lololol

Obama is the biggest fuck up, socialist in history!!!!! Only welfare, losers will vote for this fuckin loser communist, socialist, bastard!!!!
Is it just me .... or have we not been sending them to die the last four years , as well ???? Level playing field ... oh yeah , you mean continue to give handouts to those that don't even need it or make an effort to work for it and then jack up taxes on those that do work when about 50% of america doesn't even pay taxes ?? Makes perfect sense to me :)

From 2000 and 2008, during the presidency of George W. Bush, the percentage of filers who paid no federal income tax rose from 25.2 percent to 36.3 percent. During this time, Republicans added a significant child credit to the tax code. Then the recesssion hit and the percentage of non filers jumped to 50%. And More than half the filers exempt from federal income tax in 2011 are in the lowest income quintile, meaning they make less than 80 percent of the country. I have a top security military clearence, so I make a very good living working for a defense contractor. I also have an Economics degree, and know I how the government works from when I was in the military. Most people don't know that almost every tax cut of the last 30 years was financed with borrowed money from foreign governments. Because we spend more than we take in (deficit). Most of federal budget spending goes to entitlement programs like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare, and Unemployment. The last two are much much smaller than first three programs. They takeup over 50% of the federal budget. And military spending is the other major section of the budget, it takes up about 18% of the budget. The highest costing section of the military budget Operations and Maintenance, It is where we pay for operating costs of the war in Afghanistan, and stationing of our troops around the world. The next biggest Military Personnel, the paying of our troops. That cost is well over 150 billion dollars a year. We've a professional military, so they will get paid much more than conscript (draft) military. But personnel numbers will be decreased by about 70,000 troops, so the that bill will decrease alittle. The next biggest section is Procurement( new weapons, equipment supplies). One of the main reasons weapons procurement is high, is because most high dollar weapons programs are not open to foreign defense contractors. But thats a national security matter. The U. S. government can decide which countries Amercian defense contractors can sell weapons to. We don't want a foreign country selling U.S. tax payer funded weapons to our enemies. We need to fix the entitlement programs , cut federal spending, and fix the tax system by closing loops, so we can get regenerate new revenues and fix our deficit problem. Then the people who want bigger taxes cuts may get their wish.


Official Checked Star Member

I don't suppose you wonder why Unemployment rate hasn't changed at all with that graph your showing ?

or maybe this :

The council reports that, using “mainstream estimates of economic multipliers for the effects of fiscal stimulus” (which it describes as a “natural way to estimate the effects of” the legislation), the “stimulus” has added or saved just under 2.4 million jobs — whether private or public — at a cost (to date) of $666 billion. That’s a cost to taxpayers of $278,000 per job.

In other words, the government could simply have cut a $100,000 check to everyone whose employment was allegedly made possible by the “stimulus,” and taxpayers would have come out $427 billion ahead.

I suppose that makes sense to you , as well ? I hate to break this to you .... but the job stimulus bill was an epic fail .... the only numbers that show results are skewed and aren't considering all the factors involved.
So, to be clear, you believe the country would be in much better shape currently if John McCain were president, and Sarah Palin were vice president? They would have fixed gas prices, fixed unemployment, fixed the economy, taken the troops out of the wars, built a moon base, and given every new baby a chocolate eclair?

I find that line of thinking pathetic, and ridiculous.

Clearly President Obama should have fixed all these things by now. The fact that he hasn't has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that the current problems were built in eight years. Obviously three years is enough to solve any problem that is brought in from a former administration.

Listen, I'm not an Obama fan, but he sure as heck is smarter and better than any current alternative. The line "anybody but Obama" makes me lose all respect for the person who utters it.
Clearly President Obama should have fixed all these things by now. The fact that he hasn't has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that the current problems were built in eight years. Obviously three years is enough to solve any problem that is brought in from a former administration.

No, three years isn't enough time to fix all of problems brought by last adimistration, in our system of government. It would be different, If we had a parliamentary system of government, in which the opposition cannot stop a vote on legislation from the ruling party. Obama has done a good job, but his National Health Care law has been a big distraction.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
No, three years isn't enough time to fix all of problems in our system of government. It would be different, If we has parliamentary system of government, in which the opposition cannot stop a vote on legislation from the ruling party.

If you had a Parliamentary system, you know right now you'd have a Republican government, right?