Who are you voting/rooting for in this years election

Who are you voting/rooting for?

  • Democrats: John Kerry/John Edwards

    Votes: 64 57.1%
  • Republicans: George W. Bush/Dick Cheney

    Votes: 35 31.3%
  • Reform Party: Ralph Nader/Peter Camejo

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Green Party: David Cobb/Pat LaMarche

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Other third party canidate

    Votes: 2 1.8%
  • No one

    Votes: 9 8.0%

  • Total voters
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LetoII said:
now we had a lot of political discussions on this board, lately. almost made me forget why i came here: PORN and BABES :D . i think i'll chose dayton rains today,he,he. let's see if i can find some new stuff.
have a nice day, guys (whether republican or democrat, we're all jerking off;) )

you are correct;) and i choose shayla stylez today for a massive anal pounding .

have a nice day you too


1) You are more than totally wrong Bibo because lost people in my family so how wouldn't i learn something from this shit.
Hitler occupied countriues and so did Stalin. I never condemned which is completely false some people faught the nazis during wwII for this free europe so how can you tell about something you don't know.

Listen, dude... WW2 is 60 years ago. I think it´s safe to say that we´ve all lost family members during the war and it doesn´t make any sense to wave the fan of indignation whenever the topic is getting uncomfortable.
But the point why I`m bringing this entire topic over and over is simply that you seem to be quite ... let me put it that way "uncritical" with your facts. That´s what I`m objecting here. If you want to discuss political things and base them upon history, MAKE SURE you´re not talking absurd bollocks like you did serveral times. I know, we´re all making mistakes and I`m the last to not forgive a mistake, but if you´re making them constantly, you´re creating the impression of being an utter ignorant. All I`m asking is: get your facts straight. Otherwise you won´t have a change to be taken even remotely serious. I have no problems with conservative and right wing folks. But right wing folks who´re also talking bullshit are obnoxious.

2) calm down and stop babling cr@p on my case. rumors i posted

Yes FFS rumours, exactly that!
Kohl being a member of the SS at the age of 10 is what?
Evil Mr. Clinton giving Nobel prizes to even more evil Terrorists is what?
Read the above section again: If you´re talking politics, you need to be accurate and don´t distribute half-truths, hearsays and bullshit and try selling them as facts.

haha doesn't michael moore lie with his propaganda?

I´ve said it before and I´ll say it again: I´m not defending Moore and his arguments, I`m defending HIS GODDAMN RIGHT to do what he does. Because THAT`S what´s making our western civilization and our ideas of democracy! That´s what the USA are celebrating every 4th of July and what they´ve got to take serious if they don´t want to celebrate a lip service. And THAT`S the main difference between us and Germany 1933. What is so hard to understand about that?
But I`m still curious: did you actually read a book by Moore and/or did you watch his movie? I mean, you sure sound like you did. After all you´re not getting tired of telling everybody about the lies in his books etc. Or do you get all your informations second hand?

third class books no . did you read a book written by mr wiesenthal called justice is not revenge. do you have documentary books on wwII with the explanation of all the different armies of the countries involved in the conflict? so don't tell what you don't know. i have these books at home.

Shall we compare out historical library now? Shall we try to impress each other by bragging how many books we´ve read? Does that boost our egos? Yes, I got more than just a couple of books about history and WW2 dusting away in my shelfs if that means anything to you. Blimey, I´ve even read them all.
I used the term third class book because you specifically mentioned the book by Funcken, which is merely a book with illustrations made for children. They also made a book about medieval knights and uniforms during the napoleon times. I know the books, so what? It doesn´t matter what colour the austrian army used to wear, at least not to me.

4)no i never said that so don't put words in my mouth.no i haven't the right to raise other people´s deeds or set up blanket accusitions about things that happened 60 years ago.But don't don't tell me what happened 60 years ago can be forgotten forgiven yes but with a lot difficulty.

Either you´re completely resistant to arguments or I`m unable to express myself. :(
If you´re talking about people who have been in the army under Hitler and companies that already existed back in 1941 etc.etc you´re trying to create a general connotation.
Look... NOBODY is asking you or anybody else to forget or forgive anything. But we should all try to treat it appropriately, like history! It happened 60 years ago and our generation has nothing to do with it except for the fact to learn from our history and make sure it doesn´t happen again.
YET I see you bringing the NS argument a couple of times on the most inappropriate occasions. German companies having trade relations with Iraq... they´re possibly Nazis. The by now over-discussed Helmut Kohl stuff, you insisting on germany being responsible for Hitler, all that stuff. It´s last year, dude! This is 2004, it´s our job to avoid the mistakes that our parents made. And to be honest, THAT`S what you fail to do as I´ve explained.

