While I dont agree with what they stand for , everyone should be allowed in a democratic country should be allowed to voice there views , if we censor them we have lost democracy , this is what people have died for , we all of a sudden cant just turn Stalanistic because we dont agree with some peoples views , plus this Labour government should shoulder some of the blame for them getting to where they are today they are the ones that let immigrants in put them in poor housing areas then give them anything they want , while people who have lived there for years get nothing , is there any wonder tensions in these areas have risin but the anger & tension shouldnt be aimed at other people just trying to make a better life for themselves , we would all do the same if it were us , the blame should fall squarely at the governments door for not controlling it properly , this is the only country in the world that lets murderers , rapists and any other sort of criminal in , without vetting them first
Now because of Labours incompetence , we have these sorts of people rising to power