The right being protected is free speech in this case t/R.:2 cents:
The overwhelming majority of people victimized by crimes are so based on opportunity. To the degree that a crime occurs solely based on racial animus for one person of another, historically it's been overwhelmingly white anglo/(identify as) Christian against some other race, religion or ethnicity.
From what I have seen of various other non white, race based organizations like Black Panthers, Nation of Islam, ADL, La Raza, etc....they don't go fly across the country, go into some places in Mississippi, South Carolina, Georgia or Florida where pockets of other extremist live to antagonize or instigate.
Certainly in those circumstances the response locally might have been far worse.
what a controversial topic!
addressing paragraph 1.
which history is that?
regarding the USA, sure in the past, in certain parts of the country blacks were victimized criminally by whites on occasion.
but, and deny this if you want, blacks have been committing crimes on whites all that while too.
it just doesnt feed our white guilt mentalitys to talk about that.
but today is what matters, and tomorrow matters even more.
black on white violent crime is about 500+ times more higher than vice versa in the country, and its been that way for years now.
in the schools and in the real world.
I'm not saying that if a white walks through a black neighborhood he/she will surley get victimized, but the chances, based on statistics and just basic reality, are much higher than vice versa.
so the only point i can see by saying "historically whites have victimized blacks" is basically so twisted mentality " well now its payback time white folks".
it is what it is.
and you say black groups don't go places and try to instigate?
sure they do, the only difference is that whites take it, they don't go getting all violent and starting riots, they just listen, take it, and keep theyre fucking mouths shut..or else.
If we want to get rid of "race" as a consideration in our American society, and truly be "the melting pot" that we sentimentally teach ourselves and rationalize to "the world" than we need to stop racial segregation in this country. We need to do away with the concept of the ghetto, the barrio and the white suburb and bring people live in the same areas, as AMERICANS. The idea that property taxes build "the community" only pits one family against the other and limits over half our population from ever doing anything with their lives. The reason that nobody from "the ghetto" goes to college is because the high school, funded by minimal taxes from residents and state/federal grants, can't compete with the white suburbia school. When the minority family actually "rose up" economically and in education and tried to buy a house "the American dream" the white real estate agent or white banker said "Nope" on that mortgage application.
The point of racist groups to march and "demonstrate" is to get in a fight and to bait people into attacking them. It is not to present one's views. And, these views are garbage views and not worth our protection.
Again, society is much more complex than the wig-wearing and flint-lock days of yesteryear. When we see garbage, we dispose of it. I don't see why some group's garbage opinion should be protected. It is not an open organization, it is a closed-to-whites-only organization. That has to stop.
nice post indeed.
well, you want to get rid of racial considerations in the country?
who are the ones always bringing up race?
its blacks and white liberal types......and the news media.
you cant go a day without reading a story about blacks bitching about some injustice they feel is happening, or some isolated crime against a black,
theres always some story which is only intended to create racial diviseness by making blacks more pissed and whites feeling more guilty about being white!
its the ones that are always talking about it who are actually creating it!
Hell half THE PRESIDENTS inauguration speech was about race.
racial segregatiion?
what racial segregation?
last i heard you can live wherever you want, just gotta be able to afford it.
get rid of the ghettos and white suburbs?
who's fault is it that one group reproduced so fast?
that they have a very very high rate of teenage pregnancy and are and have been having kids they can't afford for 40+ years now?
So what do you want? forced intergration?
the GOV telling people where they can live?
the GOV forcing people to live in certain areas.
And paying for it for the blacks?
you say blacks can't go to college because of the white man.
they can't buy a house because of the white man and his racist policys.
thats bullshit.
total bullshit.
did you know almost any poor black can go to college free of charge?
all they gotta do is graduate high school.
whats so fucking hard about that?
jesus! youre practically saying that blacks are too stupid to graduate high school.
no, you are saying that.
It's hard to keep all the contradictions straight in this post. It's hard to take you seriously when you make no sense. Mexicans are more "American" than most Americans. They work hard to assimilate. They buy more American cars, drink more shitty American beer than most white people today.
The passage I've quoted makes me wonder if you really care about America's problems or just enjoy broadly scape-goating people.
I guess you think that nonwhites choose to have no "values," by which I believe you probably mean Ronny Reagan Values, huh? I guess you don't think there's any way that the misery and seemingly entrenched crime might have an actual broader societal cause, huh?
yeah most mexicans try hard to assimilate, ok keep dreaming.
and i live in the real world tits, and i'm not saying that all blacks today have no values, no class, and a basic degenerate mentality.........but i will say without doubt in my mind that in this current young generation
too many do.
we all know, we all see it.
like i said all that their grandparents worked for down the toilet.
and if i was black, that's the thing i'd be most pissed about.
Even Bill Cosby said the same, but he was orsticised over that of course, i guess the truth hurts.
So you want forced intergration paid for by the taxpayers and i think segragation
may be the only chance of not seeing the country become 3rd world.
I hate to feel as I do about that, but based on the current situation that is the opinion I've formed.
Good day.