Dear Bibo i am taking my responsabilities also i would like to point out that i don't belive the french media i check several sources as possible newspapers and radio but you will hardly find the truth because all is manipulated by governments.I never believed in the impeccability of our leaders and i never repeated their empty phrases like a parrot.I never said so please don't put word s in my mouth. I never liked mr chirac and his way of governing, same was for mitterand, giscard and pompidou. I have rarely seen good politicians.I never believe in their talks.However in politics you always have a preference for a party

As I said, I don´t have a problem with conservatives. When Ranger or DS are posting here, I can accept their POV`s, no problem. But your appearance here in all those threads was so incredibly onesided and - at times - blattantly faschistoid that I had to respond. I know you don´t want to hear that, but it´s a fact dude. Don´t take this as an insult, but as a hint. Beating up an author and expelling him from his country for writing a book is simply an example of a dictatorship and censoring media and no, there´s no way to get out of this. That´s where it starts dude. Political preferences are one thing. Trying to surpress all other opinions is something different.

5) he was great general during the war of 6 days and yom kippour it is for that he is respected maybe you have forgotten taht and stop saying that i suck someone's dick from now on ok? hope i am clear. i didn't insult you as far as i know so you didn't have to insult me. if you can't speak politely by exchanging opinions then it shows your agressivity and your lack of education. Aren't the kamikaze murderers?

Georges, I claim my right to call a murderer a murderer, regardless of what you call him. Hitler had pretty good generals too. Still doesn´t change the fact that they´ve been murderers. As I said, Sharon isn´t any better than Arafat. Equip them both with a couple handgrenades and lock them in a room and the world wouldn´t have lost anything. Sadly, the old saying is true. Kill one person and you´re a murderer. Kill thousands and you´re a general.
As for my level of aggressivity: I already explained it. Your postings have crossed certain borders a couple of times. Borders that I don´t want to see being crossed anymore and yes, that pisses me off. Exchanging opinions, fine. Subterfugely undermining the ideals and values that this entire civilization is resting on is just asking for resistance. And no, I`m not going to hide behind flowery phrases and chose to fight back with the same weapons that you used to fight with, polemics.

About terrorists they have connections everywhere so the best way to fight them is to chase their family or connections, it is not simple to do but one of the best means to fight terrorism.

Good one. Now can we start doing that instead of attacking third class dictators and claim that to be "war against terrorism" please?
bibo said:
1)Listen, dude... WW2 is 60 years ago. I think it´s safe to say that we´ve all lost family members during the war and it doesn´t make any sense to wave the fan of indignation whenever the topic is getting uncomfortable.
But the point why I`m bringing this entire topic over and over is simply that you seem to be quite ... let me put it that way "uncritical" with your facts. That´s what I`m objecting here. If you want to discuss political things and base them upon history, MAKE SURE you´re not talking absurd bollocks like you did serveral times. I know, we´re all making mistakes and I`m the last to not forgive a mistake, but if you´re making them constantly, you´re creating the impression of being an utter ignorant. All I`m asking is: get your facts straight. Otherwise you won´t have a change to be taken even remotely serious. I have no problems with conservative and right wing folks. But right wing folks who´re also talking bullshit are obnoxious.

2)Yes FFS rumours, exactly that!
Kohl being a member of the SS at the age of 10 is what?
Evil Mr. Clinton giving Nobel prizes to even more evil Terrorists is what?
Read the above section again: If you´re talking politics, you need to be accurate and don´t distribute half-truths, hearsays and bullshit and try selling them as facts.

3)I´ve said it before and I´ll say it again: I´m not defending Moore and his arguments, I`m defending HIS GODDAMN RIGHT to do what he does. Because THAT`S what´s making our western civilization and our ideas of democracy! That´s what the USA are celebrating every 4th of July and what they´ve got to take serious if they don´t want to celebrate a lip service. And THAT`S the main difference between us and Germany 1933. What is so hard to understand about that?
But I`m still curious: did you actually read a book by Moore and/or did you watch his movie? I mean, you sure sound like you did. After all you´re not getting tired of telling everybody about the lies in his books etc. Or do you get all your informations second hand?

