I'm glad that most agree with me on the Cena issue, but I'm not saying he's not the top guy, he is the top guy and all you have to do is look at each Wrestlemania from 21 to now. And I mean I really don't hate the guy, yeah I hate his character and I hate the WWE era he stands for, I'm sure he is a nice guy in real life and I really can't blame the guy for taking advantage of the situation he was put in. I'm just seriously pissed off at WWE, I hate the Cena character and the PG era that coincides with him.
Why did WWE make me sit through all those matches if they were only going to push Cena, I remember ORDERING a span of about 6 pay per views hoping they'd past the belt on to at least one up and comer, but no, Cena won all six pay per views, that was when I had had enough. It seriously took them about 3 or 4 years to complete the turn to PG, they should have just said look, we're gonna push Cena until all you Attitude fans leave and you can forget about the wrestling you once knew and loved, we're not going to push the MUCH BETTER talent and somewhat younger talent we have like Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Haas, Lashely, Kurt Angle, MVP, Carlito, Morrison, Punk, Kingston, etc. There is so much talent that would have been great for WWE but they all fell in favor of Cena, I can't even list all of them it is such a huge list. Can you imagine having at least 5 more stars there that could have been pushed instead of Cena, we'd have a whole roster of stars, and not have to rely on a non-main eventer performing in the main event at Wrestlemania, cough---Miz. Cena's reign of terror is also the reason why when their three top (hhh, Cena, Orton) guys can't carry the load, they have to rely on guys like Sheamus, Miz, Swagger to carry the championship, it's alarming at how WWE is not creating new talent and that's cause they focus to much on super Cena who won't put anyone over because he won't lose or turn heel, everyone that Cena drops the title to is already over with the fans, HHH, RVD, Orton, it's ridiculous.