I was playing the sympathy card. Just messing with you guys and no I'm probably not going to be killing North Koreans. If I get shipped I'm going medic or staying with my tech job. You'd have to get past the marines and army more than likely to see me in a combat zone, but hearing one of my bad jokes can give you the adrenline and the hatred. Did I mention I like to noob tube every game of mw2 I play? Even though I don't have an x box 360.
America has their own native cooking, but you'd have to find native american land first to try it. Most of the people bring their native cooking with them from other countries.
24788 is my prison number. I served 2 years for evidence tampering and wire fraud. I cracked a wall I shouldn't of. I phished one of their workers and got a log in to his account. I then got information about the info structure of the business. I laid out some good codes and a kiddy script that helped me rape their firewall and encryption in 75 seconds. I put a lock on the accounts of the security and laid a nice error message, so they wouldn't know it was someone breaching the walls. I would packet the evidence and rewrite it to make it look like no one was there. I didn't steal any of the money. I just screwed up their accounts. I spent about 20 minutes logged in doing this then left. The reason I got caught was I didn't clear my tracks well enough. They found out a really weird way. When I was packeting the information to transfer it. One of the packets failed. Just one and the rest cleared and they had no idea it was gone, but the one that failed sent an error message. I forgot to clear this area since I cleared it for moving the packets, but forgot about their own error messages.
I stole about 250 hours of evidence and messed around with bank accounts. I'm kind of lucky they didn't kill me.
I got out early and the military asked me to join which was part of the deal I got. They will watch me 24/7 and computer use will be monitored as it is now. I can't log into bank accounts and I can only visited sites that I asked them about. If I'm caught Googling anything or going to untrusted/unverified sites I go back to prison. Well I served the first 6 months under watch since I wasn't 18 at the time and I wasn't charged as an adult. My life has been a lie.