4)Shall we compare out historical library now? Shall we try to impress each other by bragging how many books we´ve read? Does that boost our egos? Yes, I got more than just a couple of books about history and WW2 dusting away in my shelfs if that means anything to you. Blimey, I´ve even read them all.
I used the term third class book because you specifically mentioned the book by Funcken, which is merely a book with illustrations made for children. They also made a book about medieval knights and uniforms during the napoleon times. I know the books, so what? It doesn´t matter what colour the austrian army used to wear, at least not to me.

5)Either you´re completely resistant to arguments or I`m unable to express myself. :(
If you´re talking about people who have been in the army under Hitler and companies that already existed back in 1941 etc.etc you´re trying to create a general connotation.
Look... NOBODY is asking you or anybody else to forget or forgive anything. But we should all try to treat it appropriately, like history! It happened 60 years ago and our generation has nothing to do with it except for the fact to learn from our history and make sure it doesn´t happen again.
YET I see you bringing the NS argument a couple of times on the most inappropriate occasions. German companies having trade relations with Iraq... they´re possibly Nazis. The by now over-discussed Helmut Kohl stuff, you insisting on germany being responsible for Hitler, all that stuff. It´s last year, dude! This is 2004, it´s our job to avoid the mistakes that our parents made. And to be honest, THAT`S what you fail to do as I´ve explained.

6)As I said, I don´t have a problem with conservatives. When Ranger or DS are posting here, I can accept their POV`s, no problem. But your appearance here in all those threads was so incredibly onesided and - at times - blattantly faschistoid that I had to respond. I know you don´t want to hear that, but it´s a fact dude. Don´t take this as an insult, but as a hint. Beating up an author and expelling him from his country for writing a book is simply an example of a dictatorship and censoring media and no, there´s no way to get out of this. That´s where it starts dude. Political preferences are one thing. Trying to surpress all other opinions is something different.

7)Georges, I claim my right to call a murderer a murderer, regardless of what you call him. Hitler had pretty good generals too. Still doesn´t change the fact that they´ve been murderers. As I said, Sharon isn´t any better than Arafat. Equip them both with a couple handgrenades and lock them in a room and the world wouldn´t have lost anything. Sadly, the old saying is true. Kill one person and you´re a murderer. Kill thousands and you´re a general.
As for my level of aggressivity: I already explained it. Your postings have crossed certain borders a couple of times. Borders that I don´t want to see being crossed anymore and yes, that pisses me off. Exchanging opinions, fine. Subterfugely undermining the ideals and values that this entire civilization is resting on is just asking for resistance. And no, I`m not going to hide behind flowery phrases and chose to fight back with the same weapons that you used to fight with, polemics.

8)Good one. Now can we start doing that instead of attacking third class dictators and claim that to be "war against terrorism" please?

1) bolocks, as if it was only me and you are mr knowitall get off your high horses and calm down please. lot of people say bollocks .so where is point? several times certainly no.Saying that always peaceful talks can change a situation during a war is not really serious.
Not everyone is that good and very often in period of war peaceful talks fail.

2)minimum age for entering in hitler jugend was 12 so all is possible don't say that is not possible. i have heard on the wdr some years ago (a german radio) that it happened.
halftruths just look a mr moore, bs everywhere we see bs everyone can talk bs.
yes i have to recognize that i have mistaken for mr clinton

3)first of all the methods of michael moore are more than questionable, second i never trusted about what was in his books.I check various websites for information not mr moore books.

4)me also but some books describe how were managed armies during wwII and that is important

5):nono:there is a growth of antisemitism and racism in europe how can you explain that ?history maybe but you can't get rid of it bare that in your mind.

6)stop being disruptive as far as i know i am not attacking and judging you.Faschistoid is a grave accusation and flaming word plain bs:bs: :mad:because first i am not racist, not an extremist and not a terrorist.I am sure you know that So please keep that crap insult away everyone has their opinion and i respect that.One sided:nono:, in politics you can't be between the two.You are either one or
another but you can't be between the both.
You tolerate someone to cause disruption and put the mess that is what is doing MichaelMoore and i am against this kind of disruptive and irresponsible behaviour slinging mud is not a solution.Supressing opinions that is exactly what michael moore does with his films.

7)you have crossed the border lines by flaming (here in this thread it is the case) or criticising me not one time but many times as far as i remember even in the death penalty thread.I am maybe expressing my opinions in too direct way? i would like to know what is exactly the problem.
i have never insulted or said something flaming on a country no never.

