1) You are more than totally wrong Bibo because lost people in my family so how wouldn't i learn something from this shit.
Hitler occupied countriues and so did Stalin. I never condemned which is completely false some people faught the nazis during wwII for this free europe so how can you tell about something you don't know.
Listen, dude... WW2 is 60 years ago. I think it´s safe to say that we´ve all lost family members during the war and it doesn´t make any sense to wave the fan of indignation whenever the topic is getting uncomfortable.
But the point why I`m bringing this entire topic over and over is simply that you seem to be quite ... let me put it that way "uncritical" with your facts. That´s what I`m objecting here. If you want to discuss political things and base them upon history, MAKE SURE you´re not talking absurd bollocks like you did serveral times. I know, we´re all making mistakes and I`m the last to not forgive a mistake, but if you´re making them constantly, you´re creating the impression of being an utter ignorant. All I`m asking is: get your facts straight. Otherwise you won´t have a change to be taken even remotely serious. I have no problems with conservative and right wing folks. But right wing folks who´re also talking bullshit are obnoxious.
2) calm down and stop babling cr@p on my case. rumors i posted
Yes FFS rumours, exactly that!
Kohl being a member of the SS at the age of 10 is what?
Evil Mr. Clinton giving Nobel prizes to even more evil Terrorists is what?
Read the above section again: If you´re talking politics, you need to be accurate and don´t distribute half-truths, hearsays and bullshit and try selling them as facts.
haha doesn't michael moore lie with his propaganda?
I´ve said it before and I´ll say it again: I´m not defending Moore and his arguments, I`m defending HIS GODDAMN RIGHT to do what he does. Because THAT`S what´s making our western civilization and our ideas of democracy! That´s what the USA are celebrating every 4th of July and what they´ve got to take serious if they don´t want to celebrate a lip service. And THAT`S the main difference between us and Germany 1933. What is so hard to understand about that?
But I`m still curious: did you actually read a book by Moore and/or did you watch his movie? I mean, you sure sound like you did. After all you´re not getting tired of telling everybody about the lies in his books etc. Or do you get all your informations second hand?
third class books no . did you read a book written by mr wiesenthal called justice is not revenge. do you have documentary books on wwII with the explanation of all the different armies of the countries involved in the conflict? so don't tell what you don't know. i have these books at home.
Shall we compare out historical library now? Shall we try to impress each other by bragging how many books we´ve read? Does that boost our egos? Yes, I got more than just a couple of books about history and WW2 dusting away in my shelfs if that means anything to you. Blimey, I´ve even read them all.
I used the term third class book because you specifically mentioned the book by Funcken, which is merely a book with illustrations made for children. They also made a book about medieval knights and uniforms during the napoleon times. I know the books, so what? It doesn´t matter what colour the austrian army used to wear, at least not to me.
4)no i never said that so don't put words in my mouth.no i haven't the right to raise other people´s deeds or set up blanket accusitions about things that happened 60 years ago.But don't don't tell me what happened 60 years ago can be forgotten forgiven yes but with a lot difficulty.
Either you´re completely resistant to arguments or I`m unable to express myself.

If you´re talking about people who have been in the army under Hitler and companies that already existed back in 1941 etc.etc you´re trying to create a general connotation.
Look... NOBODY is asking you or anybody else to forget or forgive anything. But we should all try to treat it appropriately, like history! It happened 60 years ago and our generation has nothing to do with it except for the fact to learn from our history and make sure it doesn´t happen again.
YET I see you bringing the NS argument a couple of times on the most inappropriate occasions. German companies having trade relations with Iraq... they´re possibly Nazis. The by now over-discussed Helmut Kohl stuff, you insisting on germany being responsible for Hitler, all that stuff. It´s last year, dude! This is 2004, it´s our job to avoid the mistakes that our parents made. And to be honest, THAT`S what you fail to do as I´ve explained.
Dear Bibo i am taking my responsabilities also i would like to point out that i don't belive the french media i check several sources as possible newspapers and radio but you will hardly find the truth because all is manipulated by governments.I never believed in the impeccability of our leaders and i never repeated their empty phrases like a parrot.I never said so please don't put word s in my mouth. I never liked mr chirac and his way of governing, same was for mitterand, giscard and pompidou. I have rarely seen good politicians.I never believe in their talks.However in politics you always have a preference for a party
As I said, I don´t have a problem with conservatives. When Ranger or DS are posting here, I can accept their POV`s, no problem. But your appearance here in all those threads was so incredibly onesided and - at times - blattantly faschistoid that I had to respond. I know you don´t want to hear that, but it´s a fact dude. Don´t take this as an insult, but as a hint. Beating up an author and expelling him from his country for writing a book is simply an example of a dictatorship and censoring media and no, there´s no way to get out of this. That´s where it starts dude. Political preferences are one thing. Trying to surpress all other opinions is something different.
5) he was great general during the war of 6 days and yom kippour it is for that he is respected maybe you have forgotten taht and stop saying that i suck someone's dick from now on ok? hope i am clear. i didn't insult you as far as i know so you didn't have to insult me. if you can't speak politely by exchanging opinions then it shows your agressivity and your lack of education. Aren't the kamikaze murderers?
Georges, I claim my right to call a murderer a murderer, regardless of what you call him. Hitler had pretty good generals too. Still doesn´t change the fact that they´ve been murderers. As I said, Sharon isn´t any better than Arafat. Equip them both with a couple handgrenades and lock them in a room and the world wouldn´t have lost anything. Sadly, the old saying is true. Kill one person and you´re a murderer. Kill thousands and you´re a general.
As for my level of aggressivity: I already explained it. Your postings have crossed certain borders a couple of times. Borders that I don´t want to see being crossed anymore and yes, that pisses me off. Exchanging opinions, fine. Subterfugely undermining the ideals and values that this entire civilization is resting on is just asking for resistance. And no, I`m not going to hide behind flowery phrases and chose to fight back with the same weapons that you used to fight with, polemics.
About terrorists they have connections everywhere so the best way to fight them is to chase their family or connections, it is not simple to do but one of the best means to fight terrorism.
Good one. Now can we start doing that instead of attacking third class dictators and claim that to be "war against terrorism" please?