To no surprise a bloated sea of morons chanted her name.
Man, Snooki is short. Barely taller than the ring ropes...
But she's still hot.
Not only was Snooki booed, but she supposed to be face. That WWE is ripping off TNAS for ideas is pathetic. Snooki is not attractive or talented. Get her the fuck out of the ring!!!
trish did look great, though. So did Gail Kim. but, honestly, a lot of raw was just shit..
And, drew Carrey getting in the HOF is pathetic.
Another awful Wrestlemania match idea WWE. And once again they misuse Morrison. He deserves better than a sideshow gimmick match.
It's getting to a point that I pity Morrison. He's been doing all those physical moves (especially the "spider-man" grap at the Rumble) and Vince pays him back with a Snookie match. The way he works he can make just about anyone look good in a match so I guess that's why they are using him in this situation. IDK:dunno:
maybe it's a "you do this and then down the road....Huge Push!"
or ..."you better do this or YOU'RE FIREEEDDDDDDD!!!!!!!"