My proposition is that we stop and end definitely this flaming misunderstanding because it is annoying, disrespectful and i am not here for having fights.
I am waiting for your reply.

regards and peace

Originally posted by bibo
Are the reps jerking off to the right side and the democrats to the middle or left side by any chance?

I thought the Repubulican's never jerked off, so they become sexually-frustrated assholes, and the Democrats lets a intern or a whore suck them off instead, making them cheating assholes! ;) :tongue:


georges said:
My proposition is that we stop and end definitely this flaming misunderstanding because it is annoying, disrespectful and i am not here for having fights.
I am waiting for your reply.

regards and peace


:rofl: Your not here for having fights but your waiting for his reply? :rofl: :rofl2:
Brino said:
:rofl: Your not here for having fights but your waiting for his reply? :rofl: :rofl2:

that is my personal matter not yours.


i would like to know what is exactly the problem.

The problem is, that this:

"michael moore is a fucking pansy and a ballless man he hasn't got the courage to assume his opinion.He is a failure and a brainfart as well as a big stinky pig."

"Michael Moore is a fat ass pig."

"You know would i have been in charge of the nsa or another imortant organism would i have asked the us president to withdrawn michael moore the us citizenship as well as send him in another country"

"What would he desserve to have is massive beating till his last breath"

"Maybe would you allow books that piss off some of the most influent us politicians ?"

...is how you´re treating people with different political opinions.

And the problem is, that this

"...and Helmlut Kohl was a nazi too he was a former schutz staffeln in the "das reich panzergrenadier division"

...is how you´re dealing with facts.

I haven´t done a complete research, just picked out a few, the list could have been MUCH longer but my time is too precious to waste it with trying to prove the obvious that everybody here is able to understand except you.

I am maybe expressing my opinions in too direct way?

Mabye allow everybody else to do the same then and stop riding the "OMG I`m being flamed!!! HOW UNFAIR!"? If you can´t stand being confronted with tough arguments while you keep defending your fragile position with infantile and bizzarre arguments then at least don´t claim this for yourself like it´s your godgiven and exclusive right. You´re not the only one with the right to be direct and if you´re unable to take a verbal slap and only want to deliver them, then you might reconsider your choice to talking politics at all.

I rest my case here. I´ve got better things to do than this junk. You won, georges, congrats. Bush is a Genius, closely followed by Sharon, Kerry is weak and got his medal of honour via some sort of conspiracy, probably consisting of Hamas, the Commies and Teletubbies (White House has clear evidence for that, just look at www.gwbismyrolemodelandthisisnotapropagandasite.com), Moore is an asshole and deserves death, eternal pain, the plague and his testicles being removed, Kohl was actually Hitler in disguise (hey, it´s not totally impossible!) and the only way to achieve peace is to blow the brain out of all those pesky raggies and discipline is enough reason to justify everything.

Have a nice life.
bibo said:
The problem is, that this:
"michael moore is a fucking pansy and a ballless man he hasn't got the courage to assume his opinion.He is a failure and a brainfart as well as a big stinky pig."
"Michael Moore is a fat ass pig."
"You know would i have been in charge of the nsa or another imortant organism would i have asked the us president to withdrawn michael moore the us citizenship as well as send him in another country"
"What would he desserve to have is massive beating till his last breath"
"Maybe would you allow books that piss off some of the most influent us politicians ?"

..is how you´re treating people with different political opinions.

And the problem is, that this
"...and Helmlut Kohl was a nazi too he was a former schutz staffeln in the "das reich panzergrenadier division"

...is how you´re dealing with facts.

I haven´t done a complete research, just picked out a few, the list could have been MUCH longer but my time is too precious to waste it with trying to prove the obvious that everybody here is able to understand except you.

Mabye allow everybody else to do the same then and stop riding the "OMG I`m being flamed!!! HOW UNFAIR!"? If you can´t stand being confronted with tough arguments while you keep defending your fragile position with infantile and bizzarre arguments then at least don´t claim this for yourself like it´s your godgiven and exclusive right. You´re not the only one with the right to be direct and if you´re unable to take a verbal slap and only want to deliver them, then you might reconsider your choice to talking politics at all.
I rest my case here. I´ve got better things to do than this junk. You won, georges, congrats. Bush is a Genius, closely followed by Sharon, Kerry is weak and got his medal of honour via some sort of conspiracy, probably consisting of Hamas, the Commies and Teletubbies (White House has clear evidence for that, just look at www.gwbismyrolemodelandthisisnotapropagandasite.com), Moore is an asshole and deserves death, eternal pain, the plague and his testicles being removed, Kohl was actually Hitler in disguise (hey, it´s not totally impossible!) and the only way to achieve peace is to blow the brain out of all those pesky raggies and discipline is enough reason to justify everything.

