I always find it amusing the mental peasents that assume Obama supporters are poor or uneducated....When nothing can be further from the truth...Obama is better educated than any republican presidential candidate in recent history...and his supporters respond to intelligent discourse not mundane thoughtless rhetoric.
Obama became president because Bush, the incompetant moron, screwed America's economy up so bad, it was on the brink of financial collapse. Wallstreet was in ruins because of all the de-regulation that the Bush regime did within the banking industry and other financial institutions, that had wall-street on the brink of collapse.
President Obama's policies and hard-work have been righting the ship ever-since..and he has, and continues to do a good job. Even despite the relentless racist hate he has had to endure since day one of the job.
I also find it funny the folks who think they somehow relate to Republican ideology because they may have saved up a few paychecks...maybe even to the point of being a millionaire....But the Republican agenda is to create tax breaks for, and further enrichen, by any means necessary, the wealthiest 1%...That doesn't include ANYBODY who posts on this board.... garaunteed...
If you do your research you'll see that the top 1% own 99% of the countries wealth....that is a whole different universe of wealth....So why would anybody, in their right mind, not in that super-minority, argue for that groups further enrichment....especially when they want to destroy public education, social-security and other public institutions in the process.
It's sad to see people so confused and turned-around by racist rhetoric that they beligerently argue and fight against thier own self -interest...but when I observe how mean and hateful some of them are...then I don't feel so bad when they end up getting screwed by their own greed and hate lololol
Obama is the biggest fuck up, socialist in history!!!!! Only welfare, losers will vote for this fuckin loser communist, socialist, bastard!!!!