Makes Cole even less likeable.

Not that he's plays his "role" on TV, but the way he acts so inconsistent with it. One minute you're yelling at the crowd and screaming at somebody with Jack Swagger by your side, the next you're sitting at ringside commentating freely, speaking politely, and acting like there's nothing else going on. Either be a heel, or stay your generic self as a commentator. If he's going to become Mr. McMahon Jr, like it's expected, get off the commentating team.
Makes Cole even less likeable.

Not that he's plays his "role" on TV, but the way he acts so inconsistent with it. One minute you're yelling at the crowd and screaming at somebody with Jack Swagger by your side, the next you're sitting at ringside commentating freely, speaking politely, and acting like there's nothing else going on. Either be a heel, or stay your generic self as a commentator. If he's going to become Mr. McMahon Jr, like it's expected, get off the commentating team.

i was wondering the same thing. but i think with 3 guys at ringside all trying to call a match...Cole being disruptive or "heel" related calling the match it would make for some terrible watching. you would be better off muting at that point. i think it's "heel" character during everything else but "broadcasting matches".
think about it, i understand it's not consistent,but if he acted HEEL the whole show it would be a clusterfuck and maybe wont go over as well as it is right now
I like the heel Cole and I understand that if he was heel the whole time it would be an unwatchable show to listen to, but I am so glad they introduced the Cole Mine. Having him and Lawler sitting next to each other was stupid because one moment they were fine and then for a segment or two they could barely keep from throwing punches and then they were fine again.
I like the heel Cole and I understand that if he was heel the whole time it would be an unwatchable show to listen to, but I am so glad they introduced the Cole Mine. Having him and Lawler sitting next to each other was stupid because one moment they were fine and then for a segment or two they could barely keep from throwing punches and then they were fine again.

yea sitting next to each other while this storyline was ongoing would be weird.
i wonder if ...after WM do they just forget about their feud and go back to a 2 man commenting team?or more like WE are supposed to forget that all just happened for months leading up to WM?

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I haven't been looking forward to RAW this much in probably ten years.

Can't wait to see The Great One.
That segment with Trips, Taker, and HBK was off the charts awesome.

Hell yeah it was! Intense! Now that's a Raw moment.
(One more match...One more match...One more match...)

...oh, and the Kane trumpet earlier was kinda funny. Kinda sad...but kinda funny. I loved the roar of the crowd when he did it. I just hope he never does anything like that again. ;)

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Thank fucking Christ that the Lawler vs. Cole feud is nearly over. What a waste of time. :facepalm: