Brino said:Yes Kerry does! Defeating Saddam was more than neccessary? No! Defeating Al Qieda and Capturing bin Laden is whats more than neccessary. Stoping terrorism all over the world is what's more than neccessary not attacking somebody because you have a grudge with him left over from your father's administration. And peaceful talks do stop some terrorism. If defeating Saddam was more than neccessary then what about all those people that are worse than him and pose a bigger threat. What about Iran, North Korea, Libia, etc. Bush is a dumbass who resorts to fear tactics to get people to think his way.
He's a coward who wouldnt even fight in Vietnam. He attacks people because he has a bad record with the econemy and domestic issues and the only thing he can fall back on is Iraq which is an awful failure in judgement and he knows it. He's such a bad president that he still has yet to implement the 9/11 commissions suggestions to make this country safer and if we get attacked it's going to be his fault for not implementing those suggestions.
kerry won't make the situation better he will make it worse. kerry is the worst democrat candidate ever and you know that better than me. record economy bad? but who left bush this bad economy? mr clinton, another democrat and not better than kerry.and kerry will not be able to foresee all the attacks planned by terrorists.Peaceful talks never stop terrorism.Terrorists must be killed alongwith terrorism. Kerry is a losy weakminded democrat he is a shame for democrats.