I personally believe that the actual Christian institution of marriage is pretty much an antiquated notion,and furthermore,nowadays,nothing more than for tax benefits.
I truly believe that people can have "soul mates"and stay together out of true love(other people,not me) and not just convenience,but at this point,I just don't understand the whole ceremony of getting married.
I think it's all to comfort the woman(and in most cases these days,trick her) into thinking that the guy will always be there to take care of her and provide,and blahblah,blah blah blah.
I'm sure that we all know at least one couple that looked like they were meant for each other,but later on are just totally miserable together.
I guess I don't want to really say that people should stop getting married,but rather most people should stop getting married(the statistics prove it),and making divorce lawyers rich.
And If I were a professional athlete,movie star,or anyone else that's rich and/or famous,I would never even think about getting married.Way too many gold diggers trying to get their talons into what they think they got coming to them.George Clooney is a smart man in this respect.