WWII ; Was Allied bombing of Germany a war crime?

They're in the army, they're pilots, they're not stupid. They know what bombs cause.

"Did you feel any guilt after killing those people? What was going through your mind as you dropped those bombs?"

"When I was dropping bombs on a factory or railroad yard I didn't feel bad, but when we missed the targer I did.
I was sad. I could never get myself enough nerve to look into books about the number of civilian deaths because I didn't want to know. I'd just rather forget it."

WWII veteran bomber pilot of B17s in the European theater


If anything, Germany got off easy compared to what they would have done if they had the opportunity.

Hardly anything good would have happened if they would have won the war.

It's too bad that the Germans are afraid to talk about this topic.
"Did you feel any guilt after killing those people? What was going through your mind as you dropped those bombs?"

"When I was dropping bombs on a factory or railroad yard I didn't feel bad, but when we missed the targer I did.
I was sad. I could never get myself enough nerve to look into books about the number of civilian deaths because I didn't want to know. I'd just rather forget it."

WWII veteran bomber pilot of B17s in the European theater


Hardly anything good would have happened if they would have won the war.

It's too bad that the Germans are afraid to talk about this topic.

My Grandfather was a tailgunner on a B-24 in the Japanese theatre he said a couple of times that you would come in for a run on Tokyo and you could see it burning for miles off when you flew over it you could smell the distinctive odor of burning flesh. He woke up many times for years after the war and could still smell that smell said it really bothered him. So I would say most people can fathom the task they are undertaking and at some level they hate what they are doing but that's war it ugly, mean, and it lives on blood.

It is well that war is so terrible-- Lest we should grow too fond of it.

Robert E. Lee
My Grandfather was a tailgunner on a B-24 in the Japanese theatre

Your Grandfather had the fortune because he was not the one who dropped the bombs.

Maybe it was a good thing that the Amercan air force destroyed the Japanese cities because after that they are no longer started a new war.

Will E Worm

As Mr. xfire said the bombings would not have happend if Germany would not have started the war.

But in general you could say that it is morally wrong to bomb civilian targets and one can only imagine what kind of suffering the air raid is for the eldery and for children who do not have a place of refuge.

Germany didn't start the war. They didn't get what they "deserved" or "asked for." :facepalm:

The plan was to genocide the Germans. Do some research. Look the first video I posted.

War is hell.

I believe that many pilots would refuse to step on a plane if they would have seen what the bombs cause.

Some would not have, if they knew they were going to bomb non-military targets.

He sure doesn't sound like a Socilist here:

We do not say to the rich, "Please, give something to these poor people."

Instead we say: "German people, help yourselves!"

Everyone must help, whether you are rich or poor! And this person I shall help, as a comrade in Volk!

Adolf Hitler's speech against freemasonry, the illuminati, zionist warmongers. Link
Wow. A new low. Will is now defending Hitler.

Obviously it was the Allies fault that war happened on the continent. Obviously Germany did nothing wrong. Obviously Jews just don't matter. Is that what you think, Will?

Please, for the love of all that is holy, don't respond with a smiley, or a one word answer. Actually address the points I've made above. If you don't, if you merely dismiss it with one of your usual answers, I'll assume that you're defending Hitler's position, that you hate Jews, that you are a racist, bigoted, backward loser who can't articulate his own arguments. Thanks.

Will E Worm

Wow. A new low. Will is now defending Hitler.

Obviously it was the Allies fault that war happened on the continent. Obviously Germany did nothing wrong. Obviously Jews just don't matter. Is that what you think, Will?

Please, for the love of all that is holy, don't respond with a smiley, or a one word answer. Actually address the points I've made above. If you don't, if you merely dismiss it with one of your usual answers, I'll assume that you're defending Hitler's position, that you hate Jews, that you are a racist, bigoted, backward loser who can't articulate his own arguments. Thanks.

Nice blanket statements once again. :facepalm:

Hitler has been lied about. I'm not saying I agree with everything anyone does.
I also do not agree with blatant lies to serve evil agendas.

You would have done yourself a favor by actually watching the videos.

Zionist and Jews are different.

I am not a racist or a bigot or anything of the kind.
Liberal buzz words don't work on me.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Not as much as the bombing of London by the Nazies
Why not? How is their attack on a civilian target with the intent of assaulting the civilian populace different from ours?
Should have done the same thing in Iraq.
:wtf: :surprise:
Is this a sarcastic shock and awe reference?
WTF are you talking about the Nazis and the German people were responsible for no less than the Deaths of 6 million concentration camp victims, 20+ million soviet civilians and soldiers. The reach you should have gone for was in Tokyo when Curtis Lemay made the decision to drop napalm all over Tokyo because most structures were made of wood thus killing hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians. But this again is a huge reach 60+ years later from a war that killed so many innocents.
Nazis yes, but the German people?
Curtis Lemay and "bomber" harris both have much to answer for...
They're in the army, they're pilots, they're not stupid. They know what bombs cause.
Pilots are indeed not stupid.
However, they are members of the military and therefore under orders.
One R.A.F. pilot refused to serve in T.W.A.T. on the basis that the R.A.F. had told him that he could decide not to fight in an unjust war.