Have a nice life.

i can quote you too

"You´re not part of the solution, dude, you´re a part of the problem. It´s people like you who made the 3rd reich possible."
"Are you defining the limits? Dude: you still don´t get it do you? PEOPLE ARE GETTING KILLED IN IRAQ TO DEFEND THE ABILITY TO SAY WHAT YOU WANT TO SAY!"
"Maybe after all Mr. Bush isn´t THAT strong if a simple book made by a polemic political commedian is able to create such an enormous pile of uncontrolled wrath. Just a thought."
"I`m against death penalty. Killing a killer still makes you a killer. Take a look at the crime rates in the US. Does death penalty do anything at all to prevent people from comminting crimes? Isn´t our society responsible for the situation?
Killing people doesn´t make anythign better, it doesn´t change anything and it doesn´t counter or prevent crimes from happening. It just satisfies our weak and primitive feeligns of revenge."

Some words from me.THe jury of cannes the festival was clearly influcenced and was anti bush that is evident for me it is more than even clear.Moore didn't desserve the prize for his film.
Michael Moore slinged mud that is why i am angry at thim and why i hate him so much.The methods he uses for making his films are more than questionable. Encouraging someone who uses more than questionable methods in his films can be a matter of opinion but can be dangerous too.
Moore is dissing a president who tries to keep the country safe.
Moore is also make some hateful propaganda.
Making of Mr Moore a saint him is more than criticable especially when it is not the case.Being blinded by Mr Moore is another thing.I am not the one here who doesn't like Moore.yesyes:
I don't live with these facts:bs: so don't put words into my mouth
Bibo, i can be confronted with arguments that is ok.Stop telling what is false like it´s mine godgiven and exclusive right.
I never said that i have something to win so don't put words in to my mouth.:nono:
Not that bush is a genius but compare the programs of the both candidates and you will see that he proposes something against terrorism something that kerry doesn't.
As you know the situation, it is very tight between the two candidates so are all people that are for Bush stupid ?
About sharon he was elected ask the Israelians what they think of him and you will see their replies?Just put yourself in Israelians shoes maybe you will understand.
Moore could have used less questionnable methods for making his films as well as slinging mud on a government which is trying to protect the country.Moore doesn't help with his films and his books.
Mr Kohl is no more kanzeller that belongs to the past and hitler commit suicide.Kohl was in the hitler jugend, does it make of him someone good.
Mr Kerry wants to solve conflicts with peaceful talks but in period of war especially against dangerous terrorists that doesn't help.
That is why i said and continue to say he is weakminded.

on this words peace and have a nice day.


Last edited:
in how far are michael moore's methods of filmmaking questionable ? he solely shows us the other side of the story, what we usually don't get to watch in the news.
i agree with you if you say that the jury in cannes was influenced, but name me a single person who is NOT influenced by the different opinions in this matter.

GWB proposes something against terrorism, but he chooses the wrong means. hasn't iraq shown us that you can't fight terrorism with an army, no matter how big and powerful ? providing more support for the military (on your costs, dear taxpayers) is a way that leads into a dead end, and it's no real political measure, either.

and please, georges, let's forget this helmut kohl problem. of course he was in the hitlerjugend. EVERY juvenile was at that time !!! but don't believe they were taught political ideals or how to kill a jew. it was like being with the boyscouts. they all enjoyed it. it was the coolest thing to do. and at age 12 you don't have a political opinion, you don't give a fuck about what's happening in your country and the world, as long as you can have some fun. the ideological indoctrination started when they were 14 and was very subtle. these kids were victims !!!
have you ever seen the eyes of a 16 year old "soldier" in stalingrad, not only knowing that he's about to die, but also knowing that everything he believed in was a lie, and that he would die for this damn lie. what a fucking life for a kid !!!


georges said:
Not that bush is a genius but compare the programs of the both candidates and you will see that he proposes something against terrorism something that kerry doesn't.

What? What does Bush propose against terrorism that Kerry doesnt. In my mind it's the other way around Kerry proposes plans against terrorism that Bush doesnt. Kerry wants to strengthen the U.S.'s standing with the world and bring NATO in on the war effort Bush doesnt. Kerry wants to enact the 9/11 commissions suggestions to make us safer at home immediately where as Bush doesnt. So tell me what does Bush offer in the fight against terrorism that Kerry doesnt?

