Your opinion on Nick Griffin's (BNP) scheduled appearance on Question Time?


Maybe our politicans can see what a real town hall is like. not these stupid, let's bus in our constituents, town halls we have here. Like Barney Frank at harvard American politicans do not want to answer the tough questions.
I agree with Spleen. Let him make a fool of himself. Every viewer with a lick of sense will laugh at him.

But that's what I said about David Cameron, too.... :confused:
Angry scenes face Griffin at BBC

BNP leader Nick Griffin has insisted he is "not a Nazi" during his first appearance on the BBC's Question Time.

The political discussion programme was recorded as anti-fascist campaigners protested outside Television Centre.
Thank God for David Dimbleby - I don't want this to take on a witch-hunt feel. They need to drive home points not just bluster and rage.
While I feel - for the most part - that the "outing" of Griffin and his party as even more of the bigoted morons they obviously are was successful(ish). Some elements of the debate weren't handled as well as it could have been by any of the members of the panel. It got slightly scrappy at some points in which no points were seemingly being raised which lapsed into incoherent ramblings. If the panelists had kept their arguments coherent and rational then I feel it would have gone much more of a success.

Overall, I feel the job was done reasonably well.

EDIT: Basically what DreamSparrow said.
While I feel - for the most part - that the "outing" of Griffin and his party as even more of the bigoted morons they obviously are was successful(ish). Some elements of the debate weren't handled as well as it could have been by any of the members of the panel. It got slightly scrappy at some points in which no points were seemingly being raised which lapsed into incoherent ramblings. If the panelists had kept their arguments coherent and rational then I feel it would have been much more of a success.

Overall, I feel the job was done reasonably well.

EDIT: Basically what DreamSparrow said.

My brain isn't functioning very well this evening. :dunno: :D

I think Jack Straw came out of it pretty bad as well

Probably the first time in a while since he hasn't been the least liked member of the panel.
I think Jack Straw came out of it pretty bad as well

He came across as a complete clown i thought.

I dont agree with alot of what the BNP is about but they do raise some good issues. It seems as though the BNP are way to OTT with how they see an ideal British nation and Labour are useless at controlling the obvious immigration issues in the countryand other issues that go along with it
Another BBC decision that’s up there with Jonathon Ross and the Aid appeal for Palestinians in Gaza. This is their flagship political debate program, I hope their another step closer to losing the licence fee. David Dimblebly is supposed to chair this political debate program, where were the current issue’s, Royal Mail strikes, Afghanistan? Instead it teetered around the ancestry of the white man and Winston Churchill. If it wasn’t such a sad reflection of today’s politician’s it would have been a good laugh. After the scandals that have ripped through our political system, we still have to sit and watch a smug, self satisfied, pretentious Jack Straw avoid answering any direct question. Any politician should surely be asking themselves how they’ve ended up in a studio with an elected BNP MEP? The BBC, David Dimblebly and Jack Straw all score 0 out of 10! Nick Griffen can only use that fiasco to benefit his political aspirations.
Bonnie Greer was very good. She put him down so easily yet with good humour.
I agree but the whole thing wasn't very successful. What did the viewing public learn? Nick Griffin is racist! Wow what a revelation! He & his party should have been scrutinised regards what their actual policies are other than 'send the buggers back'. What are their policies on Education? On the Health Service? On Employment? This would have exposed them as a totally bogus party with no credibility. I fear that his supporters will see this as merely a bunch of people ganging up on their beloved leader. On the plus side Griffin came across as a man who has no real grip on handling a debate amongst his political peers & without the ability to deliver a clear through argument.


Is somewhere outhere.
I thought Griffin was right about the immigration stuff because none of
the parties are doing sweet fuck all to change anything,as the majority
of bad immigrants seem to be coming over in droves.I certinly wouldn't
want the BNP to take over the asylym - as things couldn't be any worse
as they are at the moment.I just hope that they do get more votes so
whoever does take over from useless Labour will get a fright and finally
do something worth while about the issue.
I thought Griffin was right about the immigration stuff because none of
the parties are doing sweet fuck all to change anything,as the majority
of bad immigrants seem to be coming over in droves
.I certinly wouldn't
want the BNP to take over the asylym - as things couldn't be any worse
as they are at the moment.I just hope that they do get more votes so
whoever does take over from useless Labour will get a fright and finally
do something worth while about the issue.
Coming over to washington?!? :confused: