Who are you voting/rooting for in this years election

Who are you voting/rooting for?

  • Democrats: John Kerry/John Edwards

    Votes: 64 57.1%
  • Republicans: George W. Bush/Dick Cheney

    Votes: 35 31.3%
  • Reform Party: Ralph Nader/Peter Camejo

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Green Party: David Cobb/Pat LaMarche

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Other third party canidate

    Votes: 2 1.8%
  • No one

    Votes: 9 8.0%

  • Total voters
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Starman said:
It's never too late to wake up and demand change... ;)

An idealist.... I rather like that! Winston Churchill (whom I love quoting ;) ) once said:

For myself I am an optimist... it does not seem to be much use being anything else.

A wonderful thought. :)
Originally posted by Starman
It's never too late to wake up and demand change... ;)
A bit longer, but funnier way to say about the same thing is this... ;)

Life is like a mop. Sometimes life gets full of dirt and crud and hairballs and things and you gotta clean it out. You gotta stick it in here and rinse it off and start all over again. And sometimes life sticks to the floor so much that a mop, a mop, it's not good enough. You gotta get down there with like a toothbrush, you know, and you gotta really scrub 'cause you gotta get it off. But if that doesn't work, you can't give up. You gotta stand right up. You gotta run to a window and say, "These floors are dirty as hell, and I'm not gonna take it any more."
- Michael Richards as Stanley Spadowski in UHF (1989)



Ranger said:
geoges, you couldn't be more right with the about information that you have posted. Brino, I know that it is tough to see your hero as he really is..............a phoney that will do and say anything to become President.

Kerry isn't my hero Clinton is! A phoney that will do and say anything to become president. Hmmmmm, that reminds me of somebody, oh I know that reminds me of GWB promising during the 2000 election to be a compassionate conservative when infact he's a far right christian conservative! Who's the real phoney!

A least Bush put his job on the line with the fight against terrorism. You know what? It may cost him that job, but at least the guy has balls.

Oh so in your opinion a guy that dodges service in Vietnam has balls! GWB wasn't showing that he has balls by going into Iraq he was showing how much of a dumbass he is. Infact the whole war on terror is a huge demonstration of how ignorant and stupid a president can be!

What a bunch of hair splitting the DNC is doing with this "serve with, serve on" Crap, none of those hacks have any idea of what it is to serve..........period. In fact, gunner's mate, third class, George Watkins, did serve as Kerry's 50 cal. gunner just behind the bridge. He played a very important role in the sinking of the sampan. He killed an innocent child as his father made a reach for an AK-47. It still haunts him.

Ok first of all it is very ignorant of you to imply that only conservatives have served their country in the military and liberals havn't. Second again I ask WHY NOW? Why after all these years come forward with this information? Why not do it when Kerry was running for the Senate? Why does Jon Mcain call these people liars if their telling the truth? Why do so many Veterans who actually did serve with Kerry support him if he's lying? Why do other people who were on the same boat with Kerry say these people are lying? That's alot of why's to answer and that leads me to believe these people are lying for partisan motives! You conservatives/republicans are getting very desperate to try and poke holes in Kerry's war record!

georges said:
kerry gets on my nerves and so does mr moore.4 months and 4 unmerited purple heartsit is time to stop thinking he is so brilliant he is just a weakminded person so stop dreaming.admit that he is the worst democrat alongwith mondale and dukkakis who both failed against republicans.

How am I supposed to believe anything you say georges when you didnt even get the facts straight! Kerry has 3 purple hearts not 4! And if you look at Bush's record you'll see that he is the worst republican president even worse than Nixon! Bush has caused the largest deficit this country has ever had and has the worst job creation record since the depression plus his so called war on terror has been a complete failure! He is not only the worst republican president he is the worst president ever period!

haha don't even try to pass that for the reality because it is a whole different situation in the us
1) kerry lied about his military his carrier and we have the proof tha the wanted to make weaker the us army
2) bush fights terrorism and didn't try to make the army weaker

