My Penis Is Dancing!
They have the right to protest, as I have the right to think they are nothing more than a bunch of cowardly little cunts.
on the whole grand scale of things, who really hates who?
and you think black panthers or nation of islam demonstrating vociferating their hate against whites isn't as bad as white supremacists? Look who is involved and enrolled in the nation of islam or black panthers: a bunch of ghetto scumbag criminals that are unworthy of their american citizenship and that should be jailed for life.
As soon as the Black Panthers and Nation of Islam show up to white people's houses in the middle of the night and start lynching folks, then I will be more inclined to say yes.
Hey Kim, what century are we in? :ban:
Let's not start down that route now, because as far as X race on Y race crimes, you don't have to look (google) far to see that todays victims of race based crimes (particularly violent ones) are white.
You really would see a disgruntled white population if the MSM had the cojones to put half the racially motivated crimes on the front page and first few minutes of the evening news.
I thought we were in the 21st century. However, this thread is evidence enough that there aint much difference between the 21st century and 19th century. As far as racially motivated crime stats today goes, they are just a drop in the bucket compared to decades past. Don't believe in karma, but this is as good as any situation to use the word.
Hey Kim, what century are we in? :ban:
Let's not start down that route now, because as far as X race on Y race crimes, you don't have to look (google) far to see that todays victims of race based crimes (particularly violent ones) are white.
You really would see a disgruntled white population if the MSM had the cojones to put half the racially motivated crimes on the front page and first few minutes of the evening news.
What? Where is this information coming from? You make it seem as though the white people are this helpless race that minorities are targeting and stalking every second of every day. Victims of race based crime is an area thats hard to measure because whites are the majority!!! Of course theres gonna be more Black on white crime than black on asian or hispanic. If you're going to make an argument like that you're going to only have to take hate crimes into consideration and the victims of hate crimes are statistically blacks and gays. In fact 2004 Hate crime rates suggest that Whites were way more than half of the offenders charged with a hate crime.
2008 offenders- whites are 61%
2008 Victims 16% of victims are white meaning minorities are the victim of a hate crime 84% of the time, yup white people would really be disgruntled over that.
And as for the MSM thing hmmm... lets see... 2x superbowl champ Ben Roethlisberger rapes a girl in the bathroom of a club, Jesse. James cheats on his award winning american sweetheart wife with a tatooed up forehead,nazi white supremacist, American media staple Larry king cheats on his wife with his siter in law (allegedly), Oh wait and theres that black tiger woods i think?...Did I mention him? No because every single minute EVERYONE (the msm) is talking about Tiger. It may not be a racially motivated crime but this just shows how the media DOES pick on blacks and other minorities, notice how those 3 other guys are..WHITE.. and didnt get nearly 1/4 the media attention of tiger woods.
What? Where is this information coming from? You make it seem as though the white people are this helpless race that minorities are targeting and stalking every second of every day. Victims of race based crime is an area thats hard to measure because whites are the majority!!! Of course theres gonna be more Black on white crime than black on asian or hispanic. If you're going to make an argument like that you're going to only have to take hate crimes into consideration and the victims of hate crimes are statistically blacks and gays. In fact 2004 Hate crime rates suggest that Whites were way more than half of the offenders charged with a hate crime.
2008 offenders- whites are 61%
2008 Victims 16% of victims are white meaning minorities are the victim of a hate crime 84% of the time, yup white people would really be disgruntled over that.
And as for the MSM thing hmmm... lets see... 2x superbowl champ Ben Roethlisberger rapes a girl in the bathroom of a club, Jesse. James cheats on his award winning american sweetheart wife with a tatooed up forehead,nazi white supremacist, American media staple Larry king cheats on his wife with his siter in law (allegedly), Oh wait and theres that black tiger woods i think?...Did I mention him? No because every single minute EVERYONE (the msm) is talking about Tiger. It may not be a racially motivated crime but this just shows how the media DOES pick on blacks and other minorities, notice how those 3 other guys are..WHITE.. and didnt get nearly 1/4 the media attention of tiger woods.
Hmmm, 61% of perps of "hate" crimes are white, eh? What I found most, and I mean MOST, laughable about that link was that these "hate" crimes are so "well defined". It was telling that less than 1% of these "hate" crimes consist of rape or murder; what was also telling were all the other so called "hate" crimes: the grafiti, property damage, and "intimidation" (whatever the fuck that means, I mean I can't tell you how many times I've been intimidated by people because I was white in the inner city), and other really evil, evil things (note sarcasm). This is not even getting into the issue of Latinos listed as "white"; another hole in your post here. Nor did do the math on the incident to population ratio, which I can only assume is minute. Very, very little substance was posted in your last post.
Honestly, I just glanced at your little link, saw these realities and closed it. Seriously, how loosely they define "hate" I have no idea, but I do know when a pro-minority crowd assembles anywhere in the name of "pride" it's totally one hundred percent healthy, but God forbid if it's a white group assembling even remotely hinting of any sort of "pride", it can, and has, been portrayed by outlets as "hate." I can assure you there is quite a bit of "hate" in La Raza, the New Black Panther Party and other dubious "organizations".
Don't surmise for one second that I support the scum from the OP; never. They're a disgrace on so many levels, I wouldn't let them near my house or anyone in my family for that matter.
PS: Google minority on white crime and see what you get with that (I'm too lazy right now...headin' to bed). There's a plethora of appalling statistics.
I don't think so meester unless you are implying that all men are secretly homosexual. What would be the object of the sexual arousal in this situation?
Again, let's consider the dusty, irrelevant document known as the Constitution. Is the point of Article 1 of the Bill of Rights meant to protect someone from speaking out against gov't or "power" and to assemble "peaceably" or was it meant to protect mobs of racists from assembling with NO INTENTION OF PEACE. :dunno:
There is no need to "protect" white supremacists or minority-based proto-racist groups. We do not need their viewpoints to "grow" our society.