As you know the situation, it is very tight between the two candidates so are all people that are for Bush stupid ?

Are all people that support Kerry stupid? Are they wrong just because you say so? And who are you to say what's right and wrong for this country?

Moore doesn't help with his films and his books.

Yes he does! He presents a different point of view, a liberal point of view and since when is presenting a different point of view not helpful? Looking at something from one point of view is lopsided and can cloud your judgement. You'd make decisions without knowing the whole story and that can lead to disaster. So Moore does help in presenting another point of view.

Mr Kerry wants to solve conflicts with peaceful talks but in period of war especially against dangerous terrorists that doesn't help.
That is why i said and continue to say he is weakminded.

So In your opinion believing in peace and not being a warmonger is weakminded? I guess that means Hitler was strongminded then! Oh and by the way plenty of wars were stoped with peaceful talks. The Korean War is a good example.
Brino said:
1)What? What does Bush propose against terrorism that Kerry doesnt. In my mind it's the other way around Kerry proposes plans against terrorism that Bush doesnt. Kerry wants to strengthen the U.S.'s standing with the world and bring NATO in on the war effort Bush doesnt. Kerry wants to enact the 9/11 commissions suggestions to make us safer at home immediately where as Bush doesnt. So tell me what does Bush offer in the fight against terrorism that Kerry doesnt?

2)Are all people that support Kerry stupid? Are they wrong just because you say so? And who are you to say what's right and wrong for this country?

3)Yes he does! He presents a different point of view, a liberal point of view and since when is presenting a different point of view not helpful? Looking at something from one point of view is lopsided and can cloud your judgement. You'd make decisions without knowing the whole story and that can lead to disaster. So Moore does help in presenting another point of view.

4)So In your opinion believing in peace and not being a warmonger is weakminded? I guess that means Hitler was strongminded then! Oh and by the way plenty of wars were stoped with peaceful talks. The Korean War is a good example.

1)that is what you say but is that written in his program? i doubt
2)i never said who is right for your country but look at the stats their very close so the vote will say us who is good or not.Lot of people prefer him to kerry and others the opposite.Go on other website and do the same poll and the results will be different.
3)His point of views are already known he is anti bush.His sources are mainly non official or are probably second hand sources.Most of his point views i think have hate against republicans.To be honest since gwb junior is elected i have never seen so mud slinged and so much hate towards a president that has been elected.That never happened during clinton or other presidents.
Learning from someone who is just making films with questionnable methods and writing books with (non?) officials facts is not a way to learn.
4)I never said that so don't put words into my mouth.Look at Mr Clinton he was a democrat and he made two wars Bosnia and Somalia.He wasn't a warmonger.USA had and has the advantage over korea in terms of military and you know that.The north korea military is obsolete so the us won with talks that is normal.
LetoII said:
in how far are michael moore's methods of filmmaking questionable ? he solely shows us the other side of the story, what we usually don't get to watch in the news.
i agree with you if you say that the jury in cannes was influenced, but name me a single person who is NOT influenced by the different opinions in this matter.
GWB proposes something against terrorism, but he chooses the wrong means. hasn't iraq shown us that you can't fight terrorism with an army, no matter how big and powerful ? providing more support for the military (on your costs, dear taxpayers) is a way that leads into a dead end, and it's no real political measure, either.
and please, georges, let's forget this helmut kohl problem. of course he was in the hitlerjugend. EVERY juvenile was at that time !!! but don't believe they were taught political ideals or how to kill a jew. it was like being with the boyscouts. they all enjoyed it. it was the coolest thing to do. and at age 12 you don't have a political opinion, you don't give a fuck about what's happening in your country and the world, as long as you can have some fun. the ideological indoctrination started when they were 14 and was very subtle. these kids were victims !!!
have you ever seen the eyes of a 16 year old "soldier" in stalingrad, not only knowing that he's about to die, but also knowing that everything he believed in was a lie, and that he would die for this damn lie. what a fucking life for a kid !!!

I see what you are meaning. You are right at 12 you have not the same capacity of reflection as when you are an adult.I agree.
Thanks for your input


Great column by Charles Krauthammer this week, it's so true:

"To Hell With Sympathy
The goodwill America earned on 9/11 was illusory. Get over it

Monday, Nov. 17, 2003
No one likes us. And the Democrats know why: the world loved us just two years ago, and then this President, cowboy arrogant and rudely unilateral, blew it. "When America was savagely attacked by al-Qaeda terrorists on 9-11, virtually all the world was with us," writes Democratic elder statesman Theodore Sorensen. "But that moment of universal goodwill was squandered." He writes that in the current issue of The American Prospect, but he is speaking for just about every Democratic candidate, potentate, deep thinker and critic, and not a few foreign commentators as well. The formulation is near universal: "The president has somehow squandered the international outpouring of sympathy, goodwill and solidarity that followed the attacks of Sept. 11" (Al Gore). "He has squandered the goodwill of the world after Sept. 11" (John Kerry).

