Why do people eat animals?

Will E Worm

Bacon is good but there is a vegeterian option :lame:

Bacon does not have a substitute. :nono:

"Have you ever seen a healthy-looking vegetarian? They look like sh!t! They're all gaunt and yellow. After a while, their bodies become intolerant of other things. I'll give you an example. I was out to lunch with a comedian friend of mine, and later in the day he said, and I quote, "I feel nauseous and I have a headache. That soup I had must have had beef broth in it." Your system's kickin' back broth? You're a manly man, aren't you?" -- Ron White


Why do people eat animals?

Because if we didn't, we'd be vegans. Vegans are the whiniest, most petulant, irrational people I've ever seen. I lately escaped from an enviro-site where I was doing my part for the whales. Most of the membership is vegan, I was sad to find out. These sad little fucks are their own worst enemy. You can't even be nice to them without their bitterness and hysteria spoiling everything.

I eat meat because if I didn't I might become a vegan. :brick:
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Bacon does not have a substitute. :nono:

You're right, there is no meat substitutes.

Because if we didn't, we'd be vegans. Vegans are the whiniest, most petulant, irrational people I've ever seen. I lately escaped from an enviro-site where I was doing my part for the whales. Most of the membership is vegan, I was sad to find out. These sad little fucks are their own worst enemy. You can't even be nice to them without their bitterness and hysteria spoiling everything.

I eat meat because if I didn't I might become a vegan. :brick:

Vegeterians are little bit grumpy :goodpost:
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Apparently hippos are of the pig family. Imagine the bacon you could get off those cunts.

So is Roseanne Arnold, yet I don't think I'd wanna get any bacon off of that. :pukey:
look at it on a health stand point even vegans will backup . nobody knows a century year old vegan. but most know people over a hundred has eaten meat.

a pure meat diet is unhealthy, but the topic was never about that . it`s about meat as being part of the diet. a pure carrot or any vegetable diet will get anybody sick in 2 weeks.

the key here is moderation

p.s. not all plant has nutrition,a diet or lettuce,pears and celery will definately make you lose weight because your literally starving eating only those plants.

just think of it this way.

no living creature is responsible to keep you alive so one creature is design to meet all your nutritional needs.
oops typed too fast

no living creature is responsible to keep you alive so no one creature is designed to meet all your nutritional needs.

p.s. don`t mess with people who can`t eat certain foods. whole beans are very healthy,but a decent percent of humans can`t eat them and get VERY EXTREME reactions from eating them. mostv will say the most pain they felt in thier lives. so some reasons alot of vegans reactions are just keep eating them til your body gets used to it.

the belief no plant is bad for you in the vegetarian community is very strong.

Maggie Green

Official Checked Star Member
Hey Maggie, I was Vegetarian back at the time of that movie but I am Vegan now and it is awesome. Never been healthier so hurry up and join in :) Have you seen "Forks Over Knives"?

Hey Maria! I haven't seen that one yet but it's on my list! I have always been an animal lover but was taught that you need animal protein to be healthy. Which I am discovering is not true! I don't eat eggs, I only do soy milk and yogurt, I am still eating a little bit of cheese at times and chicken/fish maybe a few times per month. And I've rediscovered some delicious foods that I haven't had in years...tofu, kale, quinoa, etc. I feel so much better and it hasn't been as difficult as I thought it would be. I also am switching all my household products and beauty products to cruelty free : )

Maggie Green

Official Checked Star Member
look at it on a health stand point even vegans will backup . nobody knows a century year old vegan. but most know people over a hundred has eaten meat.

a pure meat diet is unhealthy, but the topic was never about that . it`s about meat as being part of the diet. a pure carrot or any vegetable diet will get anybody sick in 2 weeks.

the key here is moderation

p.s. not all plant has nutrition,a diet or lettuce,pears and celery will definately make you lose weight because your literally starving eating only those plants.

just think of it this way.

no living creature is responsible to keep you alive so one creature is design to meet all your nutritional needs.

Um, pears are very healthy and have a lot of fiber. And a vegetarian doesn't eat only veggies. They eat fruits, grains, legumes, etc. And back in February, there was a video of a 108 year old vegan woman from Oregon. So don't say that there aren't any century old vegans!
look at it on a health stand point even vegans will backup . nobody knows a century year old vegan. but most know people over a hundred has eaten meat.

a pure meat diet is unhealthy, but the topic was never about that . it`s about meat as being part of the diet. a pure carrot or any vegetable diet will get anybody sick in 2 weeks.

the key here is moderation

p.s. not all plant has nutrition,a diet or lettuce,pears and celery will definately make you lose weight because your literally starving eating only those plants.

just think of it this way.

no living creature is responsible to keep you alive so one creature is design to meet all your nutritional needs.
That's not very sound analysis as very few people are vegans their whole life, kids are often given meat when growing up so I think almost everyone has eaten meat at some point in their life. Most people that are vegans will have made a concious decision to be one as an adult, to comment on how meat consumption can affect life expectancy you need to monitor an individuals health when they ate meat and then again after they stop. You'll also find there are many factors that determine someone's life expectancy inc things like family medical history, their work environment and even medical care (did a dr spot a disease early in them) and eating red meat every day isn't good for you either. It's too simplistic to say you're either healthier if you eat meat or not as there are many factors inc diet that determine your wellbeing, there's no reason why a meat eater or a vegan can not both lead healthy lives as long as they look after themselves in all areas or find other ways to absorb vitamins/nutrients they may be lacking.
I eat meat and vegetables and love both. How I see it everything I eat was alive at one time... it doesn't really matter to me either way. I enjoy a good steak some days and a refreshing salad other times.