

So, 17 topics on President Bush means it is okay for you to make pedantic, incorrect assertions repeatedly about President Obama? I just did a search for "Obama" in thread titles, and, lo and behold, there are 20 threads with Obama in the title. Does that mean "the left" are now winning, as there were only 17 about President Bush? Let's look at some highlights:

Your thoughts on Obama - started by Sam Bauer.
Are you going to vote for Obama? I betcha Bill isn't. - started by Sam Bauer.
Obama just fucked himself. - started by Sam Bauer.
Obama fucks up yet again. - started by Sam Bauer.

And those are just the absolute gems that you have started with your current username. First, if you understood Socialism or Communism, you would not make these incredibly stupid threads. In making these threads, you prove yourself to be willfully misinformed, and partisan. Second, you don't seek discussion, you make ridiculous claims, don't back them up, and derail discussion when you are revealed to be an idiot. It is a provable pattern of behaviour that has been pointed out many times.

Finally, you are a troll, and of the worst kind. Please don't bother to respond to this. I won't read it. I looked at this thread simply because I was incredulous that the mods continue to allow you to create redundant threads. However, it seems you're welcome to troll away. Go to it, you very sad, disappointing man.


My Penis Is Dancing!
Clearly, Obama is not very popular with angry rednecks, crackers, hill billies, nor white trash fucktards...so he is GREAT in my book for that reason alone.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Last thread "bashing" Bush started two years ago. Since you've been posting here, Sam, how many threads have been started to bash "the right"?


█▀█▀█ █ &#9608
What are you getting at Sam? You haven't quite made your views clear enough.




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Hiliary 2020
Clearly, Obama is not very popular with angry rednecks, crackers, hill billies, nor white trash fucktards...so he is GREAT in my book for that reason alone.

stan, stan ......Oh what a tangled web we weave.
I like ya, and I'm not in the habit of cryin racism.......but man, why do you hate whitey so much?
to me your choice of words is equal to spade, spook, jigaboo ,junglebunny and coon.

Talk about hatred.....jeesh.

btw awesome pics fisher


My Penis Is Dancing!
stan, stan ......Oh what a tangled web we weave.
I like ya, and I'm not in the habit of cryin racism.......but man, why do you hate whitey so much?
to me your choice of words is equal to spade, spook, jigaboo ,junglebunny and coon.

Talk about hatred.....jeesh.

btw awesome pics fisher

Hey, meester, could you please post more often? You are quite apt at making my point. Thank you.


Hiliary 2020

Hey, meester, could you please post more often? You are quite apt at making my point. Thank you.

You know Stan you got that whole John Lennon King of the Hippies Give Peace a Chance thing going on there......I can't quite put my finger on it.
Now if you'll excuse me I must get back to my book, The Catcher in the Rye.
I am pretty sure that not every American is a blind Daddy O fanboy. I personally have seen nothing positive coming out from his first term. Free health care and social security are typical of the socialist old and failed policies that have screwed up so many european countries including mine France. In the USA, if you want to succeed then rely on yourself and be independant.

Wow, as a self proclaimed military man, I should think you'd find that blatantly offensive, sam. But I'm guessing that if someone said that your life risking/altering tour of duty was complete bullshit and called you a liar, you'd probably be fine with it, so long as you were running for office. :rolleyes:
My thoughts on Obama? Ill just copy and paste my post from the "WORST PRESIDENT IN PAST 50 YEARS" thread.

Obama by long shot. Trillion dollar deficits, no budget for over 3 years, 3 years of stagnant unemployment, the worst economic recovery since WW2. 3 of the most retarded and poorly thought out laws in the history of the country- The "STIMULUS PACKAGE" , Obamacare, and Dodd/Frank. He inherited a recession when it was 13 months old and couldnt even ride a recovery. He lost our AAA credit rating. On top of that he has lost the entire Middle East. Health care costs have skyrocketed and LESS people have healthcare than they did when he took office. We have $3.25 gas at 9% unemployment. Cherish these times because you will never have a president this bad again in your lifetime, Republican or Democrat. He is someone you will be able to tell your grandchildren about. The worst sinve Herbert Hoover.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
It's funny, because the people who are saying Obama sucks are the same idiots who thing Gingrich would be a good President. Some people should not be allowed to voice their opinions online...