Why the fuck would you ever get married?

Will E Worm

I would never get married, or have children, and I don't even have any desire to have sex. I'm a loner, and I'm fine with that, no reason to complicate things.

Women can be more trouble than they are worth.

No sex can make you live longer too, or maybe it's that you won't be nagged to death.

No sex makes 116-year-old live longer. :hatsoff:
heres a twisted reason. cause in the military, they pay you more.
I don't understand it- the happy people chiming in must not be 'satisfied' because the only reason you would sign in to Freeones is to jack off to free porn.
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I don't understand it- the happy people chiming in must not be 'satisfied' because the only reason you would sign in to Freeones is to jack off to free porn.

Are you jerking off now, while you are answering this post? There is more on this board than porn. I know how some of the member will react better than a few of my relatives, though I haven't meet any of them before. :bowdown:

p.s. sorry I clicked edit instead of quote on your post.


Closed Account
I've been married. I knew beforehand we should not have been. I was in doubt. You know the old adage. I asked a friend. He asked, "When you look at her, does she make you [tremble].?" (The word is substituted as I have forgotten the exact one he used).

I lied.

It lasted a year, but, even so, I can tell you it was wonderful. That story of forgetting you are married held true for me. When I woke up the next morning I forgot completely I had had the ceremony the day before.


That wasn't it though.

Thing is, like Hot Mega said, marriage is built on trust etc. It just occurred to me now that yes, there is a high divorce rate, but that is kind of like not crossing a busy street for fear of being knocked over.

BTW my ex really was terrified of crossing streets. I would say we both benefited from the relationship.

You can look at it as an opportunity to improve yourself, to grow, to become better persons. How many people actually go to seminars? How many people ever bother to find out how to raise children? In today's society we don't always have an extended family to hold one's reins from time to time, or to help out.

Nowadays it is every man for himself and the devil for us all.

Nevertheless, one can decide otherwise. Every day you can pick up that burden, that decision and walk with it. That cross, if you will. You know, decide to make someone happy. I realised today by watching how an instructor handles a potentially violent man mountain. I learned a lesson. I looked closer at him, to see the child inside, the guy actually wanting just someone to reach out with a bit of affection and care.

In the same way, marriage really is an act of will.

If you are married to some miserable bitch, then you are going to have to find some way to humble yourself, put up with a lot of contrariness, try reach out until Ms High And Mighty eventually comes around. If possible.

Thing is, I really wouldn't get married if you are not sure.

If you know you love that person, then you will take a drive, go sit somewhere and look inside yourself for answers to keep the marriage fires going.

One of the pieces of advice my mother gave me, is "Don't marry someone just for breasts and legs. There is more to marriage than that."

No, don't give up on marriage.
I think, to really understand marriage, you have to understand what it actually is, what it offers, and in what circumstances it does and does not work.

In a classical, very sexist, sense, it provides ownership, a ritualized binding. I used this viewpoint because of the largely catholic(debatable, but that's sort of a moot point) based notion of what marriage is (which was, and still is, shared by many popular religions). As the gender roles in society change, marriage changes. As a society, economic stability and popularized cultural ideas, specifically womens' rights, dramatically altered our views on the subject. In short, society moved from a state where getting married was the only option to a point where it isn't a necessity. We've had a long history of marriage as a necessity, so it isn't surprising that we've no idea how to make it work; well, make it work so both members are "happy." We still have many residual concepts of what marriage is supposed to be.

So, what is marriage? This is probably where a lot of confusion about marriage comes from, not knowing what the hell it actually is. What marriage typically ends up being is a lot of money for a long boring ceremony, a shiny rock, months of stressful preparation, ugly dresses and a terrible party, with a similarly terrible DJ or band. This is all done so your income can be combined for taxes, you can share your health benefits from your job and you risk losing half of your possessions in a divorce. So, why get married? It's a long standing tradition, and it provides proof of dedication, which makes men seem more reliable on job applications. Try becoming president without that little certificate :D .

That is physically what a marriage amounts to; if we take into account what is actually promised in most of the boring ceremonies, then we might be able to understand why someone would do this. What most people end up promising is to try and make living together in a monogamous relationship enjoyable and beneficial. Many fail, and it isn't hard to understand why. We aren't very rational; and to be honest, a good portion of society doesn't have the dedication or the communication skills necessary to make that sort of relationship work. It's hard to change people's minds about their way of life, and that makes marriage a difficult feat to accomplish.

I believe the ultimate goal of marriage should be happiness (a very relative term, but bear with me; you know what I mean). Entering a union for various other reasons can be hazardous. Marriage can develop a secure, socially recognized and accepted relationship. It can also be an emotionally scarring trauma, that may strip you of your hard earned earthly possessions. It is the same as any investment. What you can get from it can be incredible, a person who is dedicated to making your life more enjoyable, and what you could potentially lose is similarly dramatic. There are lots of reasons why and when you should or shouldn't get married. There are also a lot of reasons why most people shouldn't have children, but logical reasoning isn't something that will sway most.

I feel this rant is inadequate, but it has the basic ideas I wanted to put forth.

In short, I'm of the opinion that marriage is a viable concept, but its practice is limited by cultural inadequacies.

:2 cents:
In short, I'm of the opinion that marriage is a viable concept, but its practice is limited by cultural inadequacies.