My opinion (not that nay of you cunts give a fuck) is that this bears some relevance to the philosophy excercise known as "the terror bomber excercise"
If we assume that the intention of bombing civilians is unjust and that the intention of bombing armament production facilities is good.

The terror bomber has the intent to cow the enemy populace in terror (note that blitz spirit is just the opposite of this and there are those who claim that the Dresden firebombings had the same effect - opposite to that intended) and is therefore bad or unjust.
The target bomber has the intent to bomb enemy munitions production facilities rather than cause mass casualties and is therefore good.
Ideally the only people killed by the target bomber will be those in the facilities, making the tools of war.
Question: If the terror bomber inadvertantly kills less than the target bomber, which is more morally reprehensible? Is the intent or the result the most important thing in this question of morality?

Thread derailment: Was the use of atomic weaponry on Japan purely an excercise in scaring the Soviet Union?
After all, how scared would you be of an old woman armed with a sharpened bamboo stick if you had an M1 Garand?
Nice blanket statements once again. :facepalm:

Hitler has been lied about. I'm not saying I agree with everything anyone does.
I also do not agree with blatant lies to serve evil agendas.

You would have done yourself a favor by actually watching the videos.

Zionist and Jews are different.

I am not a racist or a bigot or anything of the kind.
Liberal buzz words don't work on me.

Oh, you're accusing me of using blanket statements? That's rich.
I'm well aware of the difference between Zionists and Jews, thank you. I don't believe you have a clue what the difference is. And the videos you posted contain as much fact as a McDonalds Happy Meal bag. Finally, "liberal" (which I'm not) buzz words do, apparently, work on you. You haven't answered my question, you've done nothing more than put on a brave face, and try to deflect.

Once again, you fail, and you look stupid. It must be hard to live with that day in and day out.

Will E Worm

Are these the Zionist you defend? :facepalm:

Rabbi Yosef: Gentiles exist only to serve Jews
By JONAH MANDEL 10/18/2010

The Jerualem Post

The sole purpose of non-Jews is to serve Jews, according to Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the head of Shas's Council of Torah Sages and a senior Sephardi adjudicator.

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef: Gentiles exist only to serve Jews Link

Yitzchak Ginsburgh, says it is moral for a Jew to murder you and steal your heart or liver if a jew needs one.


Was King of the Board for a Day
Are these the Zionist you defend? :facepalm:

Rabbi Yosef: Gentiles exist only to serve Jews
By JONAH MANDEL 10/18/2010

The Jerualem Post

The sole purpose of non-Jews is to serve Jews, according to Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the head of Shas's Council of Torah Sages and a senior Sephardi adjudicator.

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef: Gentiles exist only to serve Jews Link

Yitzchak Ginsburgh, says it is moral for a Jew to murder you and steal your heart or liver if a jew needs one.

While there can be radicals in any religion (and we know there are), I don't see either of these men gathering together an army and almost eradicating an entire population as much as they enjoy talking rubbish. Your attempt to show that Zionists are in any way comparable, equatable, or reminiscent of the Nazi party or its ideals, or anything even resembling it, fails entirely.
Although the German people suffered mightily in the war they always had the power to rise up and take back their country. The Wehrmacht was after all manned by more German citizens than Nazis and outnumbered the SS by a great deal. The Wehrmacht several times tried to assassinate or overthrow Hitler all the German people had to do was back them. So in the end a great many German civilians were supportive or at the very least complacent thus opening themselves up to being targets. In the end the Nazis prolonged the war a great deal longer than necessary as the outcome was clear early in 1944 thus exposing population centers to direct assault.
In the end, it proves that Hitler didn't give two shits about the German people.
The plan was to genocide the Germans. Do some research. Look the first video I posted.

Will, I looked at your videos and I can say that you're right.

We can not blame only the Germans, but it seems that they were more active than other countries.

-1 September 1939 German invaded Poland

-9 April 1940 German invaded Denmark and Norway

-10 May 1940 German invaded France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg

-6 April 1941 German invaded Yogoslavia

-22 June 1941 Germany and its allies invaded Soviet Union

And there are quite lot of evidende of mass killings which the Germans carried out 1939-1945.


He says the jews fired the first shot which justifies Hitler putting them into concentration camps while at the same time calling it a "so called holocaust" as if it didn't happen.

So which was it?

The fire bombing of Dresden and Tokyo killed way more civilians than Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined but was it a war crime? No, they had it coming.

Just like all the frauleins raped by soviet soldiers at the end of the war wasn't a war crime. It was fuckin' hot.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
German women were raped because no one defended them.
German women were raped because Soviet women were raped.
And because that's what happens in war. Not that I'm defending rape; I believe it to be reprehensible. Apart from when I get "raped" by FO members.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
True, the German rape and kill Soviet women.

But the main reason why women are raped is that there are no defenders and male rape if he gets a change.
You're saying that all men are rapists given the chance?
So if you got the chance, you'd rape a woman?
Take 3 guesses how I feel about you labelling me as a rapist (the rest of the fucks on Freeones I couldn't give two flying shits about).