The ur-text for this myth is the famous Le Monde editorial of Sept. 12, 2001, titled "We Are All Americans." But as Johns Hopkins professor Fouad Ajami points out, not only did that very editorial speak of America's paying for its cynicism, but also, within months, that same Le Monde publisher was back with a small book ("All Americans? The World After September 11, 2001"--note the question mark) filled with the usual belligerence toward and disapproval of America.

What happened in those intervening few months? Is not the core Democratic complaint that it was overreaching in Iraq that caused the world to turn against us? And yet barely had we buried our 9/11 dead — long before we entered Baghdad — when the French, and the rest of the world, decided that they were not really Americans after all and were back to vilifying American arrogance, unilateralism, hegemony and so on.

It is pure fiction that this pro-American sentiment was either squandered after Sept. 11 or lost under the Bush Administration. It never existed. Envy for America, resentment of our power, hatred of our success has been a staple for decades, but most particularly since victory in the cold war left us the only superpower.

Bill Clinton was the most accommodating, sensitive, multilateralist President one can imagine, and yet we know that al-Qaeda began the planning for Sept. 11 precisely during his presidency. Clinton made humility his vocation, apologizing variously for African slavery, for internment of Japanese Americans, for not saving Rwanda. He even decided that Britain should return the Elgin Marbles to Greece. A lot of good that did us. Bin Laden issued his Declaration of War on America in 1996--at the height of the Clinton Administration's hyperapologetic, good-citizen internationalism.

Moreover, it is unseemly, even pathetic, for the would-be leaders of a great power to pine for the pity gleaned on the day America lay bleeding and wounded. This is to carry into foreign policy a pathology of our domestic politics — the glorification of victimhood and the lust for its privileges, such as they are. It is not surprising that having set up at home a spoils system that encourages every ethnic group to claim even greater victimization than the next, the Democrats should lament the fact that we did not seize and institutionalize our collective victimhood of Sept. 11.

The world apparently likes the U.S. when it is on its knees. From that the Democrats deduce a foreign policy — remain on our knees, humble and supplicant, and enjoy the applause and "support" of the world.

This is not just degrading. It is a fool's bargain--3,000 dead for a day's worth of nice words and a few empty U.N. resolutions. The Democrats would forfeit American freedom of action and initiative in order to get back — what? Another nice French editorial? To be retracted as soon as the U.S. stops playing victim?

Sympathy is fine. But if we "squander" it when we go to war to avenge our dead and prevent the next crop of dead, then to hell with sympathy. The fact is that the world hates us for our wealth, our success, our power. They hate us into incoherence. The Europeans, Ajami astutely observes, disdain us for our excessive religiosity (manifest, they imagine, by evolution being expelled from schools while prayer is ushered back in)--while the Arab world despises us as purveyors of secularism. We cannot win for losing. We are widely reviled as enemies of Islam, yet in the 1990s we engaged three times in combat — in the Persian Gulf and in the Balkans — to rescue Kuwait, Bosnia and Kosovo, Muslim peoples all. And in the last two cases, there was nothing in it for the U.S.; it was humanitarianism and good international citizenship of the highest order.

The search for logic in anti-Americanism is fruitless. It is in the air the world breathes. Its roots are envy and self-loathing — by peoples who, yearning for modernity but having failed at it, find their one satisfaction in despising modernity's great exemplar.

On Sept. 11, they gave it a rest for a day. Big deal"


georges said:
1)that is what you say but is that written in his program? i doubt

Kerry's said all that publicly! And Bush has said everthing I said he said publicly as well.

2)i never said who is right for your country but look at the stats their very close so the vote will say us who is good or not.Lot of people prefer him to kerry and others the opposite.Go on other website and do the same poll and the results will be different.

You have too! You've blatantly said that GWB was better for our country and the world than Kerry and you still say that!

