Ranger said:
geoges, you couldn't be more right with the about information that you have posted. Brino, I know that it is tough to see your hero as he really is..............a phoney that will do and say anything to become President.
Kerry isn't my hero Clinton is! A phoney that will do and say anything to become president. Hmmmmm, that reminds me of somebody, oh I know that reminds me of GWB promising during the 2000 election to be a compassionate conservative when infact he's a far right christian conservative! Who's the real phoney!
A least Bush put his job on the line with the fight against terrorism. You know what? It may cost him that job, but at least the guy has balls.
Oh so in your opinion a guy that dodges service in Vietnam has balls! GWB wasn't showing that he has balls by going into Iraq he was showing how much of a dumbass he is. Infact the whole war on terror is a huge demonstration of how ignorant and stupid a president can be!
What a bunch of hair splitting the DNC is doing with this "serve with, serve on" Crap, none of those hacks have any idea of what it is to serve..........period. In fact, gunner's mate, third class, George Watkins, did serve as Kerry's 50 cal. gunner just behind the bridge. He played a very important role in the sinking of the sampan. He killed an innocent child as his father made a reach for an AK-47. It still haunts him.
Ok first of all it is very ignorant of you to imply that only conservatives have served their country in the military and liberals havn't. Second again I ask
WHY NOW? Why after all these years come forward with this information? Why not do it when Kerry was running for the Senate? Why does Jon Mcain call these people liars if their telling the truth? Why do so many Veterans who actually did serve with Kerry support him if he's lying? Why do other people who were on the same boat with Kerry say these people are lying? That's alot of why's to answer and that leads me to believe these people are lying for partisan motives! You conservatives/republicans are getting very desperate to try and poke holes in Kerry's war record!
georges said:
kerry gets on my nerves and so does mr moore.4 months and 4 unmerited purple heartsit is time to stop thinking he is so brilliant he is just a weakminded person so stop dreaming.admit that he is the worst democrat alongwith mondale and dukkakis who both failed against republicans.
How am I supposed to believe anything you say georges when you didnt even get the facts straight! Kerry has 3 purple hearts not 4! And if you look at Bush's record you'll see that he is the worst republican president even worse than Nixon! Bush has caused the largest deficit this country has ever had and has the worst job creation record since the depression plus his so called war on terror has been a complete failure! He is not only the worst republican president he is the worst president ever period!
haha don't even try to pass that for the reality because it is a whole different situation in the us
1) kerry lied about his military his carrier and we have the proof tha the wanted to make weaker the us army
2) bush fights terrorism and didn't try to make the army weaker
1) Bush has made the U.S. military weaker with his foolhardy war in Iraq and Kerry didn't lie about his record!
2) How can I get this threw your head
Kerry volunteered to go to Vietnam Bush Dodged service! Stop questioning Kerry's record and start questioning your own guy's record. Why did Bush join the Air National Guard instead of going to Vietnam? Answer: He was a coward! Where was Bush during some of his stint in the Guard? Answer:
M.I.A.! Bush is a Greedy Coward and a Failure!