1) Bush has made the U.S. military weaker with his foolhardy war in Iraq and Kerry didn't lie about his record!
2) How can I get this threw your head Kerry volunteered to go to Vietnam Bush Dodged service! Stop questioning Kerry's record and start questioning your own guy's record. Why did Bush join the Air National Guard instead of going to Vietnam? Answer: He was a coward! Where was Bush during some of his stint in the Guard? Answer: M.I.A.! Bush is a Greedy Coward and a Failure!
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Staff member
Brino said:
Here's the Real Truth behind the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth
Turns out their not actually being truthful. Just like I said, their liars. I hate to say I Told You So but I'm going to do it anyway! I Told You So!

i don't believe what is said inside.the fact is that he cheated for his medals shows a lot.He was not wounded at combat so he isn't that brave.
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Staff member
Brino said:
1)Kerry isn't my hero Clinton is! A phoney that will do and say anything to become president. Hmmmmm, that reminds me of somebody, oh I know that reminds me of GWB promising during the 2000 election to be a compassionate conservative when infact he's a far right christian conservative! Who's the real phoney!
2)Oh so in your opinion a guy that dodges service in Vietnam has balls! GWB wasn't showing that he has balls by going into Iraq he was showing how much of a dumbass he is. Infact the whole war on terror is a huge demonstration of how ignorant and stupid a president can be!
3)Ok first of all it is very ignorant of you to imply that only conservatives have served their country in the military and liberals havn't. Second again I ask WHY NOW? Why after all these years come forward with this information? Why not do it when Kerry was running for the Senate? Why does Jon Mcain call these people liars if their telling the truth? Why do so many Veterans who actually did serve with Kerry support him if he's lying? Why do other people who were on the same boat with Kerry say these people are lying? That's alot of why's to answer and that leads me to believe these people are lying for partisan motives! You conservatives/republicans are getting very desperate to try and poke holes in Kerry's war record!
4)How am I supposed to believe anything you say georges when you didnt even get the facts straight! Kerry has 3 purple hearts not 4! And if you look at Bush's record you'll see that he is the worst republican president even worse than Nixon! Bush has caused the largest deficit this country has ever had and has the worst job creation record since the depression plus his so called war on terror has been a complete failure! He is not only the worst republican president he is the worst president ever period!
1) Bush has made the U.S. military weaker with his foolhardy war in Iraq and Kerry didn't lie about his record!
2) How can I get this threw your head Kerry volunteered to go to Vietnam Bush Dodged service! Stop questioning Kerry's record and start questioning your own guy's record. Why did Bush join the Air National Guard instead of going to Vietnam? Answer: He was a coward! Where was Bush during some of his stint in the Guard? Answer: M.I.A.! Bush is a Greedy Coward and a Failure!
1)at least he is not afraid to say who he is
2)someone who dodged once will always dodge, war on terror is necessary accpeting terror is being weak
3)i am not sure that there are so many vetereans.maybe a lot but not so many.and the people who did this have their reasons to doubt of kerry i can undrestand them
4) what ever the fuck the number of medals he has he cheated to have them so he isn't honest.bush's war on terror isn't a complete failure he arreste suspects of al qaeda.Personnaly about job's creation all countries know problems and have difficulties to create jobs.I hardly doubt that kerry will make it better.So don't blame bush.Kerry isworse because he dodged in vietnam and he tries to appeal good when it is not the case.
If you don't take care of terrorism, you won't have to worry about any of the above. Because we will all be dead or radioactive.

I am a reasonable individual and I agree that there are many important things that need funding, but one must prioritize.

Right now Kerry is running around shooting off his mouth about bringing in French, German and Russian troops and bringing the US troops home. Bringing in those troops is as likely as Baghdad freezing over. He is just trying to sweep it under the carpet and pick up the anti-war vote.

There was a poll in Mass., his home state..........one of the things that came out is that Kerry will say anything to anybody just so that he can further his career. What a man of standards!

I went to your web site, interesting.
Typical DNC crap that started during the Clinton administration.
If the DNC finds a problem, they cover it up, they disgrace and discredit people, they even got one to the "swiftees" to change his story.
Don't worry NBC is spending four days interviewing Greek officials on how they built the venue so fast. It will never make it to the mainstream media because they all hate Bush like you.
Just like Clinton covering up his blow jobs.