3)His point of views are already known he is anti bush.His sources are mainly non official or are probably second hand sources.Most of his point views i think have hate against republicans.To be honest since gwb junior is elected i have never seen so mud slinged and so much hate towards a president that has been elected.That never happened during clinton or other presidents.
Learning from someone who is just making films with questionnable methods and writing books with (non?) officials facts is not a way to learn.

I disagrre! Clinton had so much rightwing "mud slinging" thrown at him that they tried to impeach him. Yes Moore's point of view was known before his movie came out but a lot of the facts that were in F9/11 were not widely known. And before you say anything lets not get into a debate about how true F9/11 was or was not. Let's just say that F9/11 had some lies and some truths in it. One of those truths that wasnt widely known to the public was the fact that GWB waited in a classroom for 7 minutes after being told that the country was under attack. That is a fact and it informs the public and they can decide for themselves who to vote for. Thus people do learn things from Moore's movie!

4)I never said that so don't put words into my mouth.Look at Mr Clinton he was a democrat and he made two wars Bosnia and Somalia.He wasn't a warmonger.

No you didnt say it you just implied it! Clinton did not start the Bosnian war or the Somali war. Both those wars were internal conflicts that the U.S., the U.N., and NATO got involved in.

USA had and has the advantage over korea in terms of military and you know that.The north korea military is obsolete so the us won with talks that is normal.

WHAT! Boy are you way off there! The U.S. did not win the Korean war it was a draw! And the U.S.'s current military isnt neccessarily stronger than North Korea's. North Korea has a large military that may or may not be powerful enough to invade and conquer South Korea. Not to mention that they have Tactical Nuclear Weapons that may or may not be able to reach the U.S. Oh And dont forget that if we attacked North Korea it could start World War III because China might get involved and they have the world's largest military! You are so wrong! The U.S. does not and never had any advantage over North Korea!
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Brino said:
1)Kerry's said all that publicly! And Bush has said everthing I said he said publicly as well.
2)You have too! You've blatantly said that GWB was better for our country and the world than Kerry and you still say that!
3)I disagrre! Clinton had so much rightwing "mud slinging" thrown at him that they tried to impeach him. Yes Moore's point of view was known before his movie came out but a lot of the facts that were in F9/11 were not widely known. And before you say anything lets not get into a debate about how true F9/11 was or was not. Let's just say that F9/11 had some lies and some truths in it. One of those truths that wasnt widely known to the public was the fact that GWB waited in a classroom for 7 minutes after being told that the country was under attack. That is a fact and it informs the public and they can decide for themselves who to vote for. Thus people do learn things from Moore's movie!
4)No you didnt say it you just implied it! Clinton did not start the Bosnian war or the Somali war. Both those wars were internal conflicts that the U.S., the U.N., and NATO got involved in.
5)WHAT! Boy are you way off there! The U.S. did not win the Korean war it was a draw! And the U.S.'s current military isnt neccessarily stronger than North Korea's. North Korea has a large military that may or may not be powerful enough to invade and conquer South Korea. Not to mention that they have Tactical Nuclear Weapons that may or may not be able to reach the U.S. Oh And dont forget that if we attacked North Korea it could start World War III because China might get involved and they have the world's largest military! You are so wrong! The U.S. does not and never had any advantage over North Korea!
1) ok
2) yes i say it as many people in your country say it. not everyone thinks like you and not everyone says that kerry is the best choice
3)yes and part from that fact moore just tries to give a bad image of bush.for me to be honest there is more mud slinging towards gwb than towards clinton.
4)yes but fact is that he got involved in those two wars.
5)the us have the largest numbers of aircraft in service, the largest numbers of aircraft carriers and icbm launchers. i dunno where did you see that china has the largest military but i would like to know.china and north korea military are obsolete.They don't have f22 or b52 airplanes and advanced military technology as far as i know.And all their icbms are somewhat modernized versions of old russian icbms that are 15-25years old.
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China has the largest population of people in the world at just over a Billion citizens so it's only logical that they have the largest military soldiers wise. I dont claim to know how advanced their military is technology wise but I cant believe their that far behind the U.S. and the rest of the world. I know that their military isnt obsolete though.
their aircaft is mainly composed of shengyeng f8 (a chinese version of the mig 21), some su 27 (about 200) and some other russian based planes of the mid 80's . Their ICBM are based on russians ICBM of the 70 mid 80's so that they have some age.They don't built advanced technology missiles like the us does.Their budget of defense isn't the same as the us also.


Ok So if your right then their militery tech is only 20 years old. At least thats better than Iraq's. And since they have a much larger military than us then even with 20 year old tech they would still be hard to defeat.
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