WWII ; Was Allied bombing of Germany a war crime?

You're saying that all men are rapists given the chance?
So if you got the chance, you'd rape a woman?
Take 3 guesses how I feel about you labelling me as a rapist

This is a broad topic.

-It takes a certain kind of condition that a man begins to rape.

-I do not think that I would do such an act.

-I do not think that you would do that.

But the gang rape happens and the perpetrators are men.

Will E Worm

Will, I looked at your videos and I can say that you're right.

We can not blame only the Germans, but it seems that they were more active than other countries.


Hitler invaded Poland because Poland would not release German POW's from WW1.

If you watch the video again you will see Israel wanted to genocide the Germans. Israel started it.

Judea Declares War On Germany 1 of 9 Link

He says the jews fired the first shot which justifies Hitler putting them into concentration camps while at the same time calling it a "so called holocaust" as if it didn't happen.

So which was it?

The Holocaust, as it has been told, did not happen that way.

The fire bombing of Dresden and Tokyo killed way more civilians than Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined but was it a war crime? No, they had it coming.

I don't agree. It was a war crime.

Just like all the frauleins raped by soviet soldiers at the end of the war wasn't a war crime. It was fuckin' hot.

So, you condone rape? Communist are guilty of the rapes of the German people and much more.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
This is a broad topic.

-It takes a certain kind of condition that a man begins to rape.

-I do not think that I would do such an act.

-I do not think that you would do that.

But the gang rape happens and the perpetrators are men.
You don't think? How can you be uncertain? How can you think You Might rape someone?!

The perpetrators aren't always men.

You know what? When you debate reasonably like this, you're not such a troll.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
-I never thought that I would be rapist, but in general men rape women and it would be hypocritical to deny it.

-A woman can also be a rapist, but the female rapist is a rarity.
It wouldn't be hypocritcal.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Absolutely not with one possible exception: the firebombing of Dresden. It was excessive and totally unnecessary from a strategic standpoint. It was done strictly for "shock and awe" value.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Or payback.

60,000+ British civilians were killed by German air raids.

I agree. The Allies were obviously not in a charitable mood when this shit was going on....especially considering that Germany was still in the process of making a brazen and brutal attempt to conquer the world and thereby subject all of us to a Nazi belief system. Emotions run high when war is in full swing so extreme actions are bound to happen on both sides. I'm not making excuses for the firebombing by any stretch but I will say that beating your opponent to a pulp in order to get them to capitulate is an integral part of warfare that goes all the way back to the times that predate those of Julius Caesar so it is not surprising that an incident like Dresden took place to begin with. Another reason to avoid war at all cost....it really sucks as a means of solving differences.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
It is really good to have Jagger around again.

Can I get an amen?

Awwww.....shucks Dirk. You're making me blush..... :uohs:

Besides....you may wish that I disappear again when I kick everyone's ass in Bodie's bowl challenge again!! :D


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
You've only won once. I'ma kick your ass this year and you know it.

Them's fightin' words where I come from. Bring it on, bitch!!! :mad:

Besides, somehow you have zero rep and nothing but red chiclets so that must say a lot about you and it ain't good!