It's really that simple.
Groups like these should be arrested under "Hate Crimes" statues, heavily fined and monitored. That's what I want my gov't to do. Protect me from them.
man i'm not defending these guys, i think they are too extreme.
all the hitler shit, c'mon, talk some sense, make some points and maybe someone will listen.
but protect you from them?
spend some time looking up crime stats in the usa, then seriously ask yourself if these
are the guys you need protecting from.
(keep in mind that mexicans are considered white in most crime stats)
or just take a walk in any poorer or even middle class city neighborhood in the usa after dark.
see how many white supremacists bother you.
consider it an experiment.
and tits you really want people charged with crimes and fined for using words?
The debate really is not about fascists just using words. They do not stop there.
And if you are smart, you better start checking on them via your government agencies.
They are out to attack people and ultimately, too build a Fourth reich, if you accept them.
Plus: Think ybout your children, and the gullible people. The fascists got a LOT smarter over the last years and they offer schoolchildren free music CDs etc, but with incredibly pro-genocide lyrics etc. And so they grow the fastest.
Just prohibiting them to scream murder in your streets is only the first step.
But, sad to say, at least one of the members here seems to be at least half way there, if we read his posts.
The dying white race? Man, we all developed from a tribe in Africa.
The whole concept of race is so backwards, it's pathetic.
The debate really is not about fascists just using words. They do not stop there.
And if you are smart, you better start checking on them via your government agencies.
They are out to attack people and ultimately, too build a Fourth reich, if you accept them.
Plus: Think ybout your children, and the gullible people. The fascists got a LOT smarter over the last years and they offer schoolchildren free music CDs etc, but with incredibly pro-genocide lyrics etc. And so they grow the fastest.
Just prohibiting them to scream murder in your streets is only the first step.
But, sad to say, at least one of the members here seems to be at least half way there, if we read his posts.
The dying white race? Man, we all developed from a tribe in Africa.
The whole concept of race is so backwards, it's pathetic.
They don't intend on stopping at speech. We all know that but you can't arrest them until they conspire to or actually commit crimes.
Just like the Hutaree militia...they had every right to maintain a militia until they allegedly started conspiring to commit crimes.
I think I disagree there. I think most of them do intend on stopping at speech. I think the "White Supremacist" movement, for the most part, is nothing more than feigned outrage in order to bond with other outcasts and excuse a lackluster life.
Sure I'm 36 and rent a single bedroom, rickety apartment near the airport...but that's because the Jews control the money and the Blacks and Mexicans are given all the jobs.
There's lots of these idiots, yet no wave of violence. That's because these knuckleheads are two things: 1) they're smart enough to know that a flux in violent, racially motivated crime would be their demise and 2) they're lazy. It's all talk. It's all daydreaming ego masturbation with these people. They don't want to "do anything" about the "problem" because they know they'd fail and, worse, they know they can't pretend to be victims anymore if they did.
Anyway, I'm glad you defend their right for them to make fools of themselves. I never understand when people support the regulating of speech they object to. I don't like the idea of putting the entire nation under RICO statutes that can render one a criminal depending on who they associate themselves with and what kind of rhetoric the spew. Are we gonna start arresting Crips who throw up gang signs and college "Marxists" who don their Che shirts and protest their tuition rates? Or how about Muslim clerics that advocate Sharia law or churches that claim that gays are damned to hell?
Universal McCarthyism sounds like a scary scenario to me.
Good Stuff. Some nice solid evidence to counter the bullshit flying out of that guys arse. By the way, just because it says hate crime doesn't necessarily mean that it is always racial. Hate crimes can and do include those committed against people because of religion, sexual orientation, political views, social status, and mental illness. I am willing to bet that a good chunk of hate crimes committed against whites were probably committed by other whites *gasp*:eek:. I once read a story about a bunch of skin heads basically beating this young white man to death because he had schizophrenia. Don't believe me? Shit all you have to do is look back at what Hitler was doing to mentally ill people back in the day to get a good idea what his followers in this generation are probably up too. Dont' worry though, this isn't a rant against white people in general. I believe mankind as a whole is full of shit.:wave2:
Hahah yes his evidence is very solid and the bullshit is flying out of my arse is coming out of the Federal Bereau of Investigation, yup those statistics sure are bullshit.
If you would have actually taken the time to read the link you would have read that 51% instances are racially charged crimes plus another 12% for ethnicity, which yields 63%, more than half of instances. Racially charged crime makes up nearly 2/3 of all hate crimes, that is a very substantial amount.
The thing that irks me is that guy thinks he speaks for the whole nation when he says that he is the victim of a racially charged crime and white, of course if you live in the inner city where crime is in abundance and minority groups make up most of the population, there is a high percentage that if you are the victim of a crime its going to probably be a black or hispanic offender. I live in El Paso, TX a place thats like 85% hispanic, hmmm if someone that's hispanic steals my car am I gonna say its was a racially charged crime? No because hispanics are the greatest % of the population. If I, a hispanic, go to Hickville, alabama to a school thats like 97% white and get into a fight because I decided to fight a guy that I just didn't like, is that racially charged?.... NO, not until they call me a ****** or wetback or I call him a honky or cracker at least.
So basically what im trying to say is that to get a fair conclusion of how racially charged crimes are committed you can't go off of personal experience, you would have to find some sort of city that is racially proportionate and gets some sort of statistics from it... and as you can see from the FBI's conclusion more than 1/3 of the entire hate crimes (including sexual orientation, religion and disability) committed in the U.S. are by whites for racial or ethnic reasons.