Is it just me, but I have a feeling that either Austin or The Rock is gonna turn on somebody? Like Austin may help out Cole or The Rock may help out Cena?
To me, something like this has to happen, if not we all easily can assume who is gonna win.
I know we all think that the Divas are a joke (except for the few that can wrestle), but having Cole do that means that even the WWE doesn't believe in their womans divesion
So here's a thought I had. With Wookie, oops, I mean Snookie on Raw next week, Jersey boy DDP announced for the HOF?
Makes as much sence as anything else Vince has come up with lately.
The main event for Smackdown was great, but the rest was so awful. Why do so many Raw recaps? It's horrible.
I kind of hope the buy rates for WM stink so Vince can get his head out of his ass. He's banking on The Rock, Austin, and HHH/Taker AGAIN. Create new stars, you'll have to eventually you senile old man!
Well, Daniel Bryan is a damn fine wrestler. But he's neglected to promos with the Bella twins and a "feud" with Ted Dibiase Jr. - really? That's how you build your talent?Their NXT program so far hasn't produced any notable results.
Is it just me, but I have a feeling that either Austin or The Rock is gonna turn on somebody? Like Austin may help out Cole or The Rock may help out Cena?
To me, something like this has to happen, if not we all easily can assume who is gonna win.
rock and cena might be in this altogether