:2 cents:

I believe in most cases when we do (any)things for the right reasons they end up being worthwhile. Consistently so, when we do things for the wrong reasons, we become the architects of our own hells.
I believe in most cases when we do (any)things for the right reasons they end up being worthwhile. Consistently so, when we do things for the wrong reasons, we become the architects of our own hells.

excellent point mega:thumbsup:
Human beings were not meant to cohabitate with other human beings for any length of time- its part of the mammalian instinct- do F and M tigers, lions, cheetahs, etc.. stay together forever? Hell no. The male breeds, sticks around for a bit, then takes off. There is a part of that in us - we are mammals after all. This is the Wild Kingdom angle...
You have to find the right woman (hard to do but totally possible!).

I've been married 31 years to the most wonderful woman on the face of the planet. My life would be empty without her. She's a fantastic wife and mother. She's my lover and my best friend. I can't imagine my life without her. I pledged myself to her and her to me and we've never had a single second thought. It gives your life a purpose besides your own hedonistic desires. To live and dedicate yourself to a soulmate and your kids (and then grandkids)....well, it is simply awesome. We love each other unconditionally and our level of trust is beyond question. I cannot tell you what a comforting feeling it is to know that you have someone in your life that can absolutely count on no mater what. I'm the luckiest mother-fucker who ever lived.

Otherwise, you will likely grow old and be lonely and miserable without any specific purpose to your life other than your own selfish interests. What a bankrupt existence that must be....can't even fathom it. I feel sorry for anyone who has to live that way.

Go for it if you are vehemently anti-marriage but I wouldn't trade what I have with my wife and kids for ANYTHING.

The destruction of the nuclear family is a MAJOR reason that this nation is so fucked up now. My wife and I have raised a son who is loved and knew that his parents were bound together by a covenant that you just can't attain by simply "living together". He's well-adjusted, has both feet firmly grounded, a great job, isn't into drugs or alcohol. What a great sense of accomplishment it is to have raised such a terrific human being as my son!!! There's no way that happens if my wife and I weren't rock-solid for him as he grew up.

Y'all can say you will take care of your kids if things don't work out between you and your significant other but it isn't that simple. You're asking for big trouble if you don't set the proper example for your kids to aspire to.

I feel sorry for anyone who doesn't at least try to attain the same degree of happiness that I have been so fortunate to find in my life. Believe me, as you grow old, you will greatly regret it.

So well put, I need not to say anything. I too have been married comming up on 10 years. And I can say also, without her, I would be totally empty. She is my love, heart and soul... I hope that all of you find someone as special to you as my wife is to me.:nanner:
Human beings were not meant to cohabitate with other human beings for any length of time- its part of the mammalian instinct- do F and M tigers, lions, cheetahs, etc.. stay together forever? Hell no. The male breeds, sticks around for a bit, then takes off. There is a part of that in us - we are mammals after all. This is the Wild Kingdom angle...

Not that what wild, unintelligent animals do is relevant to human beings...but you're actually wrong. What does pride of Lions or pack of Wolves consist of?
I don't think I will ever get married. Just got out of a really fucked up relationship, so that changed my mind about marriage. I never met anyone that's married who has never cheated.


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
the day window shopping becomes immoral is the day the morality police need to be eliminated.

I thought about killing the guy at the bar, but I didn't, so I should be considered a murderer? Please stop taking the human element out of being human
So well put, I need not to say anything. I too have been married comming up on 10 years. And I can say also, without her, I would be totally empty. She is my love, heart and soul... I hope that all of you find someone as special to you as my wife is to me.:nanner:

No it's not well put.

You can have happiness and love and she [or he] can be your heart and soul blah blah blah... without being married. And to say that you need to be married to find true love and inner peace, ect, well, don't talk rot.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Marrige really is for having children. I mean thats what its really all about right

Once you get past a certain age, marriage has nothing to do with having children. By middle age, a lot of people have either never had children and don't want children, or they're on their second (third?) marriage, have had kids and don't want/can't have any more.

I hate using statistics if I'm uncertain of the accuracy or validity. So I don't mind if someone corrects me or finds different sources for this. But I believe around 40% of the children born in the U.S. are born out of wedlock. The figure is much higher for minorities.

Here's some other interesting stats I found:

Divorce Rate Statistics of 1st, 2nd and 3rd Marriages
Various studies on US Divorce rate show significant differences when a comparison is made in 1st, 2nd and 3rd marriage, divorce rate in America.

  • Divorce rate in America after first marriage is from 41% to 50%.
  • US divorce rate after second marriage is from 60% to 67%
  • After 3 marriages the US divorce rate is from 73% to 74%

  • Divorce rate statistics show that couples without children have a higher divorce rate in America. US divorce rates in couples who have children is slightly lower.
  • The children of divorced parents are prone to divorcing 4 times more than the children of couples who are not divorced.

According to the current divorce rate statistics, 50% of the marriages end in divorce. National center for Health’s divorce rate statistics foresaw a downward trend in US divorce rates i.e. up to 43%. But in 2002, census bureau revised the predicted divorce rate in America back to 50%. However, some recent divorce rate statistic shows the predicted US divorce rates as approximately 40%

Fact or fiction(?):
  • I've read in many places that women initiate anywhere from 70-90% of divorce cases.
  • Money is the key issue contributing to most divorces - BUT, in down economic times, divorce rates tend to fall.