I don't even have any desire to have sex.
I find that simply amazing :eek: Sex is one of the best things in the world to do if you do it with someone you're in love with. It's also very healthy for the body and mind.
I don't even have any desire to have sex.
I would never get married, or have children, and I don't even have any desire to have sex. I'm a loner, and I'm fine with that, no reason to complicate things.
I don't understand it- the happy people chiming in must not be 'satisfied' because the only reason you would sign in to Freeones is to jack off to free porn.
I don't understand it- the happy people chiming in must not be 'satisfied' because the only reason you would sign in to Freeones is to jack off to free porn.
In short, I'm of the opinion that marriage is a viable concept, but its practice is limited by cultural inadequacies.
:2 cents:
I believe in most cases when we do (any)things for the right reasons they end up being worthwhile. Consistently so, when we do things for the wrong reasons, we become the architects of our own hells.
You have to find the right woman (hard to do but totally possible!).
I've been married 31 years to the most wonderful woman on the face of the planet. My life would be empty without her. She's a fantastic wife and mother. She's my lover and my best friend. I can't imagine my life without her. I pledged myself to her and her to me and we've never had a single second thought. It gives your life a purpose besides your own hedonistic desires. To live and dedicate yourself to a soulmate and your kids (and then grandkids)....well, it is simply awesome. We love each other unconditionally and our level of trust is beyond question. I cannot tell you what a comforting feeling it is to know that you have someone in your life that can absolutely count on no mater what. I'm the luckiest mother-fucker who ever lived.
Otherwise, you will likely grow old and be lonely and miserable without any specific purpose to your life other than your own selfish interests. What a bankrupt existence that must be....can't even fathom it. I feel sorry for anyone who has to live that way.
Go for it if you are vehemently anti-marriage but I wouldn't trade what I have with my wife and kids for ANYTHING.
The destruction of the nuclear family is a MAJOR reason that this nation is so fucked up now. My wife and I have raised a son who is loved and knew that his parents were bound together by a covenant that you just can't attain by simply "living together". He's well-adjusted, has both feet firmly grounded, a great job, isn't into drugs or alcohol. What a great sense of accomplishment it is to have raised such a terrific human being as my son!!! There's no way that happens if my wife and I weren't rock-solid for him as he grew up.
Y'all can say you will take care of your kids if things don't work out between you and your significant other but it isn't that simple. You're asking for big trouble if you don't set the proper example for your kids to aspire to.
I feel sorry for anyone who doesn't at least try to attain the same degree of happiness that I have been so fortunate to find in my life. Believe me, as you grow old, you will greatly regret it.
Human beings were not meant to cohabitate with other human beings for any length of time- its part of the mammalian instinct- do F and M tigers, lions, cheetahs, etc.. stay together forever? Hell no. The male breeds, sticks around for a bit, then takes off. There is a part of that in us - we are mammals after all. This is the Wild Kingdom angle...
So well put, I need not to say anything. I too have been married comming up on 10 years. And I can say also, without her, I would be totally empty. She is my love, heart and soul... I hope that all of you find someone as special to you as my wife is to me.:nanner:
Marrige really is for having children. I mean thats what its really all about right
According to the current divorce rate statistics, 50% of the marriages end in divorce. National center for Health’s divorce rate statistics foresaw a downward trend in US divorce rates i.e. up to 43%. But in 2002, census bureau revised the predicted divorce rate in America back to 50%. However, some recent divorce rate statistic shows the predicted US divorce rates as approximately 40%
No. Obviously.and to me- isn't thinking about cheating with another woman, just as bad as actually doing it?