Oh My God! I give you guys the facts with this link
And you still blindly believe everthing your told by these right wing hate groups! You guys are seriously letting your hate for Kerry and your worship for Bush blind you from the truth! Don't you get it! You guys have been brainwashed to believe everything your told to believe! That is not left wing rhetoric on that site it's facts! Cold hard Facts!


georges said:
i don't believe what is said inside.the fact is that he cheated for his medals shows a lot.He was not wounded at combat so he isn't that brave.

georges, did you even read what was on that website? The information they are using is from a site called FactCheck.org! Are you really going to say that information from a site called FactCheck.org is a pack of lies? Open Your Eye's! Conservative's and Republicans are not saint's! They lie too! They are hateful too! They are willing to do anything to further their political career's too!

This attack machine attacking Kerry is the same attack machine that attacked Senator Mcain when he was running for the republican nomination in 2000! If you believe what they said about Kerry do you believe what they said about Mcain and keep in mind Mcain is on your side he's a republican/conservative! Are you going to be a hippocrite and say their right about Kerry but wrong about Mcain!

Once again I ask you to read whats on that site because those are facts straight from the military and if you say their lies then your attacking the military which you claim to love so much and saying their lying!


georges said:
1)at least he is not afraid to say who he is

Yes he is! You missed what I was saying completely! GWB lied when he said he was a compassionate conservative. Infact he's a far right wing conservative no where near being compassionate! GWB lied when he said he would be the great uniter when infact he has become the great divider! He lied to the American public to get elected!

2)someone who dodged once will always dodge, war on terror is necessary accpeting terror is being weak.Kerry isworse because he dodged in vietnam and he tries to appeal good when it is not the case.

Again you need to read what I post more carefully! I didnt say Kerry dodged the war I said Bush dodged the Vietnam War and yes your right someone who dodged once will always dodge! Yes the war on terror needs to be fought but Bush is screwing it up Kerry wont!

4) what ever the fuck the number of medals he has he cheated to have them so he isn't honest.bush's war on terror isn't a complete failure he arreste suspects of al qaeda.Personnaly about job's creation all countries know problems and have difficulties to create jobs.I hardly doubt that kerry will make it better.So don't blame bush.

Kerry didnt cheat I refer you again to my link. Terrorist attacks have gone up ever since Bush began the War on Terror how can Bush be doing a good job fighting terrorism when terrorist attacks have gone up not down? Yes job creation is a problem all over the world but the U.S. holds itself to a higher standard and that standard is slipping fast with Bush as President!


Ranger said:
I went to your web site, interesting.
Typical DNC crap that started during the Clinton administration.
If the DNC finds a problem, they cover it up, they disgrace and discredit people, they even got one to the "swiftees" to change his story.
Don't worry NBC is spending four days interviewing Greek officials on how they built the venue so fast. It will never make it to the mainstream media because they all hate Bush like you.
Just like Clinton covering up his blow jobs.


What the Fuck! The DNC see's a problem and they cover it up!? I think your thinking of the GOP pal! The DNC disgraces and discredits people!? Again I think your Thinking of the GOP!

Thanks for bringing Clinton into this because it proves my point of the GOP disgracing and discrediting people! They tried to impeach the guy for getting a blow job! That is a perfect example of disgracing and discrediting people! Getting a blow job in the oval office is far different from the national security of the United States. Don't try to fucking compare the two!

Don't worry NBC is spending four days interviewing Greek officials on how they built the venue so fast

What the fuck is this!? Are you talking about the olympics here?
Dude, you better lighten up on the Starbucks and head over to Tullys or vise versa. You:mad: are going to blow a gasket.:eyeso:

Your buddy Clinton got caught lying under oath. But naturally, you being the democatic lemming that you are, it doesn't matter, because you only obey the law when it works in your favor.

