Every country has it owns beer traditions, there will be always differences in taste, servings,preparing ...
Beer, is something you need to appreciate, it took awhile before it was bended in the form you will drink it. It will take you to other places, from the moment you see it being poured in your glass, from the first time you kinda smell it and wanna savor its aroma, that without a doubt will feel heavenly as it touches your tongue, dividing it in all kinds of categories (bitter,sour,carots,caramel, ...).
It ain't whine, it's better ...
It kills your thirst, opens a brand new feeling.
I've been around the world, drink a lot of beers and i actually have favorite beers that are not from over here. Not much however.
just a few, to open perspective why we have the best ...
Beer tour in Belgium
Beer Capital Belgium
Butweiser bought by fucking Belgians (then still not, right now it is)
Iron Maiden
And lets face it, who don't get quiet after this