Oh, by the way, your "war hero" that thought the war was bad and a mistake during the primaries just changed his mind again. Now he is saying that we should be waging a gentler war. What a phoney!!! Another flip-flop from anti-war to a pro-war candidate.

Go ahead give me a web site that refutes that.

Give me a web site that refutes the fact that John O'Neil debated John Kerry on the Dick Cavitt show and caught him in a bold faced lie about his service. I saw the tape. What are you going to say, the GOP doctored it? O'neil has been after Kerry every since he lied to the senate about committing war crimes back in the 70's.
He and 200 other swiftees refused to have their reputation tarnished by this two bit hack.

BTW, I don't necessaryily like Bush. I hate his views on immigration, pro-choice, censorship and a few other things. But, in my opinion, is the lesser of two evils.



Ranger said:
Dude, you better lighten up on the Starbucks and head over to Tullys or vise versa. You:mad: are going to blow a gasket.:eyeso:

I don't drink coffee!

Your buddy Clinton got caught lying under oath. But naturally, you being the democatic lemming that you are, it doesn't matter, because you only obey the law when it works in your favor.

Clinton lying under oath didnt get over 900 american trrops killed like Bush lying about weapons of mass destruction. Oh but just ignore that and live with corporate greed, lose your job, lose your social security benefits, watch as the rich pay less and less taxes as you pay more and more taxes, and follow Bush the "lesser of two evil's"! Yeah Right!

Oh, by the way, your "war hero" that thought the war was bad and a mistake during the primaries just changed his mind again. Now he is saying that we should be waging a gentler war. What a phoney!!! Another flip-flop from anti-war to a pro-war candidate.

Dude Kerry voted for the war in Iraq because he was lied to along with all the other senators so it's not exactly a flip-flop him being for the war. Get your facts straight will ya, oh I forgot look who I'm talking to someone who actually believes Bush!

Go ahead give me a web site that refutes that.

Why! You havn't given me a website that proves it!

Give me a web site that refutes the fact that John O'Neil debated John Kerry on the Dick Cavitt show and caught him in a bold faced lie about his service. I saw the tape. What are you going to say, the GOP doctored it? O'neil has been after Kerry every since he lied to the senate about committing war crimes back in the 70's.
He and 200 other swiftees refused to have their reputation tarnished by this two bit hack.

Again why should I give you a website that refutes that when you havnt given me a website that proves it? How am I supposed to know whether your telling the truth or whether your just pulling that out of your ass!


Staff member
Brino said:
georges, did you even read what was on that website? The information they are using is from a site called FactCheck.org! Are you really going to say that information from a site called FactCheck.org is a pack of lies? Open Your Eye's! Conservative's and Republicans are not saint's! They lie too! They are hateful too! They are willing to do anything to further their political career's too!
This attack machine attacking Kerry is the same attack machine that attacked Senator Mcain when he was running for the republican nomination in 2000! If you believe what they said about Kerry do you believe what they said about Mcain and keep in mind Mcain is on your side he's a republican/conservative! Are you going to be a hippocrite and say their right about Kerry but wrong about Mcain!
Once again I ask you to read whats on that site because those are facts straight from the military and if you say their lies then your attacking the military which you claim to love so much and saying their lying!

what is written aboiut kerry's military carrier is more than evident he cheated and lied for his medals that doesn't forgive.
a lot of bs i hear is democrat.
what ever are my beliefs i rest my case i don't belive in kerry so called military bravery and never will.
Originally posted by Brino
Yes he is! You missed what I was saying completely! GWB lied when he said he was a compassionate conservative. Infact he's a far right wing conservative no where near being compassionate! GWB lied when he said he would be the great uniter when infact he has become the great divider! He lied to the American public to get elected!
When I read that about Bush claiming that he was a compassionate conservative, I felt that I had to post this link... ;)

Compassionate Conservatism - http://www.markfiore.com/animation/compas.html


Ranger, I dont know if you played this game yet or not but I highly recommend it. Play this game and listen to everything it has to say. When your done tell me again that GWB is the lesser of two evils!

BTW I know it's a little corny but it has a lot to